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Weapon Ideas And Other


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1.bladed fist weapons

2.way of adding silencers or something like that to weapon

3.more silent back attacks like cutting of head or cutting legs then stabbing but they will be random

4.if you attacking for example jackal or somethin like him in his yellow armor plates for long enought they fall of and exspose places to attack into but enemy will still attack you


6.more destroyable things like walls and something like that

7.grapple hook but when you create it you cant unequip it and it will be used on k buttion by deffault

8.night time on planet surfaces missions

9.grenades, smoke grenades, flash grenades, plasma grenades, mines

10.talant trees like warrior, gunman, shadow warrior.

11.earning talant tree point by doing talant challenges like kill 20 enemies using bladed fist weapons in slide

12.finishing attacks like in skyrim

13.slow motion when having less than 25%of health

14.space base thing like dojo but only for player, key can be bought for 50k

15.and like not crafting warframe but wearing different parts like wearing banshee chasis rhino legs and excalibur helm and warframe set bonuss like full excalibur set will add speed or meele damage , but that dificullt to do because of what to do with skills, another idea, legs will add something like excalibur slash dash, chassis can add something like conjure shield or something like that, helmet  something like banshee scream.

16.tenno planet where you can build a house (probably bad idea but anyway)


18.way to put 2 things in hand like sword and shield ,or something like that (idea by duralumin)

19.sawblade launcher (idea by duralumin)


feel free to do any comments you like, post your own ideas

Edited by noga1
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1. Ankyros

2. Thats why we have silent weapons. No need to make every weapon a silent one and take away the purpose of real stelath   


3. sounds ok

4. good

5 hmm. maybe

6. think this will be added.

7. Will be added but as equipment

8. sounds ok

9. Hell no! Nades existed and they got deleted. Besides that. They are supposed to be skills. Fire nade=ember Smoke nade=ash ect.

10. Hell no as well. We have characters. They are the skill tree....

11. see 10

12. would be cool but also would make you more vulnerable...

13. Slow mo? Yeah. But not for your 25%idea... wouldnt even be able to add this to a multiplayer game like WF. It will be a skill from a frame.

14. There would be no purpose in building a dojo then. Besides that. This would make people only contributing in their homes

       instead of their clans. No thanks....

15. Its a suit. A one part suit. They arent armor so nope. And the everyone can have every skill thing. Never

16. WTF.... warsims.... sorry, but no

17. hmm. maybe

Edited by Venarge
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1. have you played prototype 1? there is  bladed thing and there they would be 3x smaller

9.grenades as skill sounds strange. and people may wanna play as excalibur and throw grenades

10-11. achievments that gives permament increase fordamgae,speed,walking sound, something like that

13.only for single?

14.house consume only money?

15.allright but i still think suit can be cutted in pieces

16.have you played minecraft? something like that but with crafting and building time and diging on surface of planet would actualy let you make yourself a mine in 3D AND I LOVE DIGGING SO MUCH.


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I generally have to agree with venarge.

The idea of building a house doesn't really fit with this, this isn't meant to be an mmo where you can visit other peoples houses and such, it's a Coop online 3rd person action game. Dojos are meant so clans can have stuff together but I don't agree with the houses thing. If anything tenno probably sleep in tubes.

Also no to seperate armor parts, would imbalance the game so much not to mention look odd. As venarge said the warframes are part of a set.

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Revolver Side-Arm

-Very high damage per shot (90+)

-Low ammo per magazine (≤6)

-Low max ammo (120)


Sawblade Launcher Primary

-High damage

-Slow reload speed

-Pierces targets

-Deals Slashing damage


Sword & Shield Melee Weapon

-Blocking creates a completely shielded area in front of the user; about the size of Volt's energy shield

-Shield cannot be shot though by anything

-Shield can be aimed 360 degrees

-Blocking slows the user to a walking pace

-Charge attack is a shield bash; does low damage but heavily stuns a target

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