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Weapons Should Be More Unique


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Right now there aren't very many ways to differentiate weapons. We have the charge mechanic, burst fire, dps, reloading, ammo types... and that's about it. There are a lot of other things in real weapons that make them unique and interesting:


Handling: The entire reason SMGs and pistols are used is because they are smaller so you can carry them more easily and aim them faster. You could simulate this by making smaller weapons quicker to swap to and follow your crosshair more closely when you move your mouse quickly. You could also allow them to be fired while sprinting, while larger weapons require you to slow down like all weapons do currently.


Deployable weapons: Taking handling a step further, you could have guns like a gatling gun or sniper rifle that can attach to surfaces for extra recoil reduction.


Unique HUD: Every weapon has a clearly defined engagement range, but it isn't obvious. Most games use different sights to show this. Now it doesn't make sense for a Tenno to run around with an ACOG on a Boltor, but you could still have slightly different reticles and HUD for each weapons. For example, a shotgun could have a circle showing the spread size. A sniper rifle or bow could have ticks to indicate bullet drop and zoom level.


More bullet types: Right now there are bullets, bolts, arrows, and rockets but most guns just use generic bullets that have no special effects. More types would let you do things like add innate effects to each weapon in an intuitive way. For example, a Vulkar might use an armor penetrating bullet which gives it innate puncture and armor piercing. A Grakata might use hollow points which give no puncture but high damage against unarmored targets and high crit damage. Latron could use high explosive rounds which deal fire damage in a small area. You could even let players choose between different ammunition types for more customization.


Unique mechanics: Adding scripted mechanics similar to abilities would open a huge amount of interesting options. You could have a gun that drained energy to fire for huge damage, or a gun that deploys an attack drone, or a gun that heals allies when you shoot them. The possibilities here are endless.


Passive effects: Right now weapons don't do anything when they aren't being used. Ogris could make you run slightly slower due to its weight while Grakata could make you run slightly faster. Latron Prime could regenerate ammunition while in an Orokin tower. Torid could add poison damage to your melee attack just for equipping it.


Mix and match akimbo weapons: Instead of having akbolto as an actual weapon, why not let people just use two Boltos? Or a Lato and a Bronco? This would let people customize their loadouts even more as well as solve the annoying problem of what happens to your affinity when you build a dual weapon out of a rank 30 single weapon.

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More bullet types: That's what mods are for :P but yeah, some guns could use innate advantages.


"annoying problem of what happens to your affinity when you build a dual weapon out of a rank 30 single weapon." Wait, what happens??? It would be nice to know before I turn my Bolto into Akboltos....

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More bullet types: That's what mods are for :P but yeah, some guns could use innate advantages.


"annoying problem of what happens to your affinity when you build a dual weapon out of a rank 30 single weapon." Wait, what happens??? It would be nice to know before I turn my Bolto into Akboltos....

It disappears and you get a rank 0 Akbolto. Have fun :).

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Right now there aren't very many ways to differentiate weapons. We have the charge mechanic, burst fire, dps, reloading, ammo types... and that's about it. There are a lot of other things in real weapons that make them unique and interesting:


Handling: The entire reason SMGs and pistols are used is because they are smaller so you can carry them more easily and aim them faster. You could simulate this by making smaller weapons quicker to swap to and follow your crosshair more closely when you move your mouse quickly. You could also allow them to be fired while sprinting, while larger weapons require you to slow down like all weapons do currently.


Deployable weapons: Taking handling a step further, you could have guns like a gatling gun or sniper rifle that can attach to surfaces for extra recoil reduction.


Unique HUD: Every weapon has a clearly defined engagement range, but it isn't obvious. Most games use different sights to show this. Now it doesn't make sense for a Tenno to run around with an ACOG on a Boltor, but you could still have slightly different reticles and HUD for each weapons. For example, a shotgun could have a circle showing the spread size. A sniper rifle or bow could have ticks to indicate bullet drop and zoom level.


More bullet types: Right now there are bullets, bolts, arrows, and rockets but most guns just use generic bullets that have no special effects. More types would let you do things like add innate effects to each weapon in an intuitive way. For example, a Vulkar might use an armor penetrating bullet which gives it innate puncture and armor piercing. A Grakata might use hollow points which give no puncture but high damage against unarmored targets and high crit damage. Latron could use high explosive rounds which deal fire damage in a small area. You could even let players choose between different ammunition types for more customization.


Unique mechanics: Adding scripted mechanics similar to abilities would open a huge amount of interesting options. You could have a gun that drained energy to fire for huge damage, or a gun that deploys an attack drone, or a gun that heals allies when you shoot them. The possibilities here are endless.


Passive effects: Right now weapons don't do anything when they aren't being used. Ogris could make you run slightly slower due to its weight while Grakata could make you run slightly faster. Latron Prime could regenerate ammunition while in an Orokin tower. Torid could add poison damage to your melee attack just for equipping it.


Mix and match akimbo weapons: Instead of having akbolto as an actual weapon, why not let people just use two Boltos? Or a Lato and a Bronco? This would let people customize their loadouts even more as well as solve the annoying problem of what happens to your affinity when you build a dual weapon out of a rank 30 single weapon.


Handling: Fire while Sprinting...it would be fun, but i cant see a reason for it.


Deployable Weapons: I love them. It remembers me at the Space Marine Devestator, the Heavy Weapon Gunner. For Defense i would like to see a heavy deployable weapon like the Gatling (We have small ones btw, Supra uses Spinup Mechanic, Gorgon something similar, but a heavy Gatling...no, we dont have this).


HUD: Cosmetic stuff, not realy needed, but could be interesting


More Bullet Types: We allready have this. Dread is Slashing, Snipetron is AP, Bolts are AI, Lanak is Electric, Ignis is Fire, Flux is AP/AI.

Also our mods work like "Bullets". Giving each weapon another kind of base-damage type would result in a horrible balancing system.


Unique: Sounds a little bit like Borderlands. Something like this would be interesting (eg Healing Guns for our supporters, Draining Guns, Energy Based Guns etc) but i dont know, it would be hard to fit them in. With the Clan Research System it could work.


Passives: Maybe. I dont know about this, it could be interesting but it could also be horrible.


Dual: This would need a new shooting mechanic, left and right mose to fire each weapon individually, it would result in having three weapons instead of two. how would you mod them? i think mixed duals would be too broken

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You keep the mastery, but you have to level the akbolto again from 0.


Oh I expected that. That was actually my plan, to maximize efficiency of Mastery increase (max out a Lato, turn it into a Bolto, max that, make it into Akbolto, then max that)

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