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Thoughts about eximus/elite units


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Hi Tenno ,

so after a while playing warframe and having a lot of fun so far i get the intention that the combat is getting a bit stale.What brings me here and begin my first forum post, wich hopefully will start a constructive disscussion.
Don´t get me wrong , i love the flow of combat , the animations , the swap between melee and ranged.....but something is missing.
In my opinion it´s the lack of elite/veteran units besides the standard troops.
Eximus units feel not very special, I really dislike the graphical effects arround them ,it feels really outdated and at a certain point in the mission you get
thrown with too much of them.On the other Hand units like Prosecutor and Maniacs are rarely seen.

So what do you guys think about giving eximus units a shimmering aura like prosecutors and let them have a tiny bit larger model,
give them more health and make them spawn less.

Or maybe add some kind of champion units wich are rare spawns in missions. Like the rathuum executioners or the silver groove specters.
In addition to the stalker,gustag and syndicate mobs.....something more stable.

So what are your thoughts ,additions about elite/eximus units?



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