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Void Mission Bug: Skating


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Orokin Void Raid missions involve a vault of wealth generated for the map. Upon completing or coming close to completing the opening of this vault somehow triggers a bug that has occurred each and every time for myself and others since this post.


This bug makes your slides lose some control for the rest of the mission; by which I mean you will feel like you are constantly "skating" on a sheet of ice whenever you slide and will have difficulty changing direction after a slide. The exception to this is to slide in another direction, thus meaning if you want to get anywhere with control you either run or perpetually skate.








So far I've been able to locate the area near the last vault door to be the contributor of the bug, though that might be a tad vague. To attempt to recreate this, perform a Horizontal Kick Off at the wall-running stage over the laser floor towards the opposite doorways. Then attempt to slide under the last vault door. Several squad-mates have consistently had this bug occur to them as well.




-End Spoilers-




Skating space-ninjas emergent gameplay?

Edited by Fast_Fire
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It always occurs for me after I use the upwards waterfall in this parkour room, and sometimes after using the cryo floors. I can only ever consistently recreate the skating issue when using the waterfall onto the ledge at the beginning of this room, though.

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I had this too. I thought it was a void speed buff for completing the challenge or something. lol


Quite good fun, It's probably a bug though.


I noticed that even when not sliding, changing direction quickly when running and walking gave a "walking on ice" feel to the movement.

Edited by FractalMind
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Hey, I've just recently had the exact same kind of bug on a Grineer asteroid base, I just thought I'd chime in because it doesn't seem to be void specific if it happened there. I have no idea what actually caused it, but it was the first slide I did on the mission and suddenly it was like I was still sliding really fast when I stood up, it's like your warframe keeps the momentum from the beginning of the slide.

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Had this bug occur during a Phorid run.


It seemed to have happened after running over the conveyor belt in the multi-story smelting tile.


May have something to do with changing terrain conditions, as suggested above.

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Was just playing on the grineer mining tileset. If you slide on a conveyor belt. It messes up your momentum for the rest of the map and your stuck skating around. Kinda annoying with speedy frames, due to having to fight this sliding effect, or not slide altogether. It's never happened to me on a void run though.

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