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2 New Frame Ideas, Please Give These A Look.


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Alright guys, I'm not in to fancy introductions so lets get right down to it.


I have two frame ideas to fill certain niches that are currently unfilled. A: a melee centric frame that has skills to supplement the melee system itself rather than just individual melee based skills, and B: a earth element frame that centers around support.


The melee frame:


Now, I know a lot of people think ash and excalibur are "melee frames" but honestly they arent. They have skills that are technically melee but they dont make any use out of the melee weapons system itself. The player can simply spam the skills inbetween gunfire and dont actually encourage the use of your melee weapon as a whole, so that's where this frame comes in. His skills center around advancing and supplementing the currently equipped melee weapon.


Name: Onslaught


This frame would be thinnish but the tallest of the group. With a slight hunch/slouch, garbed in cracked or worn armor with large pauldrons and tattered hanging garments (such as a cape, scarf or the like) to signify "ancientness" in line with melee being the oldest of tenno combat forms.


I don't have names for the skills yet so bear with me.


First skill: Creates a group of outward facing blades at waist level that rapidly circle around the warframe, starting with 2 and going up to 5 at max level. Does x damage with each blade to any enemies within melee range. Static duration.


Second skill: For the duration of this skill, the frame does an extra 10% damage with his melee weapon for every enemy within melee range, with a max of an extra 40% melee damage. Increasing the mod level increases duration.


Third skill: Frame plunges his sword in to the ground, creating a large radius field around him. Allies inside the field gain energy with every melee attack made upon an enemy. *Note: this effect does not affect this frame for the player nor for any other player present also using this frame to prevent exploitation)


Fourth skill: The frame transforms, becoming larger, much bulkier with heavily decorated and exaggerated armor. Whatever melee weapon is equipped transforms as well in to a set of 2 ornate broad swords. For the duration of this skill, enemy aggression is focused on the player similar to decoy or moult, incoming damage is greatly decreased, the players guns are disabled, and melee attacks cast crescent shaped energy/shock waves that dissipate after 10 or so feet, damaging anything in their path. Lasts 8 seconds to a max of 14 seconds.


This frame really goes out to the players who actually want a legitimate reason to use their melee as a primary rather than as a throwaway or only against infected.




The second frame:


This one is average height and stockier. Havent really thought of a particular look yet.


Name: Gestalt


First power: "Transmute" The frame creates a thick layer of carbon around a target ally, reducing incoming damage for a period of time. Upgrading increases the amount of time.


Second power: "Lahar" The frame places his hands on the ground and a muddy material flows out, covering a large radius of the ground him. For the duration of the skill, enemies that step on to the field move 10% faster but have a x% chance of being knocked down by melee attacks, with the % scaling with mod level.


Third power: "Homunculus" The frame creates a carbon clone of himself that stands beside him, mirroring all of his movements. Will attack with guns and melee weapon just like the player but will not copy powers. Has roughly 15-20% of the damage output of the player. Upgrading increases duration


Fourth Power: "Tremor" The frame slams his hands on the ground and a giant wave of matter flows out in a circle around him, knocking all nearby enemies significantly upward and backward. Enemies that hit walls, ceilings or other objects before/instead of hitting the ground take significant damage, enemies that hit nothing are temporarily stunned.



All in all I think both of these frames would mesh very well in to the game with both support and offensive roles. I don't think either of them particularly copies any other frame or makes any other frame obsolete and instead would be very lateral in terms of overall power.


Please discuss and leave your thoughts.

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first i would like to say i like your idea but on the first frame idea it dose not do what you state that you want it to do in the point of having the player to want to use there melee weapon more often then other frames. the problem with this idea is that the duration of an ability that effects just the melee weapon would have to be a long duration so it is not tedious for use. the second frame sounds real cool but the ult probably needs to be something else more unique. there are already several "hit the ground" AOEs.

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love the melee guy idea especially since there's already so many melee weapons in game. love the ulti especially. not too sure about the hunched idea but i'm all for the cloak stuff. 


not too sure about the support guy though. seems a bit boring (sorry) and feels to me like a combination of some existing frames (loki, banshee, mag/rhino)

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first i would like to say i like your idea but on the first frame idea it dose not do what you state that you want it to do in the point of having the player to want to use there melee weapon more often then other frames. the problem with this idea is that the duration of an ability that effects just the melee weapon would have to be a long duration so it is not tedious for use. the second frame sounds real cool but the ult probably needs to be something else more unique. there are already several "hit the ground" AOEs.

What makes the second frames ult unique is that it doesn't just do static damage to everything around it like radial javelin, crush or several other ults. Instead the primary effect of it would be the "flinging" effect. Ideally the ult would launch enemies FAR, like at least 30 feet away, the damage aspect would be secondary to this effect.


As for the primary frame, durations can be whatever, the point remains that the skills themselves strongly encourage melee use and melee range, not only for the user but also for the team.



love the melee guy idea especially since there's already so many melee weapons in game. love the ulti especially. not too sure about the hunched idea but i'm all for the cloak stuff. 


not too sure about the support guy though. seems a bit boring (sorry) and feels to me like a combination of some existing frames (loki, banshee, mag/rhino)

Support is rarely "exciting" hence why so few people play medics in many games. The effects would be invaluable though. None of the other frames can effectively bolster the defenses of another player, or modify the terrain itself to give a great advantage to the player. Imagine if you're surrounded by infected and you're sure you're going to go down and suddenly you're covered in carbon armor, giving you enough damage resistance to get out of there. You could pull this off personally as rhino but not everyone plays rhino right. Or if you've got a bunch of enemies swarming the pod in defense, the health is going down, and in one swift motion another player with gestalt activates the knockdown field, you do an AOE slam attack and all nearby enemies drop to the ground and get briefly stunned, allowing you to pull things back in to control. The idea behind these skills is to save player lives and turn poor situations around to the players advantage.

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