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Syndicate frames.


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On December 10, 2016 at 10:09 AM, AntoineFlemming said:

Nidus should be a Red Veil frame. A Perrin Sequence quest should not be wasted on some problem with the infestation. The Perrin Sequence are fighting the Corpus. Their quest should be about that conflict, why the Sequence broke from them, and it should tell us more about the Corpus. Not the Infested. It really makes me upset that DE doesn't seem to have a grasp on story development. And I say that because, quite honestly, a Perrin Sequence quest is the only place we're going to get any meaningful development of Perrin Sequence. And we won't get that from a quest about the Infested.

On the flip side, the Red Veil literally have infested stuff in their relay room, yet it obviously didn't cross anyone's mind at DE that they'd be fitting for their new infested frame. I don't even understand how that's possible. It's the common sense thing to do, and other people were speculating that well before yesterday's devstream. So I don't understand how DE can not understand that.

I know, I'm probably taking this a bit too seriously, but I honestly feel like they are butchering their own story by doing random stuff instead of things that make sense and that further develop their lore.

I'm already upset about what they did with New Loka (in short, they basically undermined New Loka's entire purpose for existing, one by making them obsessed with a grove more than with restoring humanity on Earth, and two by having the New Loka leader want to give up and quit everything just because she finds out the truth about the grove).

I'm one of the ones who wasn't satisfied with TWW because it failed to tell us anything more meaningful about the Grineer. Nothing about their structure, about how the Queens gained power, about why the Grineer look up to them, etc. Nothing. Instead, we got a bunch of Disney-esque villains who act more like the Wicked Witch of the West and Harley Quinn than they do TWIN Queens who were supposed to be renown warriors (according to the Kuria lore).

And I'm once again annoyed because seems like they're gonna have yet another missed lore opportunity with Perrin Sequence and the Infested.

I really wish they had a dedicated story group that was focused on charting out the lore for this game. And if they already have such a writing group, then imo they need to get some new people in there because I don't think they're doing a good job.

Thanks for making the game suck for me by pointing out all the stuff I want to ignore. Okay I was trying to be funny but you're right. 

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On 10/12/2016 at 7:25 PM, AntoineFlemming said:

DE just linked the Infested frame to Perrin Sequence of all syndicates, instead of to Red Veil. It highly probable that they'll link the Bard frame to the Arbiters instead of Suda.

They linked the Perrin frame to a quest about someone who's obsessed with the Index. And by the way: Red Veil for the infested? There are, like, at least 3 better concept frames that could be linked to Red Veil: something like a sadist frame, a liquid metal frame (as prompted by someone else) and a spectre frame (again, prompted by someone else). What would a Perrin frame be connected to? Money and the Corpus. Thing A is already done by Chroma, thing B is basically everything around classic Valkyr.

I'm pretty happy we won't get a frame that drops money when you press 4, or another one experimented on by Alad V (we are at 2 with Valkyr and Mesa now) in his free time.

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If think the purpose of these quests (I hope each syndicate will get one) is for the leaders to set their differences aside because Sentients are coming! I want invasion of the Sentients! :D
Then I can say: "HEK YEAH!". :)

Perrin Sequence - infestation is a big thing for the Corpus because of Black Seed and Salad V - so another greedy Corpus maniac wants to put his hands on a infested technology. Where credits are there is Secura Lecta and the Perrin. :D

Red Veil - Bard frame. Something along the line: "Music is so soothing. We cannot purge this."

Arbiters of Hexis - a frame with only offensive abilities fighting its way through enemies just to protect an operative of AoH. AoH now understand that the warrior path doesn't limit the Tenno but allows them to grow even more.

Cephalon Suda - maybe a frame with time powers - an immortal being with the ability to understand another such entity?

Steel Meridian - pure energetic frame - with the ability travel as energy. A defender fast enough to be at several colonies at once?


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I mean, let us wait and see the quest, it can make some sense for Nidas to be the Perin quest. Didn't DE say this quest was going to involve the index anyways? I mean what if the quest is us breaking into the index to destroy a mutalist nidas (hold your pitchforks for one second). I mean we had mutalist mesa who was controlled by a modified neck brace thing by the Salad man, what if Nef Anyo got his hands on one? And what if he found a Nidas frame and is controlling it that way? I mean if that is the case it will at least tell us that after we cured Alad V he sold off some of his mutalist tech and may lead to even more cancer inducing enemies down the road (mutalist bursas anyone?). But yes i do agree that Nidas should be the red veil frame but this is not the first time getting a frame has made 0 sense, just look at how we had to get Titania (plant scanner simulator right there) or how we had to get Limbo.

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On 12/11/2016 at 10:04 AM, Arktourus said:

The point is that the Red Veil do have Infested stuff. So if the aim is to use the Syndicates in quests to introduce new Warframes, Red Veil is a much better choice than Perrin Sequence. 

As for what the quest will do, New Loka's quest and Steel Meridian's event are pretty good indicators. Neither of those delved in any way into the history of the Syndicates. New Loka's was about their hatred of genetic manipulation and the history of Titania (and transference technology). That being a basis, we won't get anything about Perrin Sequence's history, and certainly nothing in depth about the Corpus themselves. Now of course, I'd absolutely love to be wrong about that. But the fact that the Perrin Sequence quest is going to be about an Infested problem, with a particular related villain tells me they are just going to fall back on the worn out, silly Alad V rather than take the opportunity to really show us something long overdo.

As for the trend of syndicate-related frame quests and a wishlist, Nidus+Red Veil was on my wishlist. And for the others, I'd at least like frames that could somewhat fit with the syndicates. What's the point if it's just random pairings?

Regardless of Red veil having infestation, the frame isn't themed to match a syndicate. If that were the case, we'd have a grineer frame in meridian, a moa turned into a warframe for perrin, some cephalon tech in the shape of a frame, some really edgy ninja (not ash) for veil and a walking boltor that shoots more boltors for arbiters. 

The frames fit with what the syndicate will be dealing with. If Perrin is hosting the index and there is some crazed nut job who unleashes infested in the index (subsequently leading us to fight nidus) then it makes perfect sense for us to get nidus, as perfect sense if red veil was out subjugating some grineer on an asteroid base and Dr. Tegus' (can't remember if his name was spelled like that) latest experiment (which leads to Nidus) goes wrong and some veil members get caught up. Seems players are thinking that frames need to be themed after the provider of the quest rather than be tied to the quest. 

Certainly wasn't aware that Loka was all about magical fairies that could shrink and make enemies float.


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On 12/10/2016 at 5:57 PM, LordOfScrugging said:

So with Nidus being confirmed to be in a quest tied to the perrin sequence, it seems that there will be a frame quest per syndicate. What themes are you predicting for the syndicates?

So far we have: 

Loka with Titania

Perrin with Nidus

I think Suda will get bard frame

veil will get some form of ghost/specter frame. (Would kinda function more like limbo and nyx)

Steel will get a shielder (has a giant shield, can tank and aggro like crazy and can self heal; think rhino and valkyr's love child) 

Then we reach arbiters. If this frame is anything Boltor related I will be very upset. I'll be watching you DE. Stop the boltors, it's not funny anymore.

What are your thoughts?

I've been pondering at the thought of veil getting a frame based on the manipulation of shadows and enemy shadows. Kinda like the idea of dishonored 2's shadow walk for stealth, a ability to create a lurking shadow that will pull enemies into the ground and return you a portion of health/energy and possibly the 4th ability being able to turn enemies own shadow against them.

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