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U 18.13 Valkyr Recap


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I feel like the change valkyr received on update 18.13 was kinda unneeded i feel like a better change (or nerf) would've have been her invulnerability while in hysteria to be taken away because when you think about it her hysteria has built in life steal per hit so  my question is why give her a built in life steal in hysteria if shes invulnerable. 

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Hysteria change paired with melee changes resulted in Valkyr going away from being a two-button frame with good Sortie and decent overextended potential and becoming a single-button frame with her main orientation being Sorties.

In my opinion, design-wise the change was strictly for the worse. I had suggested previously a way to work around Hysteria's invulnerability being AFK-friendly, however, people preferred Hysteria being butchered.



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Currently, Hysteria Valkyr still has to wait for more tools to be introduced to the game for her to become viable again.

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The nerf was unjustified.

Valkyr is one of the few frames where you have to actively work for your kills, it's not press 1 button then the whole room dies style frame. The instant death aura just makes her unfun (and blocks your vision, generally in the way), especially on higher levels where you can die many times when it's not even your fault (looking at you nullifier bubbles which clip through everything). The energy drain is insane and only acceptable to some extent with all the duration and efficeincy mods which then makes it impossible to fit on any power strenght mods greatly killing her damage potential since Hysteria depends on that quite a lot. You can circumvent that with a decent melee and primed fury + berserker combo (but you still need all melee dmg mods so you can't really fit on lifestrike anymore) to make up for the lost damage with speed but it still forces you to heavily specialize in various aspects. Not to mention her other 3 abilites weren't tuned up in return.

All DE did had the complete opposite effect of what they wanted, they wanted less Hysteria builds but now that's pretty much the only viable build as it greatly outlives a Warcry + Eternal War build in effectiveness in the long run (unless you supercheese with Naramon invis) at very high level content. And just fyi but before the nerf I rolled with a hybrid build wich was quite cool (had like 50% gunplay and 50% hysteria action(, now I am stricly Hysteria focused which is more like 25% gunplay and 75% hysteria action.

I still have a little hope left that they tune her up with the prime release though...

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