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Halloween Alert: Unfun, Tedious and Unrewarding


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On 10/30/2016 at 7:13 PM, Vox_Preliator said:

He used to bring up very good, very important points.

Like bringing up the fact that Nullifiers are still not fine, but he always acted like for every Nullifier that spawns DE has to sacrifice twelve puppies and six kittens.  Or he would refuse to begin the discussion without some sort of irrelevant excuse like the proposed Ash rework.

Recently, though, it's like he's stopped actually caring and just posts whatever, as long as it's negative.

While things like this are fair to say - yes, I deserve some of that - feedback is primarily about fixing things that need fixing or improvement. I complimented DE on a mission, last time they ran the Proxy event, in fact. The first mission was rather excellent, with zero Nullifiers and a totally reasonable number of Th Hyena (not the best unit, but their spawns were kept under control rather well). It was a fun mission. Alas, the later rounds were horrid. But the first was good.

But I digress. Feedback is about fixing things that need fixing. Ergo, a lot of feedback, is going to be negative in nature. Or at least sound that way.

In a game about Powerful weapons and magical powers, that you have to find and craft and level up to unlock, there's nothing fun, in my opinion, about having it all yanked away and forced through utter tedium as a result. I, personally, dont find it fun. And judging by similar comments both here and on steam, as well as the player numbers during event weekend - which, for an event weekend, were terrible - I am far from the only one.

Being as they stand to make or lose money from this game, and being as they are people, with lives and families, I thought perhaps DE might like to know why some of us were not enjoying their event. So I told them. In no uncertain terms, as it happens, since, having done this terrible event twice now, I thought they deserved to know without some of the nicety they might have been due had this been their first go round with this particular brand of awful.

Now, I am off to play games I find fun, having taken to heart some of the advice folks here have so kindly and reasonably (and also not) offered me. It is time to let go. My coop partner has finally admitted she no longer enjoys Warframe either, so it makes moving on easier.

I wish DE well. Its been fun ride, up until this last year. I hope the game improves. I hope the business model does not strangle the fun. It will, but I hope it doesnt nonetheless.

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