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The Limbo Theorem


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Lately I've been creeping around in the recruiting channel looking for new players in need of help. The mission, or should I say three missions, I've played the most are the Excavation missions for The Limbo Theorem. In the hours I play Warframe and pay attention to the rec channel I usually see a couple of players requesting help with these. Like one every 10 to 20 minutes. The players I usually encounter here are no more than MR10. I, with my pretty well geared out Frost Prime, have no problem getting these guys their part in one run. But for these solo players it'd be a pain. Especially since it's hard for them to find a party to play with.

Point I'm trying to make is, there should be a more accessible way to obtain these parts. With the Limbo rework "on the table" maybe his mission could be revisited as well.

Back when the Theorem came out AW as well as Excavation was new, which was why they were showed off in that quest. I get that you're "searching" for his parts and all but maybe the three pretty difficult Excavation missions should be slightly changed. Maybe have them play on an actual node (where it's more likely to meet other players) and for them to get a chance on getting the Limbo part next to the reward everybody gets.

Or maybe I'm just misunderstanding things and these players aren't supposed to take on a mission that unlocks after completing the AW quest which is MR2...

Edited by tbeest
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52 minutes ago, tbeest said:


I agree with you. I've spent quite a lot of time on excavation because of my bad luck. I had to stay for like 7-15 excavators before any part. Even as frost i found it quite boring and long.
And for more players it is not quite rewarding (frame itself) for the effort.
Honestly, i doubt that DE will completely rewrite Limbo theorem, but they are shurely making awesome quests for newer frames. One thing that i would like to see is rework. In that way, if rework will make Limbo attractive for at least part of players, Limbo theorem will become more popular. let's hope that this rework will not be like stradavar :p

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1 minute ago, JSharpie said:

As I've said before, Quests are not to be completed all in one night, week, or month. They're milestones. They're difficult for a reason.

Actually, this is a perfect example of grinding, not difficulty.
And also RNG

Edited by Quanlain
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