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My personal opinions on "The Vacuum Within".


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First off let me say that I feel that this update was unnecessary. There was no reason for every sentinel to have the Vacuum ability removing what one did well. I don't personally agree with it, but it's as it is and I'll have to let it go.

I feel that Vacuum on every sentinel should be as reduced as it currently is; you're trading a specialized perk for a universal role. It does make ALL sentinels have a use, but at the same time, Carrier is still really the only one worth using. The Vacuum mod should be unique to Carrier thus specializing its role and considering that it already has a mod that can break open containers for you, it fits nicely. What I'm not personally okay with is Ammo Case. A COMMON mod for a sentinel that costs HALF the cost of a Rare one you would use on a weapon and with no draw backs is in no way balanced with its counterpart. There's very, VERY few reasons to drop an extra elemental mod for a Mutation, but when you do, there's that side trade. Carrier has no side trade for this ability rendering those Mutations (and I feel sorry for anyone who actually bought the primed ones) completely useless. An Example from Akkad; With my Tonkor equipped as my control, I was able to barely get by with the Sniper ammo drops. With Ammo Mutation, I was restoring roughly a quarter to half of my ammo pools. With Carrier, I instantly restore my full pool including the 25% or so extra.

Final notes; I feel the vacuum within was completely unnecessary and many will disagree with me and that's fine. The update is here and that's that. But to squander the abilities of other mods completely and make them unusable (Still waiting on our T-Bolt fix) is poor design choice.

TL;DR Version.

Give Vacuum to every sentinel, Allow Carrier the increased range mod exclusively, remove Ammo Case or make it's efficiency god awful.

Edited by Ranbanein
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