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High Powered Revolver, Anyone?


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First of all allow me to state that I understand WarFrame is still in it's Beta stages. That being said here is an idea for a new secondary: Revolver (Colt)


Considering the multitude of different characters and play styles I figured the introduction of a High Powered, Medium Accuracy, Decent Reload Speed, Low Magazine Revolver should somehow find it's way into the game.


I'd love to hear what the community has to say about such a secondary.





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Currently, the Lex fills that role, but I'd like a revolver as well. People have been complaining about the lack of new primaries and secondaries, so here's an idea.


Make a revolver which surpasses the Lex in damage, but uses a single reload mechanic. (similar to how many shotguns in other games reload shells individually.)


I know it's far into the future and speedloaders would've been an easy creation, but this is more for balance sakes. While we're on this subject, a shotgun with similar features could also be implemented.


The player would be able to interrupt their reload to fire however many rounds were placed in.

Edited by Aciszen
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I figure it'd be more like slightly less damage per shot, but say... a faster fire rate and a slower reload time(which would include sweet cylinder spinning sounds).


Yeah, that makes more sense. We don't need to push into the sniper's already flailing niche.

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I would love a new skin for the Lex! I find the current one bland, but I love the weapon in functionality.

I'm with Rudest.


I'd like to see a revolver that looks...well...like a revolver. Long barrel, wooden grips, revolving chamber. That sorta thing. Think Rick Grimes' Revolver from The Walking Dead.

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Someone already said it but, yeah it makes sense to have it higher fire rate, but lower accuracy than the lex. Other than that, you could just release it as a lex skin with those stats. It would save some people some grief i believe.

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I'd hate to see an entire weapon category be pushed haphazardly into a skin for a weapon. Particularly because of the "My Lex has 8 shots" conundrum.

While it is possible to give the Lex a cousin, it's also possible to give a Lato a buddy.
Many people who support the Lex reskin idea respond to the ammo capacity with the fact that there are revolvers out there that have more than six shots. I always tell that that those revolvers have roughly the same size cylinder as a standard six-shooter because of the smaller bullets.

With that in mind, we could have a fast shooting small caliber revolver, and a speedloader on hand. It could also open the same type of revolver, but akimbo. Introducing revolvers would introduce a new secondary weapon type, which is an excellent thing considering it would help close the gap between the sheer number of melee weapons compared to the guns (Or pointy throwables, if you prefer).

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Medium Accuracy, Decent Reload Speed


What about these two suggestions made you people think of the Lex?



The Lex IS a powerful gun, but it is also very slow to reload and accurate as F***.It´s a goddamn pocket sniper.


I´d say another very powerful handgun which shifts the focus a bit more to medium distances would be cool.

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I'm with Rudest.


I'd like to see a revolver that looks...well...like a revolver. Long barrel, wooden grips, revolving chamber. That sorta thing. Think Rick Grimes' Revolver from The Walking Dead.

Although I too would like a revolver, I don't think there are any factions that would produce a weapon with those aesthetics.

How about a Corpus "laser revolver", with capacitors taking the place of bullets?


Actual beams, not plasma bolts by the way.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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I'd hate to see an entire weapon category be pushed haphazardly into a skin for a weapon. Particularly because of the "My Lex has 8 shots" conundrum.


Well, new weapon or no, I think the Lex could use a better alternate skin of some kind. The current one, as mentioned before, just doesn't fit.

>.> But Revolver class of weapons? Wouldn't say no to that either!

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Change the Lex into a .45 type gun. Lower damage by a few notches, lower the accuracy/range by a bit, increase the mag size by one or two, increase the ROF and reload time.

After that, give the current Lex's stats to the revolver type sidearm. 

There you have it. You now have something that isn't as slow and hard hitting as the revolver or fast shooting/spammable as the Lato but a gun that fits in the middle.

PS: the way the Lex looks, atm, like a mid-sized caliber pistol, not big enough to look like a hard hitter but not small or "soft" enough to look like a small caliber sidearm.

PPS: You can also give the "new" lex a skin that gives it a suppressor which would allow it to be a stealth weapon by masking the gun shot to something that sounds like an environmentally-caused sound (ie: debris hitting the ship or pipes being loud and such,etc).

Stat-wise: Gives the stealth ability + lower recoil, in exchange for less slightly less damage and maybe a slightly slower draw time. 

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