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Billboards/signs in dojo for long texts


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There's often a lot of information and rules that I'd like to share with clan members, and not all of us can be around 24/7 to explain things to fellow clan members who aren't around at the same time as us. There is the clan's Message of the Day feature, and rooms in the dojo can each have some description text, but those both have very limited space, and I wouldn't want to direct my clan to specific rooms in the dojo just to find out about certain things.

See where I'm going with this? How convenient would it be to have a dojo decoration for the sole purpose of easily noticeable text, preferably with a large text limit, for those clans that just really need to get a wall of text out to their members! All you'd need to put in the clan MotD is "go see the big sign in the dojo for more info" and that way, the MotD could actually be used for a daily message, rather than tightly compacted rules and what's currently needed for donations.

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1 hour ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

Or how about an ingame clan message board.

That would be quite a luxury too, although I think something like that would be way too involved to implement. I'm not sure of any other games that have a feature like that, but it would be very cool.

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