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Radiant Secrets (Semi-Open IC RP)


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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

Grineer inside are waging a war against the various turrets, while workers try to out out fires on the grineer craft.

*He Perks a brow* "Well, my turrets sure came in handy" *He grabs his bow, casting smoke-screen, then arrows a few grinner in his sight*

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*He Perks a brow* "Well, my turrets sure came in handy" *He grabs his bow, casting smoke-screen, then arrows a few grinner in his sight*

The Grineer are too occupied to notice a few more casualties. Perhaps it would be best to move while their attention is elsewhere.

A Corpus shuttle sits locked down not far from you.

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Just now, Rakawan said:

The Grineer are too occupied to notice a few more casualties. Perhaps it would be best to move while their attention is elsewhere.

A Corpus shuttle sits locked down not far from you.

*He looks over to the door and uses the comlink* "Come on, quickly, they are distracted, I found a Shuttle, Corpus"

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*He looks over to the door and uses the comlink* "Come on, quickly, they are distracted, I found a Shuttle, Corpus"

"That would be ours." Gareth says. 

As you speak the shuttle begins to fire its engines. Someone is already aboard!

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31 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"That would be ours." Gareth says. 

As you speak the shuttle begins to fire its engines. Someone is already aboard!

*He yells* "Crap!" *He grabs Gareth and bullet-jumps forwards and then teleports near the ship* "Gareth deal with the pilot!, I;ll defend the ship!"  

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*He yells* "Crap!" *He grabs Gareth and bullet-jumps forwards and then teleports near the ship* "Gareth deal with the pilot!, I;ll defend the ship!"  

The shuttle rises and darts out of the hangar, leaving you clinging to it by your fingertips.

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The shuttle rises and darts out of the hangar, leaving you clinging to it by your fingertips.

*He Grips onto it, tightly, hes too slow to adjust his shields* "Ahhh!, this is stupid!, Gareth! please tell me you're alive!.." *He yells, as he tries to climb onto the ship*   

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*He Grips onto it, tightly, hes too slow to adjust his shields* "Ahhh!, this is stupid!, Gareth! please tell me you're alive!.." *He yells, as he tries to climb onto the ship*   

A Grineer courier ship skids out from the hangar and wobbles towards the ship.

"For the time being." He says. "I take what I said earlier back. I would much rather be back at my office. Adventures are not that much fun."

You manage to clamber on top of the craft.

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

A Grineer courier ship skids out from the hangar and wobbles towards the ship.

"For the time being." He says. "I take what I said earlier back. I would much rather be back at my office. Adventures are not that much fun."

You manage to clamber on top of the craft.

*He turns and helps Gaeth, then noticing the ship* "God..dammit, alright.." *he quickly looks for a hatch or airlock door*  

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*He turns and helps Gaeth, then noticing the ship* "God..dammit, alright.." *he quickly looks for a hatch or airlock door*  

Just as you spot on a shadow looms over you. 

A laser erupts from the Galleon above, similar to a death trap on the towers, but many times larger. 

The craft melts underneath it, and you hear a corpus voice screaming. The craft lurches and streaks towards the ground.

Another strikes the courier, sheering off part of the thrusters and forcing it too to dive.

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

Just as you spot on a shadow looms over you. 

A laser erupts from the Galleon above, similar to a death trap on the towers, but many times larger. 

The craft melts underneath it, and you hear a corpus voice screaming. The craft lurches and streaks towards the ground.

Another strikes the courier, sheering off part of the thrusters and forcing it too to dive.

*He almost loses his grip, he then looks over to Gaeth* "Get to safety, I got a terrible idea.." *He lets go, hopeing he'll fly into the craft behind him* 

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*He almost loses his grip, he then looks over to Gaeth* "Get to safety, I got a terrible idea.." *He lets go, hopeing he'll fly into the craft behind him* 

The craft you are on plows into the ground, stirring up dust. 

Gareth's stolen courier does the same near you.

The beam lances down again, searching for the ships. The dust obscures you from view.

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Just now, Rakawan said:

The craft you are on plows into the ground, stirring up dust. 

Gareth's stolen courier does the same near you.

The beam lances down again, searching for the ships. The dust obscures you from view.

*FUD!, Zaeed plows onto the ground as well* "Agh..you so_" *Silence falls from Zaeed* 

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*FUD!, Zaeed plows onto the ground as well* "Agh..you so_" *Silence falls from Zaeed* 

Someone helps you to your feet.

"Come on." He says. "We gotta run for it, while the dust is still up."

It is the prodman you shoved in the locker.

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28 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Someone helps you to your feet.

"Come on." He says. "We gotta run for it, while the dust is still up."

It is the prodman you shoved in the locker.

*Zaeed's frame just slumps into his arms, about to fall onto the floor, Zaeed is out cold, the impact must of knocked him out* "...." 

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*Zaeed's frame just slumps into his arms, about to fall onto the floor, Zaeed is out cold, the impact must of knocked him out* "...." 

A shock zaps you back awake. 

The Prodman stows his prova.

"We need to get moving." He says. "Which way to the tower?"

The waypoint on your head shows it is straight forward, through a canyon of towering rocks.

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Just now, Rakawan said:

A shock zaps you back awake. 

The Prodman stows his prova.

"We need to get moving." He says. "Which way to the tower?"

The waypoint on your head shows it is straight forward, through a canyon of towering rocks.

*Zaeed Jolts up* "Not dying today!, Sa_Oh..its you, Where is Garth?" *He looks ahead and points* "Over to the canyon, towering the rocks quickly!"

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*Zaeed Jolts up* "Not dying today!, Sa_Oh..its you, Where is Garth?" *He looks ahead and points* "Over to the canyon, towering the rocks quickly!"

The prodman pulls you to your feet. Gareth and the Nullfier are already racing towards the canyon. The dust is beginning to settle.

A laser blast lands nearby, the shockwave staggering you. 

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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The prodman pulls you to your feet. Gareth and the Nullfier are already racing towards the canyon. The dust is beginning to settle.

A laser blast lands nearby, the shockwave staggering you. 

*He rubs his head and runs with, stumbling a bit he quickly regains to his feet and keeps running* "Why is my life always getting myself almost killed!?, you..know, that makes me wonder...." *He checks his phone on his HUD for any missed calls*

(( Oh Classy Zaeed)) 

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*He rubs his head and runs with, stumbling a bit he quickly regains to his feet and keeps running* "Why is my life always getting myself almost killed!?, you..know, that makes me wonder...." *He checks his phone on his HUD for any missed calls*

(( Oh Classy Zaeed)) 

You make it to the canyon. However before you can catch your breath a laser arcs out and strikes the canyon wall. It begins to fall.

"Forward!" Gareth shouts. "We have to make it to the tower!"

He charges through the canyon.

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

You make it to the canyon. However before you can catch your breath a laser arcs out and strikes the canyon wall. It begins to fall.

"Forward!" Gareth shouts. "We have to make it to the tower!"

He charges through the canyon.

*He Runs as well, dashing even* "The Grinner really want us dead..."

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*He Runs as well, dashing even* "The Grinner really want us dead..."

As you weave through the canyon, you narrowly manage to dodge lasers blasts.

Finally the canyon widens out. The Tower looms over head...

Fifty feet up a sheer cliff face. In full view of the approaching Galleon.

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10 hours ago, Rakawan said:

As you weave through the canyon, you narrowly manage to dodge lasers blasts.

Finally the canyon widens out. The Tower looms over head...

Fifty feet up a sheer cliff face. In full view of the approaching Galleon.

*He looks up* "Well then we're not going that..way.." *He grunts* "Even if I did have my powers augmented, it won't be enough to cover us, think Zaeed..think, what would drige do in this kind of heat...." 

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9 hours ago, -Platinum- said:

*He looks up* "Well then we're not going that..way.." *He grunts* "Even if I did have my powers augmented, it won't be enough to cover us, think Zaeed..think, what would drige do in this kind of heat...." 

There is a sudden sound of impact, and two flashes of light. 

A Corpus Obelisk class ship comes out of punch, alongside a familiar Orokin vessel.

The Galleon suddenly lurches to the side, trying to turn and retreat. 

A flurry of plasma bolts strike it's cannons, melting them into slag. A beam of golden energy sheers the engines in two.

"Why is it every time someone turns their back, someone is always trying to kill you?" Felicity asks over the comms. "And why is it every time someone is trying to kill someone, my fiance can't help but get involved."

An Orokin craft settles down near you and the hatch opens.

"To be fair." Ryoko says. "You did give me permission this time."

He steps into the opening of the small transport.

"Hurry up trader, and you ambassador." He says."I am on a deadline."

Edited by Rakawan
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21 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

There is a sudden sound of impact, and two flashes of light. 

A Corpus Obelisk class ship comes out of punch, alongside a familiar Orokin vessel.

The Galleon suddenly lurches to the side, trying to turn and retreat. 

A flurry of plasma bolts strike it's cannons, melting them into slag. A beam of golden energy sheers the engines in two.

"Why is it every time someone turns their back, someone is always trying to kill you?" Felicity asks over the comms. "And why is it every time someone is trying to kill someone, my fiance can't help but get involved."

An Orokin craft settles down near you and the hatch opens.

"To be fair." Ryoko says. "You did give me permission this time."

He steps into the opening of the small transport.

"Hurry up trader, and you ambassador." He says."I am on a deadline."

*He sighs* "I wish I knew Felicity, lets go Garth" *He jumps aboard* 

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