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Next Planet(If Intended)


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Sounds good to me.
Would the boss be "a mini version" on the maps leading up to the final map and the be "thougher"?

Would he/she/it just show up, pehaps say something and send tons of crap at you? Maybe sometimes fighting you but retreating when getting low hp/shields?


Would the boss be appear in every mission or be random? Could he send mini-boss henchmen instead of showing up?

Would he be a boss with stages?
1: Break the buffers - rather easy - walls/floor coverd with "generators" constantly refilling shields if it has those? (Mass destruction - getting to know the arena + boss)

2: Break the armor - fire at weak spots avoid attack 1 and 2 (aim and perception)

3: Deplete energy reserves - avoid getting hit by "spells" and try to get the boss to fire at specific locations to make it hurt itself/ drain energy. (Patterns - tactic - timing)

4: Speed battle - Enraged the boss now switches tactics and fights with increased speed an "melee" attacks. Agro-drawn attacks. (speed, debuff, buff - ally focused tactics)

5: Reinforcements - final stage. Boss tries to regenerate some of his health and switches back into ranged mode. Multiple enemies swarm the battlefield. (Focus fire stage, trash mob-enemies rather commonly drops both energy and hp-globes + mods)

6: REWARD TIME! - Larger then normal rewards, mods (yes more then one) resources. Possible drop of "Void escape key"



*Void escape:
A mission with high lvl enemies and many loot rooms. Map is collapsing or a massive unkillable horror closes in on you (map is kind of on time).

*hmm could there be a way of killing the monster...hmm...super secret? or not...

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Sounds good to me.

Would the boss be "a mini version" on the maps leading up to the final map and the be "thougher"?


Would he/she/it just show up, pehaps say something and send tons of crap at you? Maybe sometimes fighting you but retreating when getting low hp/shields?


Would the boss be appear in every mission or be random? Could he send mini-boss henchmen instead of showing up?

Would he be a boss with stages?

1: Break the buffers - rather easy - walls/floor coverd with "generators" constantly refilling shields if it has those? (Mass destruction - getting to know the arena + boss)

2: Break the armor - fire at weak spots avoid attack 1 and 2 (aim and perception)

3: Deplete energy reserves - avoid getting hit by "spells" and try to get the boss to fire at specific locations to make it hurt itself/ drain energy. (Patterns - tactic - timing)

4: Speed battle - Enraged the boss now switches tactics and fights with increased speed an "melee" attacks. Agro-drawn attacks. (speed, debuff, buff - ally focused tactics)

5: Reinforcements - final stage. Boss tries to regenerate some of his health and switches back into ranged mode. Multiple enemies swarm the battlefield. (Focus fire stage, trash mob-enemies rather commonly drops both energy and hp-globes + mods)

6: REWARD TIME! - Larger then normal rewards, mods (yes more then one) resources. Possible drop of "Void escape key"



*Void escape:

A mission with high lvl enemies and many loot rooms. Map is collapsing or a massive unkillable horror closes in on you (map is kind of on time).

*hmm could there be a way of killing the monster...hmm...super secret? or not...

Nice :D


Edit: I would love to see this ingame, exactly what I'm looking for.(the boss appears throughout the lvls and runs away, leaving his henchmen to fight you)

Edited by RsxHayabusa
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I want Planet X with whole new series of enemies. Revealed in a new weekend event. What about a fully robotic infestation race, like a self replicating robot race. Also able to control Moa's with advanced technology.

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Just saying what DE said in and earlier stream.
I would aslo like to see where the solar rails could take uss and venture beyond our solar system - meet "aliens" and what not. It's just that the solar system "irl" is pretty damn huge. Having 207 missions is kind of a low number for such a huge space. While they've added Ceres and Sedna, Eris and Europa to make this into 13 planets insted of the nomral number (yes Pluto was in there too). There are still possibilities to add a lot of missions/areas.

I think that with time each of the planets will have its destinct feel and looks. There might be more than one typ of ship design for factions and then adding the exploration of "the void" there is really nothing to hold the size down.


So basicly what I think will happen (hope for) is that each faction will have their own enviroment, if Corpus has an outpost on Uranus there will be Corpus buildings there, and if Grineer has also settled on Uranus there will be Grineer buildings. The terrain will also be unique for that planet. Perhaps togheter with some kind of resource that is best gathered there.


Map designers may just have to rethink some of their working methods but still. Doing some buildings and indoor tiles should be doable.

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