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Second Dream replay comments/bugs


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I just replayed Second Dream recently and noticed a few things.  Much to my ire that this was one time I decided not to record, the first round of this mission months ago was much smoother, but anyway:

  • At the end of the dialogue session, the very ending of the mission, her mouth moves with my character's when he says "I'm ready".
    • Additionally, I went back repeatedly to hear all the choices of dialogue, and for a few of them he was nodding and bobbing his head but his mouth was not moving with the words until the camera switched to Lotus and then back for the next response choice.  I tried to see if it was consistent with the actual response choice but it was not, it seems to be a random hiccup.
    • Upon completing the mission and being placed back at Navigation, the quest introduction message from Lotus is replayed.  I thought it had restarted the quest all over again without my input, but it was a message bug.
  • It was a bit jarring to have the Operator in the Zariman suit suddenly turn into my customized Operator at the turn of a camera.  Is it possible for the Operator to have our customized suit upon being recovered instead of the scripted Zariman base suit?  I mean, all suit versions have the zipped hood and such. They don't necessarily need the Sigil on the suit but given that the Liset interior still bears custom colors...it feels a bit inconsistent between the various elements.  (If the different suits are from time periods not relating to the Zariman/Tenno incidents and projects, some storying would be nice, lol.  I've stumbled across a few missions where people were wondering about the Operator suits and whether or not the current/future customization options were actual wardrobe attire for those aboard the Zariman.)
    • Also, I noticed the interior of the Liset still bears the customized coloring, but all the decorations are gone.  I had a panic flashback to the glitch I encountered when the Ayatan things were introduced and thought they'd been glitched away, then was like "Did Stalker or Lotus do some house cleaning in my ship?  What's going on here?  Stalker don't need no Endo, gimme back my stuff!"
  • During the mission proper, the Stalker's teleportation of my Warframe to keep me away from the compass charging nodes would sometimes fling me high into the air, or set me into the floor and I had to spasticly wiggle around to pop free.  I'm lucky I survived, lol.  Getting stuck in the floor is not fun.
    • After defeating the Eye and finding the ascending platforms the first time the mission came out, I got glitched and pushed through the elevator, and was stuck at the bottom with no way to get up or follow my friends.  I had to wait for them to get to extraction and then have the countdown time me out.  The second replay, there was a hiccup and my Limbo was "squished" against something that shouldn't be there as he was ascending, but this time he hopped up over whatever it was and I was able to reach the top.  There's some sort of geometry there that isn't visible and doesn't belong (like in quite a few of the mission levels).  I couldn't really pinpoint a landmark either time, but it's quite close to the top, my guess is a collision boundary with the ceiling area?
  • During the quest to find Hunhow's bones, I got "trapped" inside one of the Grineer scavenging mobiles inspecting the ocean floor.  It carried me around and Alad got really ticked at me and ended up giving me a direct waypoint.  I'm not sure it's supposed to work that way but I finally managed to wiggle free, /unstuck was not doing anything.


Was nice to be able to replay this mission though, I caught a few things that I had missed in the lore the first time around.  Here's hoping other quests will become replayable soon :D and the next time one's replayable I'm gonna have to record.  Still kicking myself I didn't catch all this craziness.


Edited by IceFlame1019
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2 hours ago, VampirePirate said:

Sounds like a nightmare.

I knew there was a reason i did not feel eager to replay that quest.

It wasn't so much of a nightmare as it was a frustration, i'm used to frustrations with Warframe.
I kind of wish DE would stop focusing on pushing new things for a bit and just fix and solidify what they already have rather than just putting bandaids in small patches.  The real nightmare for me is getting stuck on geometry in other levels which isn't visibly there, or the Vay Hek Terra Frame battle where I keep getting caught in a loop of falling into the middle pit because the respawn point is too far forward.  Or the fact that the Void is literally pointless now that Primes are available everywhere and Corrupted enemies spawn out of Rifts, as well as the whole relic grind system when they claimed they wanted to reduce the grind.  Compared to these issues, the bugs I find so far in a replay are just annoying pokes. 

I just hope a later replay doesn't get me literally stuck and immobile against the Stalker, which has happened before when he tagged me for the Sergeant.

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3 minutes ago, IceFlame1019 said:

It wasn't so much of a nightmare as it was a frustration, i'm used to frustrations with Warframe.
I kind of wish DE would stop focusing on pushing new things for a bit and just fix and solidify what they already have rather than just putting bandaids in small patches.  The real nightmare for me is getting stuck on geometry in other levels which isn't visibly there, or the Vay Hek Terra Frame battle where I keep getting caught in a loop of falling into the middle pit because the respawn point is too far forward.  Or the fact that the Void is literally pointless now that Primes are available everywhere and Corrupted enemies spawn out of Rifts, as well as the whole relic grind system when they claimed they wanted to reduce the grind.  Compared to these issues, the bugs I find so far in a replay are just annoying pokes. 

I just hope a later replay doesn't get me literally stuck and immobile against the Stalker, which has happened before when he tagged me for the Sergeant.


You know, most of what you mentioned is due to people-pleasing.

If they didn't focus on making new things, the community would become chaotic as you have seen since the mere mention of War Within not being ready when it should have.  Of course, the state of the community is somewhat DE's fault, because being too open minded towards the community caused people to have self-entitlement issues to the point that they think they run the game and that devs work for them.  It's a mess and a destructive cycle, and I've been watching it get worse for years.   We can only hope that things will get better, or at least that DE can fix crucial problems with their game.


About the Second Dream quest.  I would like to play it again, but i won't at this point.  I believe i remember enough to be satisfied with playing War Within when it comes out.

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27 minutes ago, VampirePirate said:


You know, most of what you mentioned is due to people-pleasing.

If they didn't focus on making new things, the community would become chaotic as you have seen since the mere mention of War Within not being ready when it should have.  Of course, the state of the community is somewhat DE's fault, because being too open minded towards the community caused people to have self-entitlement issues to the point that they think they run the game and that devs work for them.  It's a mess and a destructive cycle, and I've been watching it get worse for years.   We can only hope that things will get better, or at least that DE can fix crucial problems with their game.


About the Second Dream quest.  I would like to play it again, but i won't at this point.  I believe i remember enough to be satisfied with playing War Within when it comes out.

People-pleasing has its limits until it becomes detrimental, and from what i've seen in my stint of amateur game design and watching other popular games over their lifespans...DE is treading on dangerous ground if they don't stop the pleasing for a bit and return their focus to the core of the game.  You can't please everyone, but their constant nerfing of Frames and buffing of enemies to appease those looking for a "challenge" has killed the game for a great many, and of course the pleasing has poisoned the community.  I saw the same thing happen in TF2 once it went F2P and their nerfs were all across the board to make it "better" for the CoD whiny babies.  Many players left because their play styles were completely screwed and the poison of the whiny freeplayers just killed the whole atmosphere, and Valve only worked to empower the freeplayers.  The people-pleasing killed it and I left, you can only play so long with entitled whiners.  I pray Warframe doesn't become a similar situation.  It's already F2P and not primarily PvP, but the pleasing is taking its toll and many veterans are turned away.  At some point you have to bite the bullet and stop trying to please everyone and just make your game how you want it, not how best to attract more people and appease the most vocal of the community.


I'm actually glad I went through and replayed it.  The sheer awe of "what the F is going on here?!" the first time around, coupled with the crappiness of my previous gaming PC, caused me to lose out on some key points like Margulis being blinded and rendered sick by the outbursts from the children while she was working with them, or the nuances between her and Ballas.  Of course, having heard (what I assume to be) Ballas talking to Margulis in the Prime trailers and seeing the talk of Margulis's research during the Titania quest did put it more into context, but the tidbits I had missed the first time around really gave more gravity to the situation that's slowly unfurling.

For future story quests though, I'm hoping most of them take the format of the Titania quest where you had narrated entries, rather than obscure audio cues of ghostly voices triggered by your exploration of the level.  I was able to follow along with the text much better during the Titania expedition.  It makes me wonder how much of this upcoming War Within i'll be able to follow xD; darn my ADHD.  I do want to replay a few of the other quests too, such as the Limbo or Mesa missions, I feel like I missed a few things.

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