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Clantech Pistols And Support Weapons


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So far we have only the Acrid, the toxic-Bolto.


wouldnt it be interesting if we would have more of them?

i have thought about a few possibilitys.



Grenade Pistol.

Like the Bronco was once, one shot, high damage, just in explosive.

shoots a small grenade that explodes for...i dont know...50 impact and 100 explosive?

would be weaker than Thunderbolt, but it would stil be viable because of the strong pistol mods.



Plasma Pistol:

Like a lex, just with a plasma projectile. high damage, slow rof


Laser Pistol:

Like the Flux Rifle, just smaller and without the constand beam.

it will fire a "burst" of energy that hits multiple times (beam could have a duration of 0,5s and could hit 5times, just like Flux)

as i said it would not be possible to permafire it, instead it will act like single rounds. (1 shot = 1 beam with 5 hits)



We are in a clan, but all the weaposn are made for solo play...meh

wouldnt it be interesting if there would be some weapons with low damage, but supporting ability?




Like Ignis, just in Bio.

will cover the enemy with a sticky goo that slows them and increases incomming elemental damage. the weapon itself would deal only low normal damage.




Will deal low Fire damage (like Braton), but will also weaken the enemys armor. Normal and AP hits will deal increased damage.



Healing Beam:

Charges up while dealing damage to the enemy, then these charges can be given to other players just by shooting at them.


a pure healing weapon would force us into the tank/healer/dd spec

Edited by LazerusKI
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LOL laser pistol reminds me of a phaser from star trek xD


Rest yeah idk, except about the support part, there should be more support minded in the Clan research :) Maybe some kind of secondary weapon wich deploys a small healing well? -
like 20 hp per 30th second(lasts 1min)? got 5 rounds, 1 round = 1 well
35 shield per 2nd second (lasts 30 seconds)? got 5 rounds, 1 round = 1 shield well

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maybe for the energy part:

Healing Beam:

Charges up while dealing damage to the enemy, then these charges can be given to other players just by shooting at them.


a pure healing weapon would force us into the tank/healer/dd spec

Edited by LazerusKI
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