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Radiant Secrets (Semi-Open IC RP)


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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*He perks a brow, holding the bow* "Well then.." *He looks around, to scan the room* 

The room is filled with consoles, Orokin and Grineer. It appears the Grineer have been trying to wire their systems into the tower.

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On 12/31/2016 at 3:06 PM, -Platinum- said:

*He looks around* "Bah, damm dogs, and their technology, strip their tech away and see what you can find" 

The crewman look at Gareth.

"No time to scavenge." He says. "Access the consoles."

The crewman do so.

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*He perks a brow, then takes a deep breath, he turns over to them, then quickly back, he tries to put his in* "Please...work, Orokin, you kown, its me,,Zaeed.." "

"Credentials accepted." The system chimes. "Security systems unlocked."

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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Credentials accepted." The system chimes. "Security systems unlocked."

*He looks over, back to the team then back to the terminal, looking for the same before* "Now, if I can add us to the friendly targets, and grinner as hostile, that's one thing.." 

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*He looks over, back to the team then back to the terminal, looking for the same before* "Now, if I can add us to the friendly targets, and grinner as hostile, that's one thing.." 

"Allied signatures uploaded." The computer says. "Unable to alter enemy signatures."

Grineer voices sound outside as a patrol returns.

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Allied signatures uploaded." The computer says. "Unable to alter enemy signatures."

Grineer voices sound outside as a patrol returns.

*He Nods and turns on the system, to attack on sight, besides allies, he then tries to add Ryko and Facility to the allies system, just in-case* "Get past this grinner.." *He checks to see if there is a EYE or Sentry around*

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*He Nods and turns on the system, to attack on sight, besides allies, he then tries to add Ryko and Facility to the allies system, just in-case* "Get past this grinner.." *He checks to see if there is a EYE or Sentry around*

There is a security eye on the level below, however none are on your level, only a few turrets. Two of them, the ones outside this room, are active.

"Found a better map." Tobias says. "Elevator is outside the main entrance, two doors down. Should take us to a hangar." 

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

There is a security eye on the level below, however none are on your level, only a few turrets. Two of them, the ones outside this room, are active.

"Found a better map." Tobias says. "Elevator is outside the main entrance, two doors down. Should take us to a hangar." 

*He turns on the rest of the turrets* "Understood, what floor do we need, level below or high?" *He sighs, to himself then mutters to himself* "Should not push my luck, with a sentry"  

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*He turns on the rest of the turrets* "Understood, what floor do we need, level below or high?" *He sighs, to himself then mutters to himself* "Should not push my luck, with a sentry"  

"This level." He says. "Hangar should have some craft we could hijack. We might be able to slip past the defenses and make it out of range before they can scramble a ship."

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9 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"This level." He says. "Hangar should have some craft we could hijack. We might be able to slip past the defenses and make it out of range before they can scramble a ship."

*He shakes his head* "Already sorted, I managed to set the system to see us as allies, as long we use a Orokin Craft that is, anything that not Orokin will be shot on sight, I've add us to the system, but as long Im with you, it should be fine"

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*He shakes his head* "Already sorted, I managed to set the system to see us as allies, as long we use a Orokin Craft that is, anything that not Orokin will be shot on sight, I've add us to the system, but as long Im with you, it should be fine"

There is a surprised shout and a wet slicing sound.

Tobias falls to the ground, his head separated from his shoulders. Ali taps his panel and the systems in the room lock. He wipes his Machete clean of the Tech's blood.

"I'm afraid I cannot let you do that." He says quietly. "You see, if you escape, then I lose a particularly nice bargaining chip."

Edited by Rakawan
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8 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

There is a surprised shout and a wet slicing sound.

Ali Tobias falls to the ground, his head separated from his shoulders. Ali taps his panel and the systems in the room lock. He wipes his Machete clean of the Tech's blood.

"I'm afraid I cannot let you do that." He says quietly. "You see, if you escape, then I lose a particularly nice bargaining chip."

(( Uhm, bit of a error their, did Ali kill Tobais?, or did Tobais kill Ali, you said "Ali Tobias falls to the ground"))

*He jumps backwards* "What the hell!?" 

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

(( Uhm, bit of a error their, did Ali kill Tobais?, or did Tobais kill Ali, you said "Ali Tobias falls to the ground"))

*He jumps backwards* "What the hell!?" 

((Tobias died.))

Gareth draws a Detron and fires at Ali, who spins and vanishes in a cloud of dust and smoke.

The Detron crewman beside him falls, sliced in two, and Gareth rolls into the Nullifier bubble. 

"Clever." Ali's voice says. "Very clever." But the troops outside don't need to stay hidden."

Grineer begin to force their way inside the room. 

"I'd recommend dropping your weapons." Ali says. "The more of you remain alive the more I have to bargain with."

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5 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

((Tobias died.))

Gareth draws a Detron and fires at Ali, who spins and vanishes in a cloud of dust and smoke.

The Detron crewman beside him falls, sliced in two, and Gareth rolls into the Nullifier bubble. 

"Clever." Ali's voice says. "Very clever." But the troops outside don't need to stay hidden."

Grineer begin to force their way inside the room. 

"I'd recommend dropping your weapons." Ali says. "The more of you remain alive the more I have to bargain with."

*He grips his head* "...Go to hell Ali...When facility heres about this..I swear.."

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