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[Idea/concept] Fenrir, An (Almost) Pure Brute Force Frame.


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A Warrior by nature, Fenrir sacrifices almost all utility for raw, unrelenting firepower for both him/her and his/her allies.

Base Stats:
Health: 100
Shields: 125
Armour: 75
Sprint Speed: 0.95
Energy: 100 (maybe 125?)
Polarity Slots: 1 D slot (or alternatively, 1 Bar Slot) & 1 V slot

Slightly bulkier than most Warframes (though not as bulky as Frost or Rhino), and with a "Plated" aesthetic similar to Grineer Lancers (sort of like how Vauban has a "Corpus-ish" aesthetic)

Power 1: Impale (15 Energy)
"Fenrir lunges forwards while creating a large energy blade, dealing heavy damage to the first thing he/she comes into contact with"
Fenrir lunges forwards a short distance (nowhere near as long as Rhino Charge, let alone Slash Dash) while creating a large energy wristblade around one of his/her arms. Upon bumping into an enemy he/she will drive the blade straight into them, dealing 800/1100/1400 damage and stunning them for 3/4/5 seconds.


This move can hit several enemies, but due to the short reach of the blade it is quite difficult to do so (and unlikely to hit more than 2-3 people at best)

Power 2: Explosive Rounds (35 Energy)
"Fenrir loads either his/her or an allies weapon with Explosive Rounds, granting it more firepower"
The targeted ally (or, if no ally was targeted, Fenrir him/herself) has their weapon boosted to fire Explosive Rounds for 5/7.5/10 seconds. This boosts weapon damage by 15%/20%/25%, as well as granting each shot a small AoE (based off of the weapons base damage, so a Latron would have a larger AoE per shot than an Afuris, for example)

Explosive Rounds has a different effect on a few certain weapons:
- Ogris and Thunderbolt Paris/Dread shots both gain a "cluster" effect, sending out 4/5/6 mini-bombs out from the center of the blast, each one doing 15%/20%/25% damage of the initial blast. Torid has a similar effect, but the clusters only do 5%/10%/15% damage on the initial blast in exchange for leaving behind additional poison clouds.
(Ignis would probably need some sort of alternate effect too, but I'm not sure what that could be)

Visually, Explosive Rounds appears as a slight yellow glow coming from the barrel(s) of the gun the target is wielding.

Power 3: Slash Wave (35 Energy)
"Fenrir channels energy into the melee weapons of either him/herself or an ally, allowing their melee blows to create either powerful shockwaves or razor-sharp energy waves."
The Melee counterpart to Explosive Rounds, Slash Wave allows the melee swings of the target to create either shockwaves (that travel along the ground a short distance) or 'energy waves' (that travel through the air a short distance) every time they swing their melee weapon. This effect lasts for 5/7.5/10 seconds, and each 'wave' does 22%/44%/66% of the damage that the swing that made it did.

The 'waves' absorb some traits of the weapons they were made with (so a Cronus-wave would disappear after hitting an enemy, but a Hate-wave would go through multiple enemies since the latter can hit multiple enemies.) If used while/on somebody wielding a Glaive or Kestrel, Slash Wave causes these weapons to fire energy waves as they travel, meaning direct hits are no longer necessary for them to damage enemies.


Visually, Slash Wave appears as a blue aura coming surrounding the melee weapon(s) the target is wielding.



Power 4: Killer Instinct (100 Energy)
"Fenrir boosts his/her reflexes to new heights, enabling him/her to act quicker"
The game goes into 50% slow-mo for 3/5/7 seconds (of 'game-time', so 6/10/14 seconds of 'real-time', if that makes sense). In addition Fenrir has his/her speed increased by 50% and Allies have their speed increased by 25% (so Fenrir is going at 75% speed, Allies at 62.5% speed, and Enemies at 50% speed)

Attempting to use Killer Instinct while it's already active merely 'refreshes' the duration (although if Fenrir A uses Killer Instinct while Fenrir B's one is still in affect, it'll refresh the duration AND Fenrir A will get a 50% bonus instead of a 25% one.

Not sure what his/her Alt. Helmet should be, but feel free to suggest one. Alternate names would also be welcome.

Edited by Aeshi
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Fenrir reminds be of a wolf.... then again it is named after the demon wolf that ate odin in norse mythology.... xD


Btw this belongs in the fan zone.

Really? I was under the impression the Fan Zone was for lore discussion or screenshots, not game suggestions (that's what its description seemed to suggest to me anyway)

Edited by Aeshi
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Really? I was under the impression the Fan Zone was for lore discussion or screenshots, not game suggestions (that's what its description seemed to suggest to me anyway)


feedback is about helping/changing/buffing/nerfing things that are already ingame. or perhaps build on something already ingame. since youre creating a new thing/warframe, it belongs in the fan zone, until, DEs or the design council likes it and puts it up for discussion.

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