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New Warframe Suggestion: The Twin Warframes, Apollo And Artemis - Masters Of Weaponry.


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My main gripes with Apollo are that he's supposed to melee with no shields and his name isn't Ares.

Lol, straying away from the Greek Myth names but trust me, if he was not a twin Ares would definitely be up for consideration. As for his shield, if his stats were inverted and his base was 200 and health 50, i still think with max vit he would have enough health to negate the intended effect of risk. I'm sure his shield would be so high, that coupled with fast recharge, there'd be no threat of him dying outside Poison Ancients.


Maybe if 2 warframes is io much, have the final ability of both be "switch" which makes the frame change from apollo to Artemis and vice versa haha

That would be interesting, an ultimate that allows you to switch between the two, that would mean thought that there 1,2,3 abilities would have to be adjusted. Then there is the argument that you'd just be in possession of a singular OP frame that could dominate at both melee and range with just enough energy for the ultimate.

Edited by MrHeartless
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Ok, to warn you all as a sort of caveat, this is going to be a fairly lengthy read for the purpose of pitching my idea to DE directly, in hopes that they will take a serious look at its implementation. Additionally, your support as members of the community would also be greatly appreciated.


To summarize, my idea for a new set of warframes would be that of Twin Warframes(male + female) "Experts of Weaponry". The idea is to have two frames, one (Apollo, the brother) to be a master at melee combat and dps where as his sister (Artemis) would be a master of all ranged weapons and an expert at gun-kata.


Apollo- To add to the excitement of currently existing gameplay mechanics I feel some uniqueness is warranted. Apollo is the son of Zeus if you follow Greek Mythology and while he has nothing to do with battle and fighting in general, his name and that of his sister's do lend themselves to that air of thee Epic. How this is supposed to work is that Apollo would have your standard 3 slots for primary, secondary and melee weapons. However, as he is a master of melee weaponry I believe he should be given the ability to equip a second melee weapon in either his primary or secondary slots. If he equips another weapon in his primary slot for example, that weapon can only be a heavy weapon whereas if it is equipped into his secondary slot, it can be either another dual weapon or a single handed weapon. This ofcourse would have implications as to how which melee weapon is utilised but as the UI for this game is really not optimized at all, I will make a few suggestions on that abit further down.


Apollo would have a base health of 200 and a base shield of 50 with base armor of 100 and base energy of 75. The reason is I do not want him to be tanky shield wise as that is easily regenerated. Health on the other hand, not so much. He still needs to have enough base health and armor to take hits to his health directly and not die in 2 hits while not eliminating all the risks associated with close combat.


Apollo's first ability would be called either "Melee Maestro" or simply "Prodigy" or even "Warrior's Stance" and would take the form of an active buff that would have different effects depending on what weapon he has equipped: a) If it is a heavy melee weapon it would boost armor pen, attack speed and a small boost to non-charge attacks, b) if it is the traditional dual weapon equipped it would receive a boost to crit chance, crit damage and ignore either full/half armor of the target, c) This is the Flagship bonus in that if you have 2 single handed weapons equipped you will be given the ability to dual wield them, their total damage would be added together and then reduced to 75%(currently unsure as to whether any other bonuses should be given to this application or just left as is, your thoughts are welcomed). The purpose of this ability is to add versatility to a game which is centered mostly around gun-play and abilities and allow those who love all the cool melee weapons to have abit more utility.


Apollo's Second Ability: "Void Walker" is your standard gap closer, necessary for any melee focused character. This would operated as a dash or a teleport that can have its distance increased by stretch etc. Basically he will move so swiftly that he phases out of the immediate dimension, hence "walking the void" and will be able to cover distance quickly. Provisions can also be made for subsquent dashes to be chained if timed correctly and reducing the energy costs if executed skillfully. It is debatable whether this should do damage or not but if it does, maybe half of what Excalibur's dash does.


Apollo's Third Ability: "Bunker Breaker"(open to suggestions for the name lol), would be a 180 degree arc with about 6m range ahead of him that depletes enemy shields and staggers/stuns them. This would arguably do little to no damage and would just be for utility purposes.


Apollo's Ultimate: (not sure what to call it as yet) would be 1000 homing blades, unlike radial javelin that just shoots outward. During the cast time, the blades would surface on the skin of the warframe and by the end of the animation, would shoot out and home in on as many enemies as they can. Bearing in mind he is a Melee DPS focuses Warframe, his Ultimate HAS TO BE devastating. These blades would have a set damage on them, ignore armor and can also hit multiple targets. Of course they won't be 1000 blades as that would probably cause a world of lag for some people.


Apollo's Ultimate(Suggestion 2): would be called "Interplanetary Slash" or "Vorpal Slash"  something to that effect. With a Cast time of 2 seconds he will open a portal above him and a huge sword will be summoned, he will then do a sweeping animation with this huge energy/incorporeal entity and it will slash, in half, everything in its very wide and sprawling arc. Able to hit enemies not in the same room etc. I've seen various "energy based" animations in this game and an expansive energy sword seems feasible. Again, your thoughts please.


Next we have Artemis and her mechanics, in keeping stride with those of her brother would be similar with regards to her first ability, a multi-purpose buff. She will be a ranger charcter whose strengths will focus primarily on guns, bows and hopefully mini Van Helsing wrist mounted cross-bows :D. I digress, anyways. She is supposed to be a glass cannon DPS with her abilities augmenting gun play and damage. Artemis would have the ability to equip a max of 2 of the same type of ranged weapon into her 3 given slots i.e. 2 primary weapons or 2 secondary weapons, either swapping out the melee, the primary or the secondary slot to accomplish this. Therefore, it would be possible enter a mission with no melee weapon at all at your own risk.


Artemis will start at base health 75, base shield 100, base armor 40 and base energy of 125.


Artemis' first skill would either be called: "Gunner's Stance" or "Gun-Kata". This ability will give an across the board ammo regen of about 3 rounds every 10-15 seconds and would take the form of an active buff that will change depending on what item you have equipped: a) With a primary weapon equipped you will receive bonuses to reload speed, rate of fire and a chance(undecided) not to consume ammo on your next shot, b) With a secondary weapon equipped you will receive bonuses to crit chance(direct addition not %), crit damage and either ignore half/full armor of target, c) This skill will also allow you to do one of two things- i) you will be able to dual wield 2 one handed secondary ranged weapons simultaneously if available, with the total damage added together and then reduced to 75% of that total, ii) (the fun part) If you do have a melee weapon equipped, you will be granted the ability to dual wield a secondary one handed gun in one hand, and a one handed melee weapon in the other hand. This would enable "gun-kata" mode, your right click zoom will be disabled and replaced with combination attacks that enable firing and melee to be done in one animation. The Damage in this instance will be calculated separately depending on whether the melee weapon or the bullet connects with the target. The benefit would be new combos and animations and more versatility for sticky situations.


Artemis' Second Ability: "Battle Ready" would  instantly double magazine size and fire rate of all weapons, add 50% elemental damage of all types for all weapons for 15 seconds at the cost of instantly depleting her shields to 0 with no recharge for atleast 5 seconds.


Artemis' Third Ability: "Laser Barrage" unleashes a flurry of lasers from the retractable mounted lasers on her shoulders in a frontal direction, 1m wide, that penetrate and damages enemies in their path. This would count as a channelled attack in that for 3 seconds she would be stationary and vulnerable while spamming lasers infront of her.


Artemis's Ultimate: "Arrow Hail"(open to suggestions on the name" but would basically be her either jumping up and spining, while fired arrows in everywhich direction, in a wide circle around her or simply, spinning on her axis while still standing on the floor. The animation would have the arrows sticking into the ground or to the walls so as to simulate the "rain of arrows" effect.


It should be noted that no real damage numbers for the skills have been inserted by myself as that would require alot of testing to ensure the correct balance is met. Additionally, I do realise that some of these ideas would require abit of tweaking of existing mechanics to be implemented as suggested but I tried not to stray to far from the current game's mechanics in an effort to make it all the more possible for your guys.


I cannot reiterate FEEDBACK enough, I would really appreciate if you guys could comment and keep this thread alive and improve it to the point where the Design Council or even DE themselves gets wind of it and aim to implement it some where down the line. That being said, if they are infact interested, I would be very grateful if I could be told of such interest.


Thanks in advance. Remember to upvote if you agree.

Warframe is not bloody mythology cut that out please.

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Sephiroth and Sephira? XD 


Love the ideas. 


About the the melee frame: 

I'd like to call the 3rd skill ENERGY RAZE instead. Maybe also allow it to stun/knockback or stop enemy shield regen for a few seconds. 


Maybe the 4th skill can be a buff instead? Where you and your team gets an all melee buff (like range + damage + knockback/stun for each attack) for a few seconds too. And maybe call it Way of the CQB. XD


Still, great concept. 

Edited by LJumpStarTD
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