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On 11/27/2016 at 1:22 AM, 0zryel said:

I din't miss your point, I think you din't get mine. What I was trying to say is that The Operator IS the Warframe, this is the lore and its not going to change, at least for now... 

Don't believe me this is information taken from the game it self

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...This is who you really are. A Tenno, more than human... but once a child like any other.

—The Lotus

The Operator is the Tenno represented by the player, a young human whose powers are the source of their Warframe's abilities. Operators control the Warframes through a process known as Transference, which uses a device known as a Somatic Link to transfer the Operator's consciousness and powers into their Warframes that they control as a surrogate body.


Your just going to have to accept it and embrace it as it is, until DE decides change it...Still one does never know... DE is always reading into the community Post reactions and making changes to the lore and story depending on many Tenno feedback ... also your denial of the Operator in game story, would make an interesting story, it reminds me of the Stalker lore yet I don't know why...lol :surprised:

They will never be able to succeed if they keep the story-line linear, their has to be multiple routes, and frankly I dont know of any other game it wouldn't fit in better.

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stop jus stop ree dic u lus.....DE not gonna change sumthin they created.....luv hate operator.....deal or dont play ......tired of rants frm critics im notta fan of operator. either i deal and still enjoy a game i luv and its tht a game.....hell my friend feels so strongly about it he wont finish second dream.....as a man and hell to woman thts like masterbation wo pay off/skeet.....why even continue.....well its easy ....manage game uninstall all.....no more operator whining....problem solved no ticket required




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