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New Frame Idea


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i recently join the forums i start the game in close beta but haven't use forums since today :P so i don't know if anyone have posted a similar idea so the idea is

an insect like frame got claws like hands and not so humanoid a mantis like look + a set of swords or daggers that will look like mantis claws  that's actually a bundle idea:P 

so powers:

1:sure i would love to have wings truly cool i'd love to have a skill named fly and let u fly for a short amount of time .

2:a swarm like ability that disturb your enemy and damage him over time .

3:an evolution type ability that will add something in your appearance that will boost a stat like getting spikes to your body to increase armor or damage something like that. 

4.a devour attack that will kill the nearest champions absorbing some health or energy  . 

5.a camouflage ability that make u invisible for a sort time and forever if u stay in the same place.


i hope some of u guys like it as well and hope that the development teem would like it and create it. 

i am really looking forward to it i don't have find a name yet so we can all vote for that one + u can of course make what ever ability &#! well its just an idea :P 


i would love to see the 1,3  truly cool in game.


tell me what you think guys


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i recently join the forums i start the game in close beta but haven't use forums since today :P so i don't know if anyone have posted a similar idea so the idea is

an insect like frame got claws like hands and not so humanoid a mantis like look + a set of swords or daggers that will look like mantis claws  that's actually a bundle idea:P 

so powers:

1:sure i would love to have wings truly cool i'd love to have a skill named fly and let u fly for a short amount of time .

2:a swarm like ability that disturb your enemy and damage him over time .

3:an evolution type ability that will add something in your appearance that will boost a stat like getting spikes to your body to increase armor or damage something like that. 

4.a devour attack that will kill the nearest champions absorbing some health or energy  . 

5.a camouflage ability that make u invisible for a sort time and forever if u stay in the same place.


i hope some of u guys like it as well and hope that the development teem would like it and create it. 

i am really looking forward to it i don't have find a name yet so we can all vote for that one + u can of course make what ever ability &#! well its just an idea :P 


i would love to see the 1,3  truly cool in game.


tell me what you think guys


1: wings do not fit a tenno... keep in mind DEs did say this is a sci-fi space ninja game... i dont see how wings would fit in this game, since this map is not so big that it supports this.... the only rooms big enough sadly are usually where the bosses are... and even then.... not that great of an idea...


2: this is actually feasible, and i would like to see how this would be implemented.


3:Hmm... so in a way this would be a variation of iron skin, it changes your looks slightly for either a defensive or offensive effect. would be nice to see how it would work out.


4: While this is nice, i dont think DEs like anything that insta-kills anything, it should have a set damage. even though some of the othe rwarframe's ult skills dont have damage numbers, but generally, it should have a set number, usually high damage. give a side effect incase the enemy/target/group survives the "devouring".


all in all, pretty good, but this should go in the fan zone.

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