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Buff To Mk 1-Braton


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Really? I find I mod all my shotguns the same, all my pistols the same, and all the rifles the same. Base damage+, then multi shot if it ignores armor first, or AP if it does, then the other mod. Am I alone in this?


Also, you compare DPS because that's how weapons are balanced mostly. (DPS standing for either damage per shot, or second)

This is correct. Each weapon is typically modded differently, but the majority of people I know end up modding a particular weapon the same way. DPS is about everything other than a few specific weapons, if it doesn't have comparable dps, people just wont use it period.



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This is correct. Each weapon is typically modded differently, but the majority of people I know end up modding a particular weapon the same way. DPS is about everything other than a few specific weapons, if it doesn't have comparable dps, people just wont use it period.




Exactly. I think the mk1 could use an extra 1 or 2 fire rate, but using it it really feels fine overall to me, especially since it's a starter weapon. I just tossed in a speed trigger instead of AP (easy enough to get the headshots, AP is good, but I feel speed trigger serves better here), and it's at a good place fire rate wise.


The damage could use a little boost I guess, or better yet testing it unmodded vs mercury, grineer should have their armor reduced there (66% is quite a bit, esp without any mods to help you there)


The only weapons (I can think of 3 now that they fixed the torid's dot) that really gets modded differently is the ogris (explosion becomes one of the elements you put on it, doesn't get more damage from elemental mods) and bows (if you take thunderbolt, or want a faster draw/fire time.)

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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@Jacate because you posted way to much to quote. 1. Your entire comparison of damage of braton to mk 1 is based off of clip size, to compare any gun to another except in some specific cases such as launchers, or melee weapons, you use Damage per second. Why? because it factors in damage,  and rate of fire. Both guns have the exact same ammo capacity all together, so if you look at it in the same way that you did (20*540) = 10800 vs (16*540) = 8640. That's over 2000 total damage difference in favor of the braton without any mods applied, realistically if you fully modded both guns, you would put the same mods on each gun as they are the same damage type. If you actually want to see the damage per second numbers, download a copy of this document and play around with the it (the braton does 146.84 dps unmodded, while the mk 1 does 83.93). https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Al651yf-IXPUdDBZSXpQeWZCdUV5ZWpOQ1RXYlBpSGc#gid=2


By buffing it to 18 damage with 8.3 firerate. Here would be the dps comparison of it to several other guns (unmodded and without enemy armor being factored):


Mk1 117.40 dps

Boltor 118.80 dps

Braton 146.84 dps

Braton Vandal 131.75 dps

Grakata 117.17 dps

Latron 104.25 dps

Latron Prime 118.69 dps

Burston 150.28 dps


Second, when comparing anything to the boltor you must consider its innate armor ignore which pay's off huge in the late game as the amount of damage it does to enemies increases greatly the later in the game you go especially with how enemy armor has been implemented in this game.


Here is a small example, if you took an infested ancient and shot it with the boltor vs other guns (dps without reloads factored).


All body shots:


Mk 1 38.28 dps

Braton 57.91 dps

Braton Vandal 48.76 dps

Boltor 162.36 dps


Grineer typically have higher armor, and corpus fluctuate pretty heavily on their armor depending upon where they are hit. But the boltor is putting out double the dps of the other guns simply because it ignores armor. And the braton has a %66 higher dps than the mk 1. 


 Not trying to make it broken op, it's just putting it in-line with other weapons. The buffs i'm talking would only put it in range with some of the already lower end weapon dps. It would be about the same dps as the grakata unmodded. But we all know that a fully modded crit grakata will substantially pull away from this gun because of the grakata's high base crit rate. So really this gun will still be in about the same place, just more viable as an option.

Typically at end game do you fight with damage over time or damage over one mag? Because ammo economy at end games speaks with ammo economy importance as well so overall the MK1 braton isn't weak neither is it strong. It is balance. If not why not buff the latron? Or the Grakata? which both have low DPS.


No weapon is weak, it is the mods and the players style. Also reason i nitpick numbers is the same reason you nitpick numbers. Overall we can pick out all the bad sides but we are not looking at the good side of the weapon, the MK1 braton is really freaking awesome that i didn't switch it out until i wanted something with faster bang bang bang.

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Really? I find I mod all my shotguns the same, all my pistols the same, and all the rifles the same. Base damage+, then multi shot if it ignores armor first, or AP if it doesn't, then the other mod. Am I alone in this?


Also, you compare DPS because that's how weapons are balanced mostly. (DPS standing for either damage per shot, or second)


Shotguns are different. They're very similar (and only three, however).

Rifles are very different between each others. Just the three Bratons are two kind of different weapons: two assault rifles (Braton and Braton Vandal), and a long range full-auto rifle (Mk1). You ought to mod them in different ways.

For example, Mk1 need Speed trigger to be usefull in close combat. It needs a maxed Serration and all maxed elemental damage mods to deals some damage to high level enemies (however, same for Braton and Braton Vandal). Mk1 doesn't need Magazine warp.

On the other hand, Braton and Braton Vandal both need Magazine Warp, expecially Braton. It has an high rate of fire and 45 rounds will end quickly in full auto. And this isn't good when you're firing to a swarm of enemies. Braton Vandal needs Speed trigger, Braton not. 


About other weapons, for example Boltor and Gorgon. Boltor ignores armour, but is good just at close range. At least mid ranges, but it is has a low accuracy and a too long arrow-travel-time. Boltor has a quite good RoF, but a Speed trigger could help. Of course it needs all damage mods (Serration and elementa ones), he doesn't need Magazine warp but it needs Metal auger (if you don't puncture enemies you will waste a lot of ammo cause the slow travel time.... every times it happens that you waste bullets on an enemy already dead for example). With Metal auger at least some arrows will pass through the enemy and hit someone else.

Gorgon has a very good RoF, but has a very low accuracy and clip size. It needs Magazine warp, it needs Ammo drum and Metal auger could help. It doesn't need all damage mod maxed thanks to its high base damage and RoF (for example, you just could use it with a 105% Serration). 

So, as you can see, different kind of weapon (also similar in use, as Bratons and Boltor) could be set in different ways. There isn't a way better than other. Just put all (or at least all minus someone) damage mods on the weapon, then look at its stats and try to find a way to balance its weak points (RoF, accuracy, ammo economy and so on).


Of course different weapons have differente roles. People could think to use them all in the same way (for example, use a Boltor as a Braton or a Mk1 as a Gorgon....). There are carabines for close combat (Boltor for example), heavy machine guns (Gorgon for example), assault rifles (Braton series for example), long range assault rifle (Mk1), sniper rifles (Lanka, Snipetron, Vulkar), bows et cetera.

Every category has its weak points and a different way to play.... 


To conclude: does Mk1 need a buff? For me, no. First of all, because it is a starter weapon (why ought people to buy another one when they already have the best one?). With high damage and RoF it could just be the best weapon in the game, good for all roles (as Excalibur). Second, because it is jut good as it is now. Quite good for close range, good at high levels just heavy modded, very good at long range (300-400 in game meters). 

The problem isn't the Mk1. The problem is the lack of VERY BIG maps, open spaces, where people could snipe. But, as I already said in another topic about the Braton and the Mk1, this is also a problem of sniper rifles. 

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I do NOT agree that it should stay weak even though it is a starter weapon. While it shouldn't be as powerful as the Braton, it should be powerful enough to be used by new players.

A lot of players just pull out the Lato, and others don't do much damage with the MK1-Braton.

The weapon should make me want to use it, not switch to a Lato.

Edited by Andral
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My point still stands, if you want a gun to deal damage, you throw base damage, multishot, and a "wild card" mod on (whatever fits it best, be it speed trigger, an element, fast hands, etc). You don't mod them that differently, and if you keep base damage at a cost of 10 max, and a maxed multi shot you have 9 extra points on pistols, 6 on shotguns, and 5 on rifles. Any other build makes them deal less damage I believe.


As for weapon types, those play differently, not get modded too differently. Boltor is a normal assault rifle with travel time, but enemies tend to stand still so it is possible to hit enemies a good distance away. Gorgon is a heavy machine gun, and really only works close range. The snipers/latron/bows are all built for long range, so you fire one or two shots to kill an enemy, then refocus onto another target, etc.


Just because they play differently, doesn't mean they get modded differently. When wouldn't ANY gun get a huge boost from a base damage buff? And as for multishots on the shotgun/pistol, maxed out it provides about an extra 120% increase in DPS, while rifles get a 90% increase.


My point: You mod each gun differently, but BARELY so (5 to 9 points free, or another decent mod for pistols to a once or twice leveled mod for shotguns/rifles)

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