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A Clan Vault. Part Of A Topic Already. A Way For The Dojo Problems To Be Addressed.


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A Clan Vault:


Members would be able to contribute resources at any time, in exchange they get a clan credit:  Clan Credit is a name for type of credit that would only be usable in the dojo.  They would be used in addition to normal credits when a person buys something from the Oracle.

1000k of common resources like the nano spore would give 1 clan credit

100 of uncommon resources like rubedo would give 1 clan credit

10 fieldron would give 1 clan credit

1 forma will give 1 clan credit.


The clan credits would allow you to buy blue prints from the oracle, say 15 for something like the lanka bp.  This way the minimum amount a person can give to the clan before they can buy the rank 7 blue prints would be 1500 rubedo or 15k nano spore.  This would mean that even clan jumpers would have to give something in order to buy the blue prints.  No more joining then bailing after you take the blue prints.  This vault has the added benefit, of even if your clan is not building a room currently, you can still get clan credits, as it wouldn't limit the amount you can give.


The resources that go into the clan vault, could be used by those that can build onto the clan's dojo, the sages the officers, the generals, and the warlords.


The vault would do a log for the players that donate too it and would be the only place where you can put resources in, so no more room to room donations.  This saves time for the players on looking for rooms and labs they wanna donate too.  As well as allow them to track how much they donate and how many clan credits they earned-it wouldn't be visible to anyone else.


The room should be automatically be added on to current dojo clan room(first room you start in), by adding a third door that leads into it.  So that it costs nothing for the clans, like it was always there kind of deal.  Not to mention it would make it easier for people to find and donate toward something.


This was part of a topic that was asking for a way to see who donates, but I decided this actually might stand as an idea that might be worth checking out as a way to deal with more problems.

Edited by Chaosrejin78
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Besides the fact that we already have a Clan Vault on the way, I kinda dislike the rest of your idea(s).


~Clan Credits would be a waste for new players to obtain. If the clan they join already has a completed Dojo then donating to the Clan Vault would cause the donated resources to just sit there.


~Donation roster, while I do wish there was some kind of way to tell who donated what. I understand the cons of it and this has already been discussed.

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First, it's already been known resources wouldn't sit in there for long, as they have confirmed that the dojo will have multitudes of customization features for rooms and more weapons that will require them to be bought through the oracle and cost resources. Not to mention lots of other rooms will be coming.  So your first point is based on what currently is, but it's changing with the next big update.   As such this idea stems from what the developers said they have planned.


As far as feature of the Clan Vault, it didn't really say too much other then it's a place where you can put stuff, and with my idea, tracking who is donating turns into a mute point. 


Because rather then track  individual resource donations, it would pool all the resources donated, tracking then impossible other then to the person who donated-as they would get a clan credit after they donated a certain amount.  And furthermore hating a person not donating wouldn't make any sense then, because if a person is not donating they are only hurting themselves.  While a person who does donate, gets all the benefits a clan has to offer through the use of clan credits.   As opposed to the current, join, get all the blue prints, then leave.  Which a lot of clan leaders/members are complaining about. 


Now the scale on clan credits that was proposed in the first post, probably should be adjusted, but it was more or less an example of how it could go.


This idea in turn, has the benefit of having even large clans like broframe will still have contributing members and members in smaller clans have larger reason to stay in a smaller clan and build it up, rather then jumping to a large clan.

Edited by Chaosrejin78
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Not really, clan hopping is a way for players just to get the weapons they want fast, with the least amount of effort.  Often has little to do with the people of the clan's members or the leadership.  I can't say I blame people for it, as it's seems to have turned into human nature to take what you want as fast as possible, this not being a trait to any particular nation but rather a trend that has spread globally.


More to the point, clans were meant to be a place to make a community of people you wanna play the game with and help each other get better at the game.  Right now, with clan hopping, that idea is quickly evaporating with cost to build and larger clans like Broframe, where 90% of the people will never talk to each other.  I mean, I see Broframe people in region chat or recruiting chat looking for parties and people all the time and it's not to say they don't party up in their own clan, but if you aren't able to find a complete party in your own clan of 7k+ people, when the can claim they have a min of 100 people on at any given time, something is wrong here.   Not that I don't like partying with random people from other clans mind you, as the clan I am part of Triedge with 104 people right now and still find myself partying with randoms occasionally, but it's typically with at least one other person from my clan.  But even so, the population in my clan is feeling the effects of the dojo, where some have clan hopped from large ones into ours and visa versa.


I would say, maybe limit clan sizes based on the dojo size, but that's too late too make possible now, as people in really large clans like Broframe would be screwed if they didn't have a dojo large enough to house all 7k+ people.  Casasara though, as hind sight is 20/20 on things you would do different if you could.


People can and do jump into a larger clan at any time, without penalty or ties, take what they want, then leave starting or joining a smaller clan.  When they do this, they lose motivation to help build up these smaller clans, as they already got the weapons they want, hence why 4% of the clans in warframe right now are single person clans or small clans of less then 50 members. 


The idea I had for vault seeks to build these ties forcibly, because if a person is forced to give  forma or lots of spores for one weapon, they might consider staying in the clan a little longer now they have something invested.   They may not, but at the very least, even in their short time at the clan, they will have helped contribute for the future of that clan. 


Now you may be asking, what of the clan hoppers that already got the weapons they want?  Well, unfortunately or fortunately (depending on your perspective), going to have to live with it as I don't see a really reasonable way to force them to pay anything more then they did.  That being said though, it's up to the developers to release content that makes a person want to stay in a clan, and there have been tons of suggestions on this.  Some of my favorites were a Sentinel research, Mod Research, personal rooms for members, clan based missions, more weapons, and a few other ideas here and there.

Edited by Chaosrejin78
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