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So I´ve been watching this Video of Tactical Potato ranting about the missing endgame. It got me thinking why I am taking my little break right now and why all my friends are never motivated to play with me. Its not the new void, wich I quite like, or any changes to frames and definitely the lack of good content. Its the lack of an endgame worth playing. There is no goal to achieve, no border where weapons begin to drop off.

Right now, what I do is to play Void missions to get those damn Vauban Systems (or any parts, rng be praised), try to get more relics and level stuff. Basically the same as always, just outside the old, boring Void tileset and with some differnt enemys and missions, wich is good. But it is boring, there are no real challenges. Sorties can be nice, but it depends on the task given.

So we tried to come up with some solutions that will not require too much programming and are rather some engaging missions for us veterans.

At first, these missions would need to be endless, since Exterminate is never a real challenge because there is no pressure from the enemy. Survival, Interception, Excavation and Defense are all fine. Second, why don´t we just play those already existing missions? Because of the lack of rewards worthwhile. 500 Credits? Ok, nice, I will put them to those million others that I already have or still need. Relics? Lets go to Earth, Pluto, Eris and everywhere else just to get one single frickin relic. Endo? I only need 40K! For one rank! So, why not make those endless missions get paid well. Hieracon for example is nice, because I actually get those 5k caches and not 500-cred-ones, but it still could be better. Alwyas having to get 3000 Kryotik to have harder enemys can be really boring.

One possible solution would be to make special, endless missions with scaling rewards. Slowly scaling, but scaling. (Implement it as a rotation D,E,F?) Maybe just put in all relics, so you can get what you want, but might need to play much longer than when actually farming for a certain one. Also, Endo and credits in reasonable but big amounts, since we have things like primed mods to rank up. Maybe even Wraith-Weaponparts every 20 Minutes. All of them together with relics, endo, some rare mods, so sorties will still be very useful to get one specific weapon. This way we would have a lot of reasons to actually play these mission while not flooding the market and making getting an old weapon very hard.

But where are these missions? Not only Void again, please. Make one of those on every planet so we can choose the tileset, enemys, resources, drops and so on, we encounter. Use the beste tiles we already have, like the Grineer Gallon Defense map to change the battlefield and keep it interesting.

What might be harder to implement but be very appreciated is bosswaves. Every 20 Minutes there could be a wave solemly of heavys. or flyers, or whatever the faction and tileset can offer. Endless Moon Defense? Give us a bunch of Sentients for those really rare things they drop. Corpus Outpost Interception? A pack of Bursas or Hyena- Units would make camping harder, require skill to overcome and could force players out before the final reward (wich is good since its a challenge). Waves purely of Nullifiers. Napalms. Ancients. Those most annyoing fu**ers we can find anywhere. So many people want more Dark Souls in Warframe, why not make them suffer a bit?


Thanks for reading, maybe we can have some sort of endgame again to keep the veterans invested.

Please excuse my horrible english

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I wonder, why just Wraith when we have also Mara and Vandal to choose from.

I was ok reading until the 'waves of nullies', I have to ask, why? There are no secrets about their weakness and how to deal with them, I'm not saying the other mobs you suggested would be more difficult, but the nullies themselves have no tactic or hotspot but the bubble itself, and now with the recent hotfix, they spawn without the bubble, so would be even more easy to take those wave out (haven't tested that though).

For overall, endgame is pretty basic in Warframe, so that's why is not taken seriously. Personally would be awesome to encounter world bosses, or raid bosses that are an actual challenge, but all these changes may mean time, a lot of time to implement (maybe not that much). Many of us may have awesome ideas of new "endgame" content, but I started yo think that the content chosen to be ingame must be simple, and not Jaeden, Lich King, Twin Emperors style.

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39 minutes ago, Wolvebrother said:

(Implement it as a rotation D,E,F?)

It's all fun and games until DE puts the new prime access relics there, or some ultra rare stuff in F. It would just become the new C.

Not to mention the fact that scaling endless rewards will also make people go longer. Now you might say "this is what I'm asking for", but the fact is you're not the only one who will need to run these missions if they have anything special in them. Some people would not go for the challenge it gives, but for the rewards, and this will bring back the stupid mindless campings and metas just in different tilesets because people want the rewards, and it will in turn cause more nerfs and whatnot. I for one don't like long endless runs (1h or more), because staying in the same mission for that amount of time bores me to death.

The alternative I'd suggest would be the choice of difficulty: After finishing all the nodes in the starchart, you'll be able to start any node in a higher (but not lower) difficulty if you want: Easy (T1), Medium (T2), Hard (T3), Very Hard (T4), and Ultra (Same droptables as T4, but with sortie level). The difficulty would change the enemy level obviously, and the droptables would reflect each tier's drops, be it in credits, Endo, drop chances, etc, all except the relics themselves, so that you can still play Earth interception and get Lith/Meso relics without getting bored to death. This will add more choice, more challenge, and will not "force" players into doing endless. Endless lovers will start endless in the interesting levels, and other players have nothing to complain about since the change doesn't affect them. 

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@TheScytale: what I wanted to say is to increase the droprates bit by bit and to do that in a way that changes the rotation. So instead of having aabc-aabc we might have aabc-bbcd-ccde, with the only difference being higher amounts of creds/endo/chances in those rotations. So the longer you stay, the better you get paid, but if you just want that rotation C reward, do just 20 mins and leave. Not putting the really important stuff there would of course be very important. Just stuff you can get everywhere but in higher amounts to make it interesting. The idea with the Weaponparts is to free them from the sorties, yet make them still rare. Having that many parts in one rotation makes it really hard to get a specific one. But thats just an idea.

A tiered difficulty would be perfect, but I imagine it to be much harder to implement. My system would basically mean to add one mission per planet, give it absurd starting levels and set the rewards. Something better could then be done when there are people that can invest the time to code and think through that.

This Idea is more about a short term fix to adress the points made in the Video and some of my own Problems with the game right now.


@Maxitotito: Nullies are an example. Even having giant hordes of Trashmobs could prove interesting, but that might kill the fps for most. The easiest way would be Bursas and other Minibosses. Real Bosses would be quite epic, but there might be a lot of Problems where the boss depends on the Tileset (thinking of Tyl Regor now).



The problem I see is, that wen need engaging and challenging endgame-content, without building huge new systems and Maps, but rather use what we have. Building the good stuff takes a lot time and money.

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