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Radiant Secrets (Semi-Open IC RP)


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On 3/2/2017 at 1:01 PM, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

He walks to a console and links his proxies "Ok Wolf Pack linked." He examines the system and familiarises himself with it

The system allows you to view and issue commands to varios proxies. The other technicians seem to control the power distributions and systems of each. 

There are currently two Jackal based proxies, three Azoth proxies, and twenty Fusion Moa. There are also seven Oculus Ospreys, likely a scouting type unit.

There are four tunnels. Two major ones that reports say lead to a chasm, and two minor ones that have not been fully explored. There are security gates over each that can be opened or closed, but are unlikely to hold up under heavy artillery fire.

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On 3/2/2017 at 0:59 PM, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

"Pilot, of course." She hops in the pilot seat "Tell me when you're ready." She examines the controls "Vale system link."

"Link established ready for take-off."


The craft handles like a Liset. The controls match the configuration of a fighter-craft, and you have control over the forward facing cannons. Ares controls the turrets and missile pods. Another similar craft leaves the bay, falling in behind you.

"I will be your wingman." Felicity says. "We cannot let those Ogma get close to the defenses." 

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On 3/1/2017 at 8:42 PM, Unus said:

Slowly, drowsily, the Operator manages to wake from it's concussed stupor, holding it's bruised jaw and taking in the suddenly distressed atmosphere surrounding it.


Close by, the Chroma lays back-to-the-floor, it's head smoking and sputtering from the sudden shove. The Operator doesn't notice.

The room is empty. Cyris has gone to get help.

The consoles are in low power mode and two fields surround the artifact. Without another person you will not be able to access it again.

Looking closely you can see that there are several nodes along the side that seem intended to hold something, but are empty.

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On 3/4/2017 at 0:26 PM, Rakawan said:

The craft handles like a Liset. The controls match the configuration of a fighter-craft, and you have control over the forward facing cannons. Ares controls the turrets and missile pods. Another similar craft leaves the bay, falling in behind you.

"I will be your wingman." Felicity says. "We cannot let those Ogma get close to the defenses." 


"Okay" She takes the craft towards the Ogma and readies her cannons "Shoot first ask questions later?" She ask Felicity

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On 3/4/2017 at 0:22 PM, Rakawan said:

The system allows you to view and issue commands to varios proxies. The other technicians seem to control the power distributions and systems of each. 

There are currently two Jackal based proxies, three Azoth proxies, and twenty Fusion Moa. There are also seven Oculus Ospreys, likely a scouting type unit.

There are four tunnels. Two major ones that reports say lead to a chasm, and two minor ones that have not been fully explored. There are security gates over each that can be opened or closed, but are unlikely to hold up under heavy artillery fire.


He sends the Oculus Ospreys to strategic points throughout the tunnels to keep watch. He sends the Jackals to the main tunnels (One each), the Moas are evenly spread out amongst the tunnels, and the Azoth proxies are set to patrol the tunnels or if a set of proxies is in need to go assist them.

Edited by (XB1)Vatasblubber
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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

"Okay" She takes the craft towards the Ogma and readies her cannons "Shoot first ask questions later?" She ask Felicity

"The Tower defenses can handle the fighters." Ares says. "We need to take out their leaders. Look at the Galleons. The markings are different. There are likely two commanders with separate forces assaulting."

Felicity nods.

"Then you have permission to infiltrate and eliminate." She says. "I will deal with the Galleon on the right, you take the one on the left. Execute with extreme prejudice."

Ares smiles.

"I love it when they say that." He says, straightening his suit. 

The Ogma swarm towards your craft, launching waves of plasma. Felicity veers off.

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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

He sends the Oculus Ospreys to strategic points throughout the tunnels to keep watch. He sends the Jackals to the main tunnels (One each), the Moas are evenly spread out amongst the tunnels, and the Azoth proxies are set to patrol the tunnels or if a set of proxies is in need to go assist them.

Each tunnel branches to two others, but one is blocked by a cave in, leaving seven tunnels total.

The Jackals follows your commands, moving a bit swifter than you recall. The Moa's begin pacing patrol routes.

The Azoth proxies patrol the tunnels, sweeping their headlamps over the nooks and crannies. Feeds from their sensors show up on the technicians screens.

The soldiers take of positions with cover relative to the tunnels, training their rifles.

A long howling laugh echoes from the tunnels.

The soldiers move into groups of two, one drawing their Skana and watching the others back.

"Movement in tunnel 1." A technician says. "Having a hard time getting a lock, bio-scans indicate Grineer. It's moving fast."

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22 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Each tunnel branches to two others, but one is blocked by a cave in, leaving seven tunnels total.

The Jackals follows your commands, moving a bit swifter than you recall. The Moa's begin pacing patrol routes.

The Azoth proxies patrol the tunnels, sweeping their headlamps over the nooks and crannies. Feeds from their sensors show up on the technicians screens.

The soldiers take of positions with cover relative to the tunnels, training their rifles.

A long howling laugh echoes from the tunnels.

The soldiers move into groups of two, one drawing their Skana and watching the others back.

"Movement in tunnel 1." A technician says. "Having a hard time getting a lock, bio-scans indicate Grineer. It's moving fast."


He sends a Jackal and two Moas to determine what it is

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22 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"The Tower defenses can handle the fighters." Ares says. "We need to take out their leaders. Look at the Galleons. The markings are different. There are likely two commanders with separate forces assaulting."

Felicity nods.

"Then you have permission to infiltrate and eliminate." She says. "I will deal with the Galleon on the right, you take the one on the left. Execute with extreme prejudice."

Ares smiles.

"I love it when they say that." He says, straightening his suit. 

The Ogma swarm towards your craft, launching waves of plasma. Felicity veers off.


She veers down in a spinning motion to attempt to break their lock then swerves back up cannons at full power. Once she makes it through she blasts full speed ahead toward the galleon. She giggles "Me too."

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On 3/7/2017 at 9:00 AM, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

He sends a Jackal and two Moas to determine what it is

The Jackal returns an error, it is too big to fit in that tunnel. The Moas however proceed. One promptly goes dark, sensors reporting that the power cables have been several.

You hear another howling laugh and a Manic grabs the second moa and laughs at it, it's face framed by the camera. 

"Azoth unit locked onto Manic." A Tech says. "Permission to activate hunter mode?"

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On 3/7/2017 at 9:04 AM, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

She veers down in a spinning motion to attempt to break their lock then swerves back up cannons at full power. Once she makes it through she blasts full speed ahead toward the galleon. She giggles "Me too."

The cannons rip apart an Ogma and Ares takes out two that try to follow you. The countermeasures deployed take care of the two missiles that follow you through the maneuver.

"I'm detecting a possible infiltration point near the command center." He says. "Or we could fly right into the hangar and make some noise."



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Felicity drops from the hole in the ceiling. 

A Fusion moa with some "extra" attachments drops behind her.

"Good girl Marigold" Felicity says, patting the proxy on the head. It shivers and jums like an excited puppy.

She moves behind it, the drone detaching and cloaking, and accesses a console installed.

"Keep watch while I locate the VIP." She says.

The Proxy nods and begins scanning the area, the Sonicor mounted on top of it loading a battery.

The drone that was deployed flies through the ship, scanning the Grineer as they patrol. 

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9 hours ago, Rakawan said:

The Jackal returns an error, it is too big to fit in that tunnel. The Moas however proceed. One promptly goes dark, sensors reporting that the power cables have been several.

You hear another howling laugh and a Manic grabs the second moa and laughs at it, it's face framed by the camera. 

"Azoth unit locked onto Manic." A Tech says. "Permission to activate hunter mode?"


"Granted." He puts the Oculus Osprey into defense mode

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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

"Granted." He puts the Oculus Osprey into defense mode

The Manic appears near the jackal and tilts its head, studying it.

It's laughter dies as an Azoth unit pounces on it, electrified feet shocking it. The Manic screeches, in rage or pain, and darts away. 

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On 3/8/2017 at 7:35 PM, (Xbox One)Vatasblubber said:

"Granted." He puts the Oculus Osprey into defense mode

"Reinforcements inbound." A voice says. "Tower guard, reporting for duty."

Arctic Eximus crewman with gold Quaro armor enter the cave. Each carries a Ferrox speargun. 

They take up position near the tunnel entrances.

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Ryoko and Gareth waited as the Corpus Crewman brought a table into the long corridor.

"I don't see why this is necessary." Ryoko said

"The Board wants certain precautions to be taken." Gareth replied. 

"Why can't they just meet me halfway." Ryoko said with a smile.

Gareth resisted the urge to laugh. Tactic #37, make a joke. Jokes put people at ease and foster friendship. Friends are generous.


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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*A small Orokin ship arrives, the ship is quite familiar, as it parks up near rail-control it opens up a comlink* "Rail-Control, this is Zaeed Zi'Teer, I hope you missed me"

The voice that comes back is not Simon.

"Ahh Trader." Sierra says. "Heading back to Lua or Phenix?" 


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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*Chuckles* "Lua my friend, I need to get back and sort a few things, been a long time"

"Understood." She says. "Have a nice flight."

A smaller rail activates and sends you to Lua.

A Frost Prime and a strange figure that resembles Teshin are waiting at the Reliquary landing pad.

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16 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Understood." She says. "Have a nice flight."

A smaller rail activates and sends you to Lua.

A Frost Prime and a strange figure that resembles Teshin are waiting at the Reliquary landing pad.


*He Lands his ship and walks over* "Hello?"

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*He Lands his ship and walks over* "Hello?"

Ryoko grabs your shoulder and claps you on the back.

"Trader." He says. "It is good to see you well." 

He gestures to the figure next to him. Upon closer inspection you can see that, while he resembles Teshin, the figure is not Dax. His armor is gold instead of copper and he carries only a single Nikana. His skin is also several shades lighter.

"Zaeed this is Matthias." He says. "One of my students, and one of the Dex Guard. He has been assigned to your security detail."

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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Ryoko grabs your shoulder and claps you on the back.

"Trader." He says. "It is good to see you well." 

He gestures to the figure next to him. Upon closer inspection you can see that, while he resembles Teshin, the figure is not Dax. His armor is gold instead of copper and he carries only a single Nikana. His skin is also several shades lighter.

"Zaeed this is Matthias." He says. "One of my students, and one of the Dex Guard. He has been assigned to your security detail."

*He Perks a brow, removing his helmet, his looks have changed* "Ahh, Great to see you again Ryoko, I hope I have't made anyone worry, And its great to meet you Matt" 

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