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Radiant Secrets (Semi-Open IC RP)


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On 12/26/2016 at 5:05 AM, -Platinum- said:

*He lets everyone with a HUD see it as well* "Map is here, but the data is damaged, only got layers, I can try to get the rest of the data, but that means I'll need to go back out there, alone..." '

"Tobias take a look." Gareth says, leaning against the wall. "Whew. I should leave the office more, this certainly is exciting... if inefficient."

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22 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Tobias take a look." Gareth says, leaning against the wall. "Whew. I should leave the office more, this certainly is exciting... if inefficient."

*He looks to the Map, as well, trying to repair the damage* "Office work, sounds better than risking my neck 24/7"

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20 hours ago, -Platinum- said:

*He looks to the Map, as well, trying to repair the damage* "Office work, sounds better than risking my neck 24/7"

The file is too corruptedto repair. Tobias, the Tech, takes one look and highlights an area. 

"Here." He says, pointing to a tall cylinder rising through the tower.

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

The file is too corruptedto repair. Tobias, the Tech, takes one look and highlights an area. 

"Here." He says, pointing to a tall cylinder rising through the tower.

*He looks* "Should be our way out, right?, qeastion is, how meny dogs..will be waiting for us?"

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9 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

*He looks* "Should be our way out, right?, qeastion is, how meny dogs..will be waiting for us?"

"Not enough." The Detron crewman says. "I've still got twenty rounds, and another ten once the converter finishes."

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Not enough." The Detron crewman says. "I've still got twenty rounds, and another ten once the converter finishes."

*He Checks his pouch* "I don't need to worry about ammo, with my little carrier buddy here, if you need to stock up, just say so, Otherwise if he goes down, still got my energy, if all else falls, I got myself"

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12 hours ago, -Platinum- said:

*He Checks his pouch* "I don't need to worry about ammo, with my little carrier buddy here, if you need to stock up, just say so, Otherwise if he goes down, still got my energy, if all else falls, I got myself"

"For which I am immeasurably grateful." Gareth says. "And you desert dweller? How fare your ammunition stores?"

Ali twists the sapsh around his chest. The inside is lined with Grinlok cartridges, twelve in all. 

He pointedly grabs the handle of his Machete.

"I have enough Effendi." He says. "Though I suspect ammunition will not be our largest problem."

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5 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"For which I am immeasurably grateful." Gareth says. "And you desert dweller? How fare your ammunition stores?"

Ali twists the sapsh around his chest. The inside is lined with Grinlok cartridges, twelve in all. 

He pointedly grabs the handle of his Machete.

"I have enough Effendi." He says. "Though I suspect ammunition will not be our largest problem."

*He Nods* "Indeed, now theres something I want bring up, quickly, If you see a lone Mawl and theres no way past it, without going into its territory, allow me to, understood?, you'll understand why, when it happens, cuz you won't bealive me otherwise.." *He lets his carrier fill up his pouch of arrows, he grips his bow*  

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13 hours ago, -Platinum- said:

*He Nods* "Indeed, now theres something I want bring up, quickly, If you see a lone Mawl and theres no way past it, without going into its territory, allow me to, understood?, you'll understand why, when it happens, cuz you won't bealive me otherwise.." *He lets his carrier fill up his pouch of arrows, he grips his bow*  

"Tobias?" Gareth asks.

"Corridor twenty feet down this tunnel." He says. "Scanners show no bio-forms. Tunnel should be clear."

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*He walks ahead* "Lets go then, oh scan for non-biological froms, metal,orokin tech, that type of thing"

"In a tower?" The Tech asks dryly.

"We are surrounded by Orokin tech." Gareth says. "The scans would give us away to easily."

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23 hours ago, -Platinum- said:

*He Perks a brow* "I..never tought of that, good point" *He walks on, looking down, looking for sand*

There is a fine layer of dust on the stones, but no sand. The walls turn right and you can hear grineer voices again.

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13 hours ago, Rakawan said:

There is a fine layer of dust on the stones, but no sand. The walls turn right and you can hear grineer voices again.

*He wlaks to the end of the right wall, before stopping* "Hold up, Grinner.." *He casts smoke screen, then poke around the wall*

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6 hours ago, -Platinum- said:

*He wlaks to the end of the right wall, before stopping* "Hold up, Grinner.." *He casts smoke screen, then poke around the wall*

Around the corner is a wall. Small cracks of light shine through it. Voices filter through. Grineer voices. A lot of Grineer voices.

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1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

Around the corner is a wall. Small cracks of light shine through it. Voices filter through. Grineer voices. A lot of Grineer voices.

*He creeps up to the wall and looks in the cracks* "Might need to blow the wall down, one of you crew got a plasma frag?"

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2 hours ago, -Platinum- said:

*He creeps up to the wall and looks in the cracks* "Might need to blow the wall down, one of you crew got a plasma frag?"

"Danger close!" One of the crewman says, as he lobs a grenade towards you and the wall.

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2 hours ago, -Platinum- said:

*He perks a brow, looking to the frag* "Real..Charming.." *He telports over to the crewman, out ot the blast*

The explosion hurls the portion of wall free.

Grineer reel back in the chaos. It appears the room is some sort of control center.

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5 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The explosion hurls the portion of wall free.

Grineer reel back in the chaos. It appears the room is some sort of control center.

*He walks in the room, casting bladestrom, letting the rubble and smoke cloak him, while the black smoke, assists, he begins to try mark each one* "Hhuaahhaha...."

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*He walks in the room, casting bladestrom, letting the rubble and smoke cloak him, while the black smoke, assists, he begins to try mark each one* "Hhuaahhaha...."

The marks are applied succesfully, though marking the entire room once drains your entire energy pool.

The Grineer peer through the smoke, a few firing rounds inside.

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

The marks are applied succesfully, though marking the entire room once drains your entire energy pool.

The Grineer peer through the smoke, a few firing rounds inside.

(( Zaeed & Ash together remind me of Reaper from Overwtach))

*The rounds hit, draining his shields, then he unleashes bladestrom* "..." 

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

(( Zaeed & Ash together remind me of Reaper from Overwtach))

*The rounds hit, draining his shields, then he unleashes bladestrom* "..." 

The Grineer have a moment to gawk at the Crewman before your blades find their necks. As you come to a stop a bombard steps out of a side door, a holo-pad clutched in his hands. His body evaporates under the combined fire of the crewman and Ali.

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

The Grineer have a moment to gawk at the Crewman before your blades find their necks. As you come to a stop a bombard steps out of a side door, a holo-pad clutched in his hands. His body evaporates under the combined fire of the crewman and Ali.

*She grabs his bow and fires duel-arrows in one shot at the bombard* "Hayo!" 

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