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Loose ends & possible additions


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I played already some time and there are some things i think should be updated.

maps & levels

1) When you are in a room and have been sighted (for example at beginning and you only visited the a storage room),

don't spawn enemies in your room or in that storage room. Thats not really logical.

2) The map generator uses a list of possible rooms to create the level, but could you please also add some variations

on those rooms to give a more "whole" feeling. For example if you have a reactor room, which have standard two

entries, but one of the entries is not used in the map would it be better to have a room version with only one entry ?

3) For missions like Spy and so on, the rooms should give more possibilities for sneaking around without being seen

(adding the fact that one should also receive some bonus if you complete a mission without being seen ... which i

dont think is even able now).

4) Some people still get stuck beneath stairs sometimes. Make it possible to get out of each kind of stair or make it

impossible to get under a stair.

5) As said in a previous post, control the respawn barrier in pits. It should not be to difficult to make bugs in it

impossible by adding more rooms types (specially with respect to elevators), and restricting the respaw barriers to

smaller areas.

6) To accomodate possible future bugs, glitches and so on maybe add a respawn "box" around the whole level. That

way if someone gets out of the map he will respawn and not be stuck in eternal pit and so on.

7) When not seen, opening a "closed" door may get you detected by the ship. This seems a bit strange to me,

shouldnt there be a possibility to open that door without being dtected ?

enemy routes and spawning

1) I really like to sneak around the first rooms in a mission and kill enemies without being noticed, but the problem

sometimes is that the room in which you are gets more and more crowded the longer you are in it, which is not


2) Is it normal that those robot "holders" continue to spawn robots even when you are in that room ?

silent killing

Oke the perfect way to kill an enemy is using your sword, and noone will detect it. If you use any other mean the enemies in the same room or rooms next to it will know of it and get ready (but you are not detected). Should not weapons like the sniper and some special powers, like volt electricity (if enemy dies fast enough), be added to REAL silent killing with respect to detection in nearby rooms ?

weapons & mods

1) add statistics of swords in the game, i only found them on the wiki till now.

2) grenades ? (maybe as an update or so) :D

3) please some "statistical" information on the effect of some features of the mods (armor, puncture, and so on)

in the wiki.

4) We have loot detector, why not add an enemy detector ? You could make multiple versions of it :

- sound detector : " show enemies approximate location on minimap based on perceived sound"

- heath detector : " Infrared vision. The effect of it is dependant on the type of enemy, the distance, the objects

blocking your vision, and the surround temperature."

- assisted enemy detector: "colors rooms of minimap red where enemies got detected by your ship"

- full enemy detector : "shows enemies in radius X on minimap"

5) To help with silent killing, couldnt we make a "silencer mod" ?

I hope this contribution will be helpfull (and sorry for my bad english).

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1) It'd be nice if we started the missions before we jump down from the ceiling.

2) Locked doors limit the game area, but still give an illusion that the ship is actually bigger than that. Not against your idea tho.

3) Yep.

4) Yep.

5) Yes.

6) If you fall into some of the pits, then you are teleportet to a certain location. Shouldn't be impossible to add this same feature on the outside of the map.

7) Yes.

1) Nah, why bother.... Way too much work.

2) Maybe. Grenade launchers?

3) Too much work again.

4) There is already enemy radar artifact. But.. eh, maybe it should be a mod instead. But I think we need a whole new piece of gear where to install these sensor and radar mods.

5) Oh, yes.

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@Kaiku I like your idea of a new piece special for sensor equipment (+ hacking and so ? ). Seeing how advanced "warframes" are

it should be a logical part of it. In addition, i think that piece of equipment should be "different" depending on the warframe you

use maybe (oke that would indeed be hell of work).

You said that adding sword information to the game is too much work ? I dont see why taking into account that the wiki already

have basic damage information on the different swords. It is nevertheless true that this is low priority with respect to bugs and

new gameplay and build ideas.

I also think it would not be bad idea to start game in ceiling, because it still happens that i start mission with enemy seeing me

the second game starts.

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There is enemy radar mods you just need to find them, the fact that enemies keep spawning when you are in a room IS logical because you are aboard an enemy ship so expect loads of mobs. The robot holders dont hold one robot its just a way that robots are able to travel through the ship to the desired location and eventually they do stop spawning. Dont ask to make stealth missions have more places to sneak around and then ask for changes in other features so they are more "logical", its logical that not every room you have during this missions will provide a ton of stealthy paths, this isnt splinter cell.

As for a silencer it could work but not with all guns, i dont think u can put a silencer on the snipetron that shoots lazers xD

I like the idea of having a respawn button feature in case you do get stuck in a random place or fall into the pit.

As for grenades i dont think it fits with the tennos but as mentioned i could see a grenade launcher working in this game

As for stealth missions and being caught; all you have to do if spotted is kill anyone whos about to activate the alarm (control pannels in the rooms) to avoid being detected which isnt tough with electrical or stun mods.

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@Kaiku I like your idea of a new piece special for sensor equipment (+ hacking and so ? ). Seeing how advanced "warframes" are

it should be a logical part of it. In addition, i think that piece of equipment should be "different" depending on the warframe you

use maybe (oke that would indeed be hell of work).

Maybe the helmet should be as it's own piece of gear..?

I know we'll get more helmets to choose from for each warframe, so...

You said that adding sword information to the game is too much work ? I dont see why taking into account that the wiki already

have basic damage information on the different swords. It is nevertheless true that this is low priority with respect to bugs and

new gameplay and build ideas.

I was joking about that.

There being no info of the melee weapons is something what needs to be fixed asap.

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@Sev7n When i was speaking about spawning i meant that it sometimes happens that enemies spawn IN the room you are in (i dont count

those robots). I'm not talking about them coming from another room. A spawn point in a room should not be active when you are in

that room, and i simply think a storage room should not have a spawn point (as they are no logical start place for units).

The definition of those robots holders as teleportation points is interesting, in that case i have nothing to say against it being as it is.

You are right on the point that rooms logically should no have too much obstacles. It still is a starship, thus too much loose objects

would be dangerous. I didn't mean it as "wanting more obstacles", i was more thinking in the way of aircondition ducts. Maybe adding

the possibility to climb on sailing :D ?

Silencer should indeed be restricted to specific weapons (dont the snipetron shoot normal bullets ?).

@Kaiku Helmet is a good idea :), otherwise maybe as a additional extension of the orikon catalyst or other kind of catalyst ?

Oke additional funny idea for some items :) .

1) Local Disrupter (item type -> BOMB) : Electrical devices near impact point stop working for some time. This includes ALL electrical

(bots, cameras, turrets, elevators, ...). Does not work on bosses.

2) Focal Disrupter (item type -> DEVICE or WEAPON ?) : The device attached to it becomes unfunctional. The disrupter can be activated and


3) False Tracker (item type -> MOD ?) : Bots and cameras do not detect you. In case that an enemy attacks you robots nevertheless will

also start attacking you.

4) Electrical Controller (item type -> Weapon or single use device ) : Targetted device comes under your control. Doors will open for you even

when locked. Robots and Defence systems (linked to specific camera) will

attack your enemies). Attacks done this way does not count as getting


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