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[Warframe Concept] Teru the sentient hunter


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18 hours ago, mustache_kitteh said:

That's the one! So it seems a female was executed before they were going to try and do that to Margulis, but yeah I was going to go with them doing that to her parents. Since it kind of seemed like they did that kind of experiments often to the Archamedians. 

The timeline makes no sense, tbh. I believe the woman who was just killed was Margulis, but it doesn't make sense to have killed her before the Sentients are ever sent to Tau.

I don't know when she was killed.

18 hours ago, mustache_kitteh said:

Really? In the dialogue it says, "the biomes had been sabotaged. The food stock dwindled. " Though maybe that just means the people that were going insane were messing things up. Though the main thing that made me think it was is in Ember primes Codex, "The old woman gestured for the officer to take Kaleen away. The meeting was over. When Kaleen reached the doors she twisted out of his grip and shot back, 'Why would you do that?Why did you put children on military ship?' 'We didn't. That would violate procedure.'"

Yeah, it's just the parents/adults destroying the Zariman's infrastructure. At least I don't think it's meant as intentional sabotage. Maybe it was. It could've been.

As for the Ember entry, I've always assumed it meant they were lying. Kaleen asks a direct question and they lie to her face. (They knew kids were on the Zariman.)

18 hours ago, mustache_kitteh said:

So the 100% and momentary invisibility is making it still be too much? 

Seems that way to me.

18 hours ago, mustache_kitteh said:

I also went over all the other warframe abilities and didn't realize how much 1 skill could do, like with frosts globe. With some of the skills having like 4-5 different uses it makes it a little tricky to know what's too much and what isn't. 

Exactly. Building key abilities that can not only pull double-duty (or more), but also synergize with the rest of the kit is appealing. And it can indeed be tricky not making things OP.

18 hours ago, mustache_kitteh said:

The Tessen part is just to give a silly physical look and does kind of workout with her kicking/knocking enemies out of her way while gliding. Though in the end just might put it as knocking since kicking might be too tricky to implement while gliding. 

I think she could do a flip kick while gliding, but without the fans. If you want her to be silly, go for it. Like maybe in her animations and idles. But tying the fans to her ankles might be a disservice to the art she's mastered.

18 hours ago, mustache_kitteh said:

When watching the customizing a song with the new bard frame the will come, I'm not sure what would actually be too much when it comes to the abilities. 

Same. We (the fan community) are always anxious about an overly complex mechanic, yet the step sequencer is in the pipeline.

Finding a balance between justifiably complex and overly and unnecessarily complex is also tricky. Making it simple enough to execute, and not eat up too much animation time (slowing action and gameplay down) are important to getting it right, though. So is deciding what the ability actually needs, not just what seems cool or like a good idea. We have to ask ourselves what purpose it actually serves, if it is needed. (I still struggle with this, but revision is the key to making anything better, not just concepts.)

18 hours ago, mustache_kitteh said:

I'll be doing that today and reading each ability with the frames we have.

I know I had first learned about the name, "Kisa," while watching an anime called, "Fruit baskets." Though it seems that name is actually Russian, still I just loved the way it sounded. 

Well i'm going to be doing even more research today. XD

Hope it works out okay with the names. As for research, yeah, learning more is never bad. I try to read 'frames that have similar styles of play, or types of abilities. Otherwise, yeah, just read more and try to understand the mechanics behind things. 

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4 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

The timeline makes no sense, tbh. I believe the woman who was just killed was Margulis, but it doesn't make sense to have killed her before the Sentients are ever sent to Tau.

I don't know when she was killed.

She's not killed when this codex happens and only after she had been working with the Tenno. This just shows when her and Ballas first meet and get hot for each other kind of. 

4 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

As for the Ember entry, I've always assumed it meant they were lying. Kaleen asks a direct question and they lie to her face. (They knew kids were on the Zariman.)

that's what makes me think that they did it but the top head Orokin would have someone else to do the dirty work. Mainly since I'm sure people would rebel against them if they found out that they sent kids to their deaths over something. That's why they did it in such a way so that no fingers would be pointed in their direction. 

4 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

Seems that way to me.

The momentary invisibility is to make up for when you jump back since it would suck if the random jumping back has you land in the middle of a massive enemy horde. Then you end up instantly dying from being overwhelmed all of a sudden. Though I might just get rid of the invisibility part and just make it so she's immune to all damage until the skill ends and 2-3 extra seconds to get away. Again just in case you end up landing in a massive horde of enemies. 


4 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

I think she could do a flip kick while gliding, but without the fans. If you want her to be silly, go for it. Like maybe in her animations and idles. But tying the fans to her ankles might be a disservice to the art she's mastered.

Interesting kick idea, I'll see how it would look and fit in with the gliding. The animation would be more like when warframes have the archwings snapped onto their bodies. With that ability I already took out the tying them to her and just said she connects them. The time to connect them like that I figured might be around the same as Nezha putting his halo ability on, maybe a little less.

She's still a Kitsune and loves to play tricks on people no matter how good she is, that's the direction I was going with it. As I said, she's an unconventional warrior.

5 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

Hope it works out okay with the names. As for research, yeah, learning more is never bad. I try to read 'frames that have similar styles of play, or types of abilities. Otherwise, yeah, just read more and try to understand the mechanics behind things. 

It's just so hard since when you go to the wiki it says, "This exo-armor protects the wearer by giving them regenerative shields, granting them greatly enhanced mobility, and empowering them with an array of supernatural abilities – all of which further augment the Tenno's deadly combat arts.Warframes are both diverse and highly reconfigurable, allowing for each class of Warframe to be tailored to fit a multitude of playstyles. While certain Warframes excel in a particular situation, none are limited to a singular role and no role demands the use of a singular Warframe." That confuses me the most on what are the limits to one on what they can know, just makes it seem like as long as it fits with the theme, it works.


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@Rhekemi Now I've done some tweaking to the first skill and been working on a better art work of the frame. Though with the change I've made I'm still unsure on how to make it work perfectly without anything getting in the way. If you can think of another way of making it work or wording it better, that would help me out greatly. I also finished drawing her a little bit better than my first attempt, but still need to learn how to draw better.

Edited by mustache_kitteh
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Editing notes:

  • I moved the part explaining Tessenjutsu in with the hidden part that shows images of what they look like and the videos. I figured anything above that isn't talking about the stats and other things towards the warframe would make people not want to look at it as much. So for those truly curious about it can just lower it and read it while the ones that don't care can skip it easily.
  • Shortened the part talking about what a Kitsune is since I don't think most care too much to know more info about that. 
  • I changed a little bit about the frame facts dealing with the possession. Which I came up with that idea because of how Kitsune tend to possess people but I didn't want that to be an ability. I also took one of the facts out due to feeling like it wasn't needed.
  • Took out some parts about the physical details due to being useless information.
  • I added more detail about the helmet and future changes I plan to make to the drawing. 
  • Changed how much armor she would have but I might change that again.
  • Changed some things about the First Ability.
  • Edited the second ability.

So far that's all I've fixed and changed today. 


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Editing notes:

  • Went through and completely deleted all extra details about Tessenjutsu, any personal stuff on Kisa and anything else that seemed pointless.
  • Shortened everything up and put any extra details in hidden content for people who actually care to read can look and those who don't can just skip.

So far that's all I've changed, though seeing how only two people have given me some advice on how to fix this concept. I feel like it's become a waste of time due to nobody else giving any kind of input. I might just completely give up on this concept seeing how nobody else honestly cares to notice it and it's not like DE will ever like it.


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Editing notes:

  • Switched Electric Glide ability from being the 2nd ability to first ability. 
  •  The 1st ability is now the 2nd ability and was completely changed to a different concept. New name of the 2nd ability is still subject to change if I can think of a better name or to improve the ability. 
  • Added some more detail to the 4th ability and gave it a better name. 
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  • 1 month later...

Edit Notes:

Completely changed all skills and gotten rid of the Kitsune part of this frame. After a point I just couldn't make that part work but with my new angle, this should make everything fit together and work perfectly with the lore too. I really like the idea of her being a frame that is also mixed with sentient parts.

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The destroyed original helmet looks interesting, and I'm willing to go with the idea of the operator being blinded by it.

Unsure about using Sentient parts to repair her, but with the right story it could happen.

I like that you've streamlined her powers.

I think you could tell she had too many competing influences, or that they didn't blend together seamlessly enough.

So, are you satisfied with dropping the kitsune aspects in her kit? I know you are keeping some kitsune aesthetics, but am just wondering about abilities.

I don't particularly know much about kitsunes, but it does seem a popular inspiration. I feel like you love the theme, but were having a hard time translating it into a cohesive warframe identity and ability set.

If you love it enough to try again, then do so. Don't give up on it if it is what you want. If you want to create a kitsune 'frame as a separate concept from this, that might also be good.

What I liked most about Kisa was her Tessen and her unique combat system (we need more unique CQC, and I am a fan of incorporating it with weapons and 'frames).

So while I like the thematic move toward a wind and tessen 'frame (with less kitsune elements), I feel like she lost some of her Tessen CQC powers.

There is also some similarity between powers Kisa's powers (to the point that some abilities seem redundant), and a strong thematic similarity to Zephyr.

All Zephyr's powers are wind-based, too.

Likewise Ember and Nezha both use fire, but in different ways. I think you could do that here.

Her 1 is movement speed increase. (Zephyr has such a skill, but I can't remember if it is innate or augmented.)

Zephyr also has Divebomb as an aerial attack, Turbulence to stop projectiles and, Tornado as heavy CC.

My suggestions to set her apart are:

-Incorporate her Tessen CQC and make her a strong melee 'frame (you initially did this)

-Keep the wind spirit/elemental theme, but use it in ways that set it apart from Zephyr, and focus on her fans role in the abilities where possible.


I think you could keep her passive (it makes sense in her lore, but isn't in line with her other skills). I don't have a suggestion for a different one.

Wind Sail seems fine.

Cyclone I think you could change completely, but also because I think you need a slot for her Tessen CQC.

I like Wind Shield but want to suggest a tweak.

Tempest is a little like Cyclone and Wind Shield, but I see where you are going and would suggest a tweak.

1) Wind Sail: Remains the same, but sliding near an enemy, or pressing melee while sliding allows Kisa to release a burst of slashing air with a slice of her Tessen. Maybe 100% slash and knockdown (going with your ideas) on the first attack on any target. Subsequent attacks on the same target do less % of slash damage and no knockdown maybe. Can be used as a sort of hit-and-run attack that chips health effectively or kills.

2) War Fans: Kisa takes up her Tessen and accesses a set of unique CQC combos depending on the enemy type. High slash and high impact damage. Using War Fans while Wind Sail is active will give it some bonuses. (Maybe increased speed and combo counter, which stack on melee mods that are already affecting her Tessen?)

3) Storm's Eye: The highest wind speeds or gale force winds on the Beaufort scale are Hurricane Force winds. This ability places Kisa at the center of the storm (the eye of the storm/hurricane) with winds of over 100 (maybe as high as 200) miles per hour pushing outward in a radius. This force slows enemies, knocks them down, and disables weapons (you can barely walk, let alone aim). Allies could easily gain blinding movement speeds while gaining the full protection of Kisa while inside her radius (so it is still like the dome). The force moves with Kisa and she can throw her fans.(The edge of the outer ring is maybe 25 meters out?). If allies move outside of her radius they keep the speed buff for her abilities duration, but all other buffs are cut in half. IE: allies become the eyes of their very own storms half the size of Kisa's, enemies move 50% faster, are not knocked down, and regain weapons but with reduced accuracy. The allies mini storms last for the full duration of Kisa's big storm (with a visible buff icon on screen).

Possible Augment: Soothing Winds. Kisa's winds are warm in icy conditions, and cool in fiery environments. (Restores 75% of all shields reduced by ice damage/cold. Reduces 75% of all fire damage/heat procs.)

Kisa can use both of her first skills during Storm's Eye. Kills with her 2 refund energy.

For reference:

4) Gale Force or Hurricane Force: Kisa turns her Tessen into a weapon of mass destruction and swings her Tessen in a wide arc, unleashing a conical wave of air that cuts through anything in its path. The blasts must be aimed and fired at single targets or mobs.

If Storm's Eye was active while her #4 was, the force of enemies pushing against her winds is transferred into the attack power of her conical bursts. Maybe every enemy adds 25% more damage with a cap of 15 enemies. So that is a potential 375% extra damage for an unmodable 30 seconds, or until Kisa's energy runs out. Or you could do 20% for every enemy which gives 300%, or 15% for a total of 225%.

Using #4 while in War Fans stance, adds unique burst attacks to War Fans' combos, maybe.

Again, these are just suggestions and ideas, use any, none or all as you see fit.



Edited by Rhekemi
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The destroyed original helmet looks interesting, and I'm willing to go with the idea of the operator being blinded by it. Unsure about using Sentient parts to repair her, but with the right story it could happen.

What helped with the operator going blind is thanks to what happens in the war within and the fact that what happened to the frame was affecting the operator as well.

What I thought about with the sentient parts was due to the Detron Crewman codex and when the archimedean was showing off that sample. I figured with that then they probably did have more samples and was something they were willing to risk to try since they probably needed every warframe possible to defeat the sentients. So until a frame was completely destroyed till there was nothing left, I figured they would have been desperate enough to try and fix her up and send her back into battle. 


So, are you satisfied with dropping the kitsune aspects in her kit? I know you are keeping some kitsune aesthetics, but am just wondering about abilities.

Yes, I'm satisfied with it. After waking up one morning with a better idea on how the frame would look. I then realized that the kitsune angle wouldn't work and it doesn't fit warframe sadly. I am sad about not being able to make that part work but I'm really happy with the change since tying her up with the old war and sentients seemed badass. Plus that's a part of the lore that DE has barely touched on and I'm extremely curious about what happened in the old war. So this is my adding my own thoughts about what happened in it.


I don't particularly know much about kitsunes, but it does seem a popular inspiration. I feel like you love the theme, but were having a hard time translating it into a cohesive warframe identity and ability set. If you love it enough to try again, then do so. Don't give up on it if it is what you want. If you want to create a kitsune 'frame as a separate concept from this, that might also be good.

Later in the line I might try again with a different frame but because I truly do want to stick with a frame that does tessenjutsu like fighting. I cared more about keeping that part than the Kitsune.


What I liked most about Kisa was her Tessen and her unique combat system (we need more unique CQC, and I am a fan of incorporating it with weapons and 'frames). So while I like the thematic move toward a wind and tessen 'frame (with less kitsune elements), I feel like she lost some of her Tessen CQC powers.

Yes, the Tessen part will never be removed since I truly want a frame based around using those as a weapon. For now the skills are a jumbled mess and I haven't had a chance to clean them up today but later I will work on that. Plus with mixing wind abilities with the Tessen, I feel like that kind of combo can work better since when you wave a fan like that you create wind. Though in this frames case it would be enough to actually harm, knock back, etc. 


There is also some similarity between powers Kisa's powers (to the point that some abilities seem redundant), and a strong thematic similarity to Zephyr.

Zephyr's abilities was the reason in the first place why I figured if she had wind abilities caused by her tessen then people might just think she's just like zephyr. Though I guess people still would with electric damage as well. After checking out Zephyr's page the information they give about her is, "Light-footed and graceful, the beautiful and deadly Zephyr is in her element while airborne. With the power to bend air currents, she is an agile skyterror who delivers swift judgement from above. Zephyr soared to the skies in Update 12.0." I guess that means Zephyr can not create wind but just bend any air currents around her and is supposed to mostly be in the air when attacking. Which I wouldn't have Kisa fighting in the air like a bird. He will stay firmly to the ground and create wind with her Tessen. 


-Incorporate her Tessen CQC and make her a strong melee 'frame (you initially did this)

-Keep the wind spirit/elemental theme, but use it in ways that set it apart from Zephyr, and focus on her fans role in the abilities where possible.

Her Tessen will be the only way she can create wind, which I was thinking about the main type of damage she would do is slash and if that doesn't kill enemies then they end up knocked down. Though I need to do more research on wind abilities from multiple games to help get a better idea of what I could do. 


3) Storm's Eye: The highest wind speeds or gale force winds on the Beaufort scale are Hurricane Force winds. This ability places Kisa at the center of the storm (the eye of the storm/hurricane) with winds of over 100 (maybe as high as 200) miles per hour pushing outward in a radius. This force slows enemies, knocks them down, and disables weapons (you can barely walk, let alone aim). Allies could easily gain blinding movement speeds while gaining the full protection of Kisa while inside her radius (so it is still like the dome). The force moves with Kisa and she can throw her fans.(The edge of the outer ring is maybe 25 meters out?). If allies move outside of her radius they keep the speed buff for her abilities duration, but all other buffs are cut in half. IE: allies become the eyes of their very own storms half the size of Kisa's, enemies move 50% faster, are not knocked down, and regain weapons but with reduced accuracy. The allies mini storms last for the full duration of Kisa's big storm (with a visible buff icon on screen).

Yes, with this skill I was going for the idea with her being like the eye of a storm kind of thing. I'll give more thought on this idea and do like it, maybe even think of some how with her Tessen moving around in the circle as the wind swirls around her, slashing any enemies they hit. In that case Kisa could have 4 Tessen on her but 2 of them would be what she wears on her head like an accessory most of the time. Though the 2 as accessories could be used as the ones to create the wind with this ability. Then the other 2 Tessen would be the ones she throws to spin around her. With this ability she would create a really powerful wind around her but at the eye of it she would be pretty vulnerable if the enemies even make it to the middle. 


Thank you for your suggestions, I really love them and I'll be thinking about how to really fix up her abilities since I have more time now. :) So much reworking and thinking to do now but I'm excited. ^^ 

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Edit Notes:

Changed the first 3 abilities to try and fit this frame better. First ability is now Conversion, second is Adapt and third is Wind bomb. Her abilities are still subject to change if I think of anything better but with her first ability I think I will stay with that idea and just think of ways on how to improve it. 

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12 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

Even though it's still under construction, I like this more cohesive direction. It suits Kisa.

The two abilities that probably will change are the 2nd and 3rd since I'm still not sure about how well they fit. I do know that I will keep the first ability, just need to think of a better way to word what I mean on it's details. 


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  • 3 weeks later...


  • Updated drawing of her Tessen and her dual tessen will be identical. Though i will probably make the text on the other a little different.
  • Switched some things around and organized the post better.
  • Added new detail to the description(will add more to that) and the first ability.
  • Going to add a lot more but for now I'm not sure how to explain it well enough. Hopefully I will come up with a better way some time tomorrow. 
  • Still thinking of a better sharp edge for the Tessen at the moment. 
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  • Came up with a name for the Warframe and keeping the Original Operators name as Kisa.
  • More description was added
  • Added more physical detail until I can actually draw her. (Could use the help from anyone who can draw.)
  • Tried to word the passive better.
  • Added a little to the first ability.
  • Whole new idea for the 3rd ability.
  • Fixed the 4th ability some.

Let me know if y'all like the changes or if there are some things I could do to make this concept better. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


  • Fixed somethings in the short lore story
  • Fiexed the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ability details
  • Changed how I've organized the post

Also if anyone is really good at drawing, I could really use the help in creating an image for this frame concept. 

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