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Some Suggestions...


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hello everybody. I've spent some time ingme and all I want to say - it's great! 


Well I came here from the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer and still having "it's awesome!" time. I mean, all these parkour moves, combat system, these really HUGE maps. I'm falling in love i guess.. (=


So I want to make this game even better and here are some improvements i'd like to suggest.





Yes, it's about UI at all. UI is good enough, but some awkward moments...  If i'm using a big screen resolution such as 1920x1080, some elements are becoming too small to watch'em clear. Especially if i'm using any kind of the detector (thief mastery, enemy feeling etc) all their icons are just becoming a big bright spot i'm unable to read. 


So the suggestions are:

1. Increase options set via adding there the HUD options for the all visually impaired people with the big contrast icons. I think these options could be:

• Fixed (or scaleable) HUD size independent of the screen resolutions with the big contrast icons and untransparent text

• Increased minimap or make it scaleable

• Make the reticle less transparent. Ideal, if player will be able to choose its color.



2. Separate the UI elements in the UI boxes. I understand that gun picture laying over the gun progress bar is a kind of design solution, but this is make hard to track your progress, especially on the last quarter of the bar (from 75% to 100%). Ideal If progress bar will go down for the frame's progress and go up for the weapon's one



3. Adding a digits to the progress bars. I think this is good then you'll find out that killing this MOA is increasing your weapon's exp per 3% instead of barely visible movement of the pointer.



4. Same here for the enemy's health bar. I'd like to see either HP count or health percentage in the red line.



5.  Redesing the quick-info under the enemy's health bar. Adding the text there is not great idea because in the heat of the battle you're barely  have time to read. I suggest to replace the text with the some sort of readable and unerstandable icons. ie: an yellow shield ico for the armoured target or red crossed lightning ico for the vulnerable to electricity.

Based on my MMO experience I'm able to say that icons are always better and faster to read and understand than any kind of text. 


6. And last but not least. I'd like to suggest to remove the active mission pointer from the minimap. Insted of that I could suggest you to make the badges bearing on the perimeter with the distance meter. 


For example (upper is for how it is and lower is for how it could look like):



All these thing could be optional and can be enable/disable via the options menu.
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