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Relics, Ducats, Baro... farm and grind all week for 3 / 2 mods


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I used to play this game several hours a day and get everything I wanted. But now that the system has changed and so has my life (more work & relationship) I don't have the time for it anymore. WF has always been grindy, but even though they love saying they'll decrease the grind, it's only gotten worse. So now I buy prime junk to get ducats, because I have a life now - sort of anyway. I guess that's exactly what they wanted - more of my money. I'd say "WP DE", but not really. Just a short matter of time before I'm completely burnt out and gone, just like Mogamu.

Edited by -AxHx-Vile
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19 hours ago, FierceRadiance said:

I mean no disrespect to you personally, Zanchak.  But I'm always leery of forum posts by folk who claim to know what other players are thinking and feeling, especially if it just happens to coincide with what they think and feel.  Brother, I believe you feel that way, I'm less inclined to believe that you know what I or any other player feels.  And I've read enough forum posts by enough different players over the years to strongly believe entitlement is an ongoing and obvious concern (obvious to many, but usually not to the entitled player, of course), at least among a percentage of forumites. If that number doesn't include you, then that's a good thing.  I know there are plenty of others reading to whom it does apply, however.

But that said, I agree that I've reached a point in the game where I'm not willing to put in the many, many hours I strongly believe it will take for me to grind my way to Nekros P or Vauban P.  I also strongly believe that DE knows exactly how many players are earning -as opposed to just purchasing- these hard-to-earn Prime 'frames.  Obviously, the more players who buy them (i.e., spend money to support the game) the better for DE.  I think we all get that.  And if a large enough number of players feel the same as you and I, and DE sees very few (or even no) players are earning these frames, they'll make adjustments.  Burning man-hours to create game assets which then go to waste is a bad business idea, and I'm sure they will fix any game mechanic which THEY believe isn't working the way they designed it to, our opinions notwithstanding.

As far as expecting DE to always do what they said they were planning to do, that's just not realistic.  I know, it's angering. But you've playing the game long enough to know that the devs have made any number of comments about things they wanted to change, or plan to change, or things they will be fixing, etc. which just for one reason or another just never materialized.  It's just life in the RW.  I'm embarrassed but honest enough to admit that I haven't always done what I said I would do, and I can't hold someone else to a higher standard than I expect of myself.

That's fair enough (and none was taken). I just AM aware of how the housemate feels. It's very much disappointment mixed with irritation because what used to be a world open to casual AND "extreme" players has now really cut out the casual entirely and yes, that frustration is reflected very much in my own words because on the one hand we have - tons of people "getting everything they want really easily" (via the roll the dice prime system - which of course they are going to love and defend to their last breath because its like xmas everyday) and on the other hand you have those of us who maybe play alone or in smaller squads when we can, at possibly strange hours, who are "seemingly" punished for not grinding for 6 hours a day. (I say seemingly because, this system as a whole really does to us, feel like a huge slap purely because we don't/can't have 4-person squads always)

I do realize it sounds like Im saying make it easier, Im not. Im saying make it fairer. As for the grind less thing, it mostly sticks out purely because it didn't stay the same, or get less - it got worse.. so yeh, that sticks out like a sore thumb lol. This roll the dice thing is just feeding the want it all now greed that humans seem to possess purely because they can SEE something to choose, and blinding them to the fact they are grinding twice as much for pretty much everything.

There was another comment somewhere above about using multiple relics for endless missions - my response to that is just a flat out no. 1 key used to equal however long you lasted. Now its 4 relics for 1 piece, every single time you go. That is beyond greedy enough already, grind-wise. If they do multiple rolls with these cabbages, it should burn 1, not 1 every 5 minutes.

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  • 2 months later...

Finally it got changed....

THX DE, you could have replied here though, since what you did is almost exactly as suggested in here somewhere...


Endless Void Fissure Missions Changes & Additions:

Interception, Defense, Survival, and Excavation Endless Void Fissure Missions have been revamped and now function in a new way! 

First, every reward interval can have it's own Relic selected and opened (if you get enough Reactant per interval). 

Secondly, the reward intervals are as follows (for clarity):

Defense: 5 Waves.
Interception: 1 Round.
Survival: 5 Minutes.
Excavation: 200 Cryotic. 

Should you collect the necessary Reactant per interval and open your Relic, a bonus will occur and you will be allowed to re-select a new Relic for the next interval! The bonuses are as follows:

  • Every time you open a Relic, you get a pre-determined booster. These boosters stack the longer you stay.  
  • The first interval: 1.25x Affinity.
  • The second interval: 1.25x Credits.
  • The third interval: 1.25x Resources.
  • The fourth interval: 1.25x Resource Drop Rate. 
  • The fifth interval: a random Exceptional Relic (that can be used in the same mission). 
  • The sixth interval: 1.5x Affinity (replaces first).
  • The seventh interval: 1.5x Credits (replaces second).
  • The eighth interval: 1.5x Resources (replaces third).
  • The ninth interval: 1.5x Resource Drop Rate (replaces fourth).
  • The tenth interval: a higher tier random Flawless Relic (that can be used in the same mission). 
  • Once you get to the fifteenth interval, you'll receive a random Radiant Relic (that can be used in the same mission. 
  • Boosters continue to increase every set of intervals and are capped at double (2x).
  • Radiants on every fifth interval past the fifteenth. 
  • Every Relic opened will result in Traces! 


... whatever... THX (i hope it will be more fun this way

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