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Have you played Saryn recently?


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On 8/30/2016 at 11:09 PM, mrbeefy15 said:

I just recently played 3 Survival missions on Titan Saturn as Saryn and it was one of the most enjoyable experiences.

I went over 1000 kills each game, around 20 to 30 minutes a game. I have a pretty Jack of all Trades build with Regenerative Molt augment. First, I place down a clone. Second, I put spores on the clone. Third, cast Toxic Lash and switch to melee. Fourth, let the enemy kill the spores and the clone. Fifth, cast Miasma to clean up with damage amp from toxic and viral or melee any targets with spores on them and cast more clones if my health gets too low. Meleeing targets with spores while Toxic Lash is up restores some energy and Regenerative Molt Restores health. If played safely and correctly, you can survive with a lot of energy and health sustain without a support while outputting a crap ton of damage. High risk, high reward, high skill ceiling and you need some luck on your side. Just my kind of frame.

If you're with a really good team of let's say a Frost, Trinity, and Nekros or something, Saryn alone will be able to output damage and the rest of the team will be able to support and sustain you through the longest of endless missions. Pick Saryn up.

I used melee the most but a shotgun, sonicor or something that can deal with nullifiers, and fast melee weapon will carry you and your team through those missions. Cheers.

Edit 1: I'm glad to see you guys enjoying this thread and there are some Saryn mains posting here as well. Hopefully the TOXICITY will be kept to a minimum... or a maximum, depending. :klappa:

Edit 8/31/2016: To sum it all up, for those who have posted, Saryn has touched us in one way or another and holds a special place in our hearts. She holds the place as the AOE-DOT-DPS-Melee-Caster-Health-Regen-Tank in my heart and pre-rework as the spam 4 to win. Post-rework, I feel like she's more rewarding to play and keeps the gameplay engaging with a high skill ceiling. She requires a lot more brain power to be effective but damn is she effective at her job if done correctly. That kind of gameplay makes us better players. She better identifies herself as the frame that melts enemies slowly and painfully through diesease and plague. I think DE did a wonderful job at executing her rework. In the end, it's just a game but...


I have a jack of all trades build too but could you share the build please? Just to compare.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Did you post a video of you clearing level 9999 like was claimed? No? Then you didn't post proof either. 

I supported my statements logically. You resorted to various logical fallacies instead then tried gloating about it See:

Playing chess with a pidgin, indeed. 

So, for you a high DPS frame should be able to kill level 9999 enemies? 
What the actual F***?!? 
There is not any warframe that can kill a level 9999 enemy without cheese (covert lethality) or a combo with Banshee. 
Then, If you show me a video of Nova killing some 9999 enemies fast enough to keep the life capsules dropping from survival missions (without cheese) or supported by any other frame. I'll give you the reason that Saryn is not good enough to kill that enemies of that level.
Also, try reading correctly. I never said I could post a video killing level 9999 enemies really fast.
If that's all your point, then we should keep looking for something else...

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Did you post a video of you clearing level 9999 like was claimed? No? Then you didn't post proof either. 

I supported my statements logically. You resorted to various logical fallacies instead then tried gloating about it See:

Playing chess with a pidgin, indeed. 

Arbitrary numbers

Why level 9999?

At 60 waves of ODD you face level 125-150 enemies and I was able to deal more damage than 3 people with tonkors. 

I probably could have gone to wave 80 and beyond but I had a serious case of real life

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14 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Did you post a video of you clearing level 9999 like was claimed? No? Then you didn't post proof either. 

I supported my statements logically. You resorted to various logical fallacies instead then tried gloating about it See:

Playing chess with a pidgin, indeed. 

Also, I'm not sure you proof anything by saying that you didn't like to press 3 buttons to do what she was doing before with one button. And that's false, because Saryn does way more than before. 
Comparing two warframes that fill different roles isn't a good evidence to support what you say. 

Please, ignoring what has been said before this point. Could you proof that Saryn is not worth the spot of high DPS dealer?

If you do, and I can't counter you right now, I'll admit that, and this conversation will end right there.

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)BrutalReaper32 said:



5 minutes ago, Helch0rn said:

Why level 9999?

Because your side of the argument specifically mentioned killing level 9999 enemies. 

Heck, you didn't even show you quickly wiping out level 200+ enemies. Saying you can do it is not the same thing as proving it. 

4 minutes ago, (PS4)BrutalReaper32 said:

Could you proof that Saryn is not worth the spot of high DPS dealer?

See above. You need to actually prove that she is even a contender before I can shut it down. 

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:


Because your side of the argument specifically mentioned killing level 9999 enemies. 

Heck, you didn't even show you quickly wiping out level 200+ enemies. Saying you can do it is not the same thing as proving it. 

See above. You need to actually prove that she is even a contender before I can shut it down. 

I said level 125-150

I will post a screenshot once I am back home from work

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1 minute ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Just FYI, I don't care about screen shots. Videos or nothing. Screen shots are too easy to doctor, and don't actually show what was happening in the match. . 

Do you know how hard is to find videos about this game right? 
I don't make videos, and I'm not going to make one just because you "don't like" screenshots. 

That video, is an elemental combo of spores + gas on a weapon with high base damage, high status chance and critical damage. (one of the best options beside melee combat). 

And this one is a Melee Saryn against level 110 corrupted heavy gunners. 

Now, could you tell me what MR you should be to get to level 200 enemies? because I'm sure nobody could get these levels of enemies in the simulacrum, and now I don't know anybody who could lose his time to get to level 200 enemies and kill them to show you Saryn's potential. 

If you can play that time without getting bored, you could try yourself if you want. So, at the moment just wait for the screenshots. 

*If I find more videos, I'll post them here*

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1 minute ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Just FYI, I don't care about screen shots. Videos or nothing. Screen shots are too easy to doctor, and don't actually show what was happening in the match. . 

Okay, before this gets any further, I really have to ask for your standarts for that evidence. Because you simply won't any more rigorous data than "I outperformed several frames that are considered top damage dealer, who were piloted by people who knew what they were doing" (we call that "semi-quantitative data"). There are too many factors to control against, for example:

- the built against which Saryn is compared

- the specific vulnerabilties and resistances of the enemies and if they give Saryn or the frames she is tested against an additional advantage

- the balance between the weapons, because different frames benefit from different weapons

And this alone is a S#&$-ton of stuff you need to control for.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)BrutalReaper32 said:


*snickering* if that's what you consider fast kills then I really don't know what to tell you. Kudos for at least trying though. It didn't actually prove anything but at least you finally posted some actual evidence. I am curious as you why you are talking about finding more videos rather than just posting videos you recorded yourself.  

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37 minutes ago, (PS4)Heads_Cutter said:

Please tell me the mods on your saryn

Overextended and stretch are essential. For spores power strength is useless as the strength of them comes from popping spores. Reg.Molt helps a lot as well. Otherwise, person preference i find. Duration should be at least 100% though i find and power eff. Isn't needed that much usually for me. The weapon used makes a difference too. Ignis, Hikou and other AoE weapons tend to work best.


Also, the person who tried pointing out Nova. They both half enemy health in a different way(viral/double damage), just one can do cc and the other can do AoE damage. X

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5 minutes ago, Weltraumfred said:

I really have to ask for your standarts for that evidence.

I am not picky. Just 5 minutes or more of video in a live mission, and since the claim is about Saryn being better DPS then it needs to actually focus on her powers. Using weapons is fine, just don't have the weapons do all the work then claim it is her. The frames only frames that should have weapons count as part of their DPS are frames that specifically augment it (e.g. Nova, Banshee, Mirage).

It's fair to use weapons to set off her skills, just don't stand in their face, unload a Kohm and claim that is her DPS.   

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)Twinna25 said:

Overextended and stretch are essential. For spores power strength is useless as the strength of them comes from popping spores. Reg.Molt helps a lot as well. Otherwise, person preference i find. Duration should be at least 100% though i find and power eff. Isn't needed that much usually for me. The weapon used makes a difference too. Ignis, Hikou and other AoE weapons tend to work best.


Also, the person who tried pointing out Nova. They both half enemy health in a different way(viral/double damage), just one can do cc and the other can do AoE damage. X

Wait so strength is useless? But then low strength will make spores do absolutely no damage 


And I cast spores on molt and recast molt....have I been doing it wrong?

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

I am not picky. Just 5 minutes or more of video in a live mission, and since the claim is about Saryn being better DPS then it needs to actually focus on her powers. Using weapons is fine, just don't have the weapons do all the work then claim it is her. 

Erm ... Spore popping and poison spreading via high status gas weapons and strong Melee weapons with Toxic Lash on are pretty essential to her kit. That's what I meant with "you have to (statistically) control for weapons".

Edited by Weltraumfred
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5 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

*snickering* if that's what you consider fast kills then I really don't know what to tell you. Kudos for at least trying though. It didn't actually prove anything but at least you finally posted some actual evidence. I am curious as you why you are talking about finding more videos rather than just posting videos you recorded yourself.  

That's a bit slow because, Saryn escales based on the amount of enemies that she poisons, and as the simulacrum usually has small groups of enemies, the spores and the poison don't spread dealing the amounts of damage she is capable of. I haven't found any video that proofs what she is capable of when she fights massive groups of enemies. 
Also, I don't make videos, but at least you have evidence in the videos I posted here. 
If you want to try her out against level 200 enemies, go ahead. You seem to have enough time to get to that point without getting bored. I'll just tell you that Saryn's damage escales, so that's why in the correct circumstances, she can kill fast. Saryn isn't as popular, so people don't make enough videos about her, but if you knew the basic game mechanic, you would understand that Saryn escales well into endgame because:
-melee weapons have high base damage.
-melee weapons increase their base damage with the combo counter.
-Poison damage escales with base damage.
-Toxic lash increases the base damage to every melee weapon by a lot.
-Toxic procs stack.
-Toxic procs last way longer when Saryn inflicts them.
.Viral procs take away 50% of the enemies HP as long as you keep spreading spores.

Please, put together all these little game mechanics, and you will find out that Excalibur, Saryn, Valkyr and Wukong are the only warframes that could escale forever. (again, not counting the cheese it is cover lethality) If that's not enough, I don't know what could be...

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

I am not picky. Just 5 minutes or more of video in a live mission, and since the claim is about Saryn being better DPS then it needs to actually focus on her powers. Using weapons is fine, just don't have the weapons do all the work then claim it is her. The frames only frames that should have weapons count as part of their DPS are frames that specifically augment it (e.g. Nova, Banshee, Mirage).

It's fair to use weapons to set off her skills, just don't stand in their face, unload a Kohm and claim that is her DPS.   

Hey, Saryn is not a CASTER. She needs weapon, because her abilities escale based on the elemental combos of them. 
I'll explain Saryn's kit so you can understand why.
.Spores:  They create viral blobs on the enemy's body which can be spreaded by "shooting" at them, or inflicting any other way of poison damage to them, including Toxic Lash, Molt and Miasma (which is corrosive damage).
-Molt: creates a decoy that draws aggro and releases poison damage when killed. 
-Toxic lash: increases the base damage of your Melee weapon and gives it 100% poison status chance.
-Miasma: releases corrosive damage in AoE.

So, basically you thought Saryn was bad because you thought she was a caster type warframe? She needs to cast abilities a lot, but if you read the descriptions, you'll find that she has been made as a melee warframe. Spores restore energy to saryn when she kills enemies affected by them with a MELEE WEAPON with Toxic Lash. Toxic Lash applies damage and status to MELEE WEAPONS. Miasma deals damage by itself, but it should be combined with spores and poison, and the best way to spread spores and poison a lot of enemies in shorts periods of time for Saryn are MELEE WEAPONS.

If you think she is an Ember or Equinox caster type, then you are totally wrong mate.

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