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The New Weapon Ideas Thread


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DISCLAIMER: Not officially sanctioned by DE, but hey.. a Pin would be nice if this takes off?



Ladies, Gentlemen, Infested and Robots.. I welcome you one and all to the The Great Weapon Idea Thread. The purpose of this thread is to allow one and all to create a short and composed concept for a single weapon, be it Primary, Secondary or Melee.



The Rules:

1. Please follow the format.

2. Submit one weapon per post. (If you have more ideas then one, create a separate post but do not spam!)

3. Do not discuss or post anything without first posting a concept, (post a concept and include any dialogue with it under the weapon concept.)

4. Use the Sandbox for discussion and extra details.https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/73065-the-great-weapon-idea-thread-discussion-sandbox/



FORMAT: Copy/paste this please.


Base: Primary | Secondary | Melee.
Name: That gun that shoots reaaally fast like omg so many bultets lollolololol.
Model type [skin*/Unique] - Rifle, MG, HMG, Sword, Axe, Pistol and so forth.
Description:  150 words Max please.





Comment goes here.










* Skins are just that, a re-skinned current weapon, Uniques require a new model.(Harder for DE)

Edited by Severant
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the feedback forum already serves as a suggestion section. and general can be used for the same purpose.

i never liked these kinds of threads as ideas tend to get buried under a ton of post. people will always read the first page and the last page. anything in between is long forgotten after just a couple of pages.

wouldn't it be better to have individual threads for each suggestion. with their own title and idea that people can easily search? even if it goes past the first page you only have to read titles to find new ones. not dig out the content from a long list of post.

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This is not the first time someone posted a "new weapons ideas" thread, and it is going to go like the ones before: Into FanZone, where many, many ideas already reside. New weapon ideas are not feedback on the existing game, and they have little to no relevance to balance, sounds, animations and sauch of the existing weapons. As such, they do not belong into Feedback - if there is nothing given, then there cannot be Feedback.


A new idea is a fan concept, and that belongs into the FanZone - for now.


Locking this, as FanZone already has it's share tenfold over of such threads.

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