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Radiant Secrets (Semi-Open IC RP)


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58 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"I was not aware that was possible." Matthias says. "The medical bay is over this way." 

He leads you up some stairs to another room. The door is marked with a caduceus symbol on it. 


*He looks to him* "Same here, woke up from my bed and well, found out I just can't use them, but lets see what the docs say.." *He goes to walk in*

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On 4/8/2017 at 3:56 PM, -Platinum- said:

*He looks to him* "Same here, woke up from my bed and well, found out I just can't use them, but lets see what the docs say.." *He goes to walk in*

The door scans you and beeps.

"No critical injuries detected, wait for assistance or make an appointment at the kiosk." It says. 

The panel next to the door lights up.

"We have a problem with people trying to get into the med bay for minor issues." Matthias says. "So we implemented a bio-scanner to screen out anything but emergencies. medics and security can override if necessary."

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59 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The door scans you and beeps.

"No critical injuries detected, wait for assistance or make an appointment at the kiosk." It says. 

The panel next to the door lights up.

"We have a problem with people trying to get into the med bay for minor issues." Matthias says. "So we implemented a bio-scanner to screen out anything but emergencies. medics and security can override if necessary."


*He perks a brow looks over to the panel* "Good point, could waste less time, when someone is almost dead, you know, like 100% of the time, when I mess up?" *Uses the panel to select the issue* 

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*He perks a brow looks over to the panel* "Good point, could waste less time, when someone is almost dead, you know, like 100% of the time, when I mess up?" *Uses the panel to select the issue* 

The computer beeps and an Oberon steps out.

"This way sir." He says. 

Matthias follows you in.

The Oberon leads you down a hall to a room that looks like a check-up room. There is an ornate table and chair.

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14 hours ago, Rakawan said:

The computer beeps and an Oberon steps out.

"This way sir." He says. 

Matthias follows you in.

The Oberon leads you down a hall to a room that looks like a check-up room. There is an ornate table and chair.


*He Perks a brow, then walks with him* "Nice setup you got here"

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On 16/04/2017 at 8:02 PM, Rakawan said:

"One of the benefits of working here." He says. "So what are you here for?"

*He takes a seat, crossing his leg and looks over to him* "Alright, well, I'm here due to I have some concerns about my health, You see a week ago, or more, I was hospitalized, nothing new mind you if you ask around, but I fear this one has done more damage then I have liked" *Clears his throat*

 "After the extensive cybernetic surgery and making a full recovery, I was let out but getting home that's when I started to realise that I can no longer use Transference, I've been attempting to use them but as you can see, to no avail, So that's why I'm here doctor"

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On 4/16/2017 at 2:22 PM, -Platinum- said:

*He takes a seat, crossing his leg and looks over to him* "Alright, well, I'm here due to I have some concerns about my health, You see a week ago, or more, I was hospitalized, nothing new mind you if you ask around, but I fear this one has done more damage then I have liked" *Clears his throat*

 "After the extensive cybernetic surgery and making a full recovery, I was let out but getting home that's when I started to realise that I can no longer use Transference, I've been attempting to use them but as you can see, to no avail, So that's why I'm here doctor"

The Oberon nods. 

"Well could be a number of things." He says. "Lay down on the table while I perform a scan."

The table glows around the edges.

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5 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The Oberon nods. 

"Well could be a number of things." He says. "Lay down on the table while I perform a scan."

The table glows around the edges.


*He walks over, then does as he's asked* "Are they permanent damage or, can they be fixed?"

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*He walks over, then does as he's asked* "Are they permanent damage or, can they be fixed?"

"That depends." The doctor says. "Please hold still."

The scanner sweeps over you slowly. 

The results appear in old orokin on the screen, with a corpus translation below. However only the doctor seems to be able to make heads or tails of them.

"Well I will have to analyze these further." He says. "But there is some good news. Your body is still producing trace amounts of void radiation. From a glance I'd say you haven't lost that aspect. I will, however need time to determine the cause of this issue. Until then please try to refrain from any new augmentation or experimentation."

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6 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"That depends." The doctor says. "Please hold still."

The scanner sweeps over you slowly. 

The results appear in old orokin on the screen, with a corpus translation below. However only the doctor seems to be able to make heads or tails of them.

"Well I will have to analyze these further." He says. "But there is some good news. Your body is still producing trace amounts of void radiation. From a glance I'd say you haven't lost that aspect. I will, however need time to determine the cause of this issue. Until then please try to refrain from any new augmentation or experimentation."


<If scanned: The Scanner will also show up, that his eyes are cybernetic and has a lot of Orokin and Corpus implants of all kinds>

*He Nods* "Glad to hear it, I had the feeling it could be something like that, but I was not so sure, As for the cause of the issue, if I may ask, how long will that take?. As for any more Augmentations, this was the last ones, I can use"  *He Clears his throat, looking back up to the doctor*

"Now, is there anything else doc?"

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On 4/19/2017 at 9:31 AM, -Platinum- said:

<If scanned: The Scanner will also show up, that his eyes are cybernetic and has a lot of Orokin and Corpus implants of all kinds>

*He Nods* "Glad to hear it, I had the feeling it could be something like that, but I was not so sure, As for the cause of the issue, if I may ask, how long will that take?. As for any more Augmentations, this was the last ones, I can use"  *He Clears his throat, looking back up to the doctor*

"Now, is there anything else doc?"

The doctor pauses as the screen flashes red. He sighs.

"Third time today." He says. "C.A.L.C override."

"I am currently busy with three hundred other requests. Please try again in a few seconds." C.A.L.C says. "Override confirmed, thank you for your patience."

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10 hours ago, Rakawan said:

The doctor pauses as the screen flashes red. He sighs.

"Third time today." He says. "C.A.L.C override."

"I am currently busy with three hundred other requests. Please try again in a few seconds." C.A.L.C says. "Override confirmed, thank you for your patience."


*He looks over*  "Ah Calc, been some time since I heard that voice, but sounds like you got issues with the computers here, once I'm cleared up, I could look into it, if you want, as both of you are busy, and surely you don't have someone already on it. Myself and D.I.S.C could help"

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On 4/24/2017 at 3:33 AM, -Platinum- said:

*He looks over*  "Ah Calc, been some time since I heard that voice, but sounds like you got issues with the computers here, once I'm cleared up, I could look into it, if you want, as both of you are busy, and surely you don't have someone already on it. Myself and D.I.S.C could help"

"The issue is external." C.A.L.C says. "An unknown group attempted access of our systems an hour ago and have caused complications. Please report to the command center if you wish to help." 

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9 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"The issue is external." C.A.L.C says. "An unknown group attempted access of our systems an hour ago and have caused complications. Please report to the command center if you wish to help." 


*He Sits up and nods*  "Will Do.." *He turns to the doctor* "Is there any descriptions you need to provide me?, Oh...and last question, who do I go to, for AI inquiry and remedy?"

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9 hours ago, -Platinum- said:

*He Sits up and nods*  "Will Do.." *He turns to the doctor* "Is there any descriptions you need to provide me?, Oh...and last question, who do I go to, for AI inquiry and remedy?"

"The command center is equipped to deal with any technological requirements." C.A.L.C says. "Directions have been uploaded to your cybernetics, which are quite impressive I must say."

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54 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"The command center is equipped to deal with any technological requirements." C.A.L.C says. "Directions have been uploaded to your cybernetics, which are quite impressive I must say."


*He wipes himself down and begins to walk to the C.C* "Glad you think so, I can provide a data graph of all my cybernetics if you wish, as I do have a few that I need to speak about, that includes to you, and the Medical Cheif, Perhaps security as well, and then of cause Ryko" 

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*He wipes himself down and begins to walk to the C.C* "Glad you think so, I can provide a data graph of all my cybernetics if you wish, as I do have a few that I need to speak about, that includes to you, and the Medical Cheif, Perhaps security as well, and then of cause Ryko" 

Surprisingly both Ryoko and the Dex captain are already at the command center.

"Upload the data and get me a line to Major Bloom." Ryoko says. "Keep me informed as to his condition."

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11 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Surprisingly both Ryoko and the Dex captain are already at the command center.

"Upload the data and get me a line to Major Bloom." Ryoko says. "Keep me informed as to his condition."


*He exhales, walking over, he looks over to see if Matthias is still with him, he then walks over to the pair. clearing his throat* "Ryoko, Captin, I hope I'm not interrupting, but I have a few things, we need to discuss"

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*He exhales, walking over, he looks over to see if Matthias is still with him, he then walks over to the pair. clearing his throat* "Ryoko, Captin, I hope I'm not interrupting, but I have a few things, we need to discuss"

Matthis is still with you.

"As do we." Ryoko says. "Someone has been trying to hack our systems all day. Someone who apparently has a great interest in Orokin technology."

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Matthis is still with you.

"As do we." Ryoko says. "Someone has been trying to hack our systems all day. Someone who apparently has a great interest in Orokin technology."


*Leans onto a nearby counter, next to them* "Your first, that's more vital than what type of stuff I have going on inside my body, oh and small tip, it's not me, despite my obsession with their technology,"  

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*Leans onto a nearby counter, next to them* "Your first, that's more vital than what type of stuff I have going on inside my body, oh and small tip, it's not me, despite my obsession with their technology,"  

"If I believed it was you, would would already be in custody." He says. "You mentioned you may be able to help."

He gestures to a panel. 

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

"If I believed it was you, would would already be in custody." He says. "You mentioned you may be able to help."

He gestures to a panel. 


*He Walks over to the Panel, looking down to it* "Indeed, so alright what exactly is wrong" 

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1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

*He Walks over to the Panel, looking down to it* "Indeed, so alright what exactly is wrong" 

"There is an open channel performing a DDOS attack on our systems." Holly says. "Security and weapons systems are safe, but they are making life difficult for us."

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41 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"There is an open channel performing a DDOS attack on our " Holly says. "Security and weapons systems are safe, but they are making life difficult for us."


*He looks to the channel then, his eyes begin to glow, the cybernetics begin to attempt to scan and trace the source* "D.I.S.C are you online?.....DISC?"

*A cyan cephalon pops up, seems to be destined like Samodeus* "Yes Orion"

*Zaeed looks over* "Scan and Detect, Find the Source and track it, boost Hunter Mode"

*He floats closer* "Yes Orion.." *He Begins a deeper scan* 


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