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If Trinity Has Invulnerability, Why Doesn't Rhino?


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You're right this is not an mmo. This is A MMO. MMO stands for massive (check) multiplayer (check) online (check). so yeah... YOU'RE WRONG



I'm not sure how things work in your culture but 4 really isn't a large number, and MMO has been the colloquial for large group progressive rpg instancing for oh, about 20 years now, but the thanks for the lesson in internet semantics:  junior high edition. Appreciate it.


hung up


Play a game like ME3MP or AvP2 where large characters with generous health or sustained damage reduction can genuinely perform better in certain aspects or types of situation than small quick characters and you'll immediately see why. People were using IS because it was effective. (how or to what degree is another subject entirely)


I have no idea why a large and slow character with high health and high innate damage reduction would be seen as otherwise, especially considering that's how DE made him to begin with. He doesn't have (until now) Saryn's immense damage stacking potential or Ash's tremendous spike damage capability and he did have the ability to refute any damage thrown his way. This is how people were introduced to the character, and I'd hazard offhand that's how they like him, and it's also a niche only covered by Trinity otherwise in a certain aspect.


Also the argument "just do damage and move on" is a fallacy at best. This is an environment where multishot and weapon damage +%  fell by the truckloads without rhyme or reason prior to 7.7 which allowed DE to adjust balance easily by seeing maxed damage potential used in play on a routine basis. Those days are rapidly coming to a close, and people are going to have a hell of a lot harder time using the "just shoot everything" mantra until quite some time after launch with the new drop rates. And again, weapons work with any warframe so... yeah, not even kind of the point, the topic assumes essential competency with a weapon, and saying otherwise ignores that not every player can auto insta aim and leveling a bad weapon is something you HAVE to do in order to gain access to other weapons, period.


What IS is now, is essentially "low level super shield" or "high level poison/juggle mitigator" if you want IS left alone as a "shifting scale power", perhaps then consider upping rhino's health to the same level as Saryn's and leaving things then as they are after that, or simply making another frame like Ash or Vauban XP locked, because right now "does some CC" is not remotely a reason to premium-ify a warframe, especially a super slow one with crappy sprint capabilities.

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Why are so many people hung up on Rhino being a tank? Why does a shooter even need a tank? The way I see it, the whole point of damage mitigating abilities in a game like this is so players can be more aggressive or careless, not so they can stand in place and adopt the traditional RPG tank and spank strategy. If you absolutely insist on sitting out in the open, instead of moving and utilizing cover, just use Frost.

Because tanking is really just a form of crowd control, any encounter where a trinity or rhino would be useful to prevent a bunch of damage could just as easily have that damage mitigated by hard crowd control instead if rhino or trinity isn't present.

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Tank in this game IMO is a war frame that keeps mobs off the pod.

Trinity has 0 abilities that do that

Rhino has 2

So what if trinity takes 0 damage while link is active? When you need to get a mob off someone you have no way to do this. Rhino's ability is also much more spam able and has no range. And those who say that there is always a mob around, just no. Where it matters, p.e. in void 3 its a common occurrence to open a door and have 4-5 lvl 90 mobs snipping you from across the room.

So, better tank for defender=rhino' better tank for void=rhino. Trinity can withstand a lot of damage but has no aoe at all, no damaging abilities, no cc, no mobility and etc.

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Rhino has the ability to not get controlled through his Iron Skin. Having two frames with invincibility spells is lazy and boring, you should be ashamed for making this thread.

Edited by Moonunitz
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Tank in this game IMO is a war frame that keeps mobs off the pod.

Trinity has 0 abilities that do that

Rhino has 2

So what if trinity takes 0 damage while link is active? When you need to get a mob off someone you have no way to do this. Rhino's ability is also much more spam able and has no range. And those who say that there is always a mob around, just no. Where it matters, p.e. in void 3 its a common occurrence to open a door and have 4-5 lvl 90 mobs snipping you from across the room.

So, better tank for defender=rhino' better tank for void=rhino. Trinity can withstand a lot of damage but has no aoe at all, no damaging abilities, no cc, no mobility and etc.


Trinity is an example, not the rule.


DE has stated at various times by various peeps that Rhino is supposed to be tanky (not MMO aggro tank); a large stoic character that can take tremendous punishment, and for those reasons, he's locked until certain requirements of commitment on the player's part are completed, just like the gorgon and hek, just like clan weapon with tremendous capabilities.


As for flammability spammability, it's 100% contextual. Of course it works great at lower levels, so does everything. Mag's entire issue is with scaling utility and late game viability.


The points of contention as much economic and thematic as they about game-play and level-of-usability.

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Trinity is an example, not the rule.


DE has stated at various times by various peeps that Rhino is supposed to be tanky (not MMO aggro tank); a large stoic character that can take tremendous punishment, and for those reasons, he's locked until certain requirements of commitment on the player's part are completed, just like the gorgon and hek, just like clan weapon with tremendous capabilities.


As for flammability spammability, it's 100% contextual. Of course it works great at lower levels, so does everything. Mag's entire issue is with scaling utility and late game viability.


The points of contention as much economic and thematic as they about game-play and level-of-usability.


but exactly that is the thread title, about trinity's link vs rhino's iron skin.


as far as scaling goes there are only 3 abilities to my knowledge that force aggro: decoy, molt and iron skin.

decoy and molt in higher difficulties are nearly instantly melted, iron skin, at least gives immunity to CC which is a huge part of it.


i have trinity and ember, and the MAJOR issue with calling them "tanks" is indeed aggro. When infested and ancients swarm over the pod the ONLY thing i can do with my trinity is pew-pew them with my guns, hoping that i kill them before they kill the pod. With ember it's even funnier since i spent about half of my time ping-ponging from one runner to another.


One of my mates playes a rhino on the other hand, as long as i can successfully debuff the mobs with energy vampire just before he ults them, we can control an indiffinate amount of mobs on the platform. His iron skin makes it so that random disruptors and random runners don't make him useless, and his ult CC's ancients and one shots nearly everyrthing else. The moment that mobs peel off from us and go for the pod, or toxic ancients go by the pod, his Iron skin makes certain that the pod stays in full health. He is a tank, on the other hand i am either a DPS that doesn't die from a single hit (ember) or a support that can actually deal some aoe damage with my melle attacks without being instagibbed (trinity).


as far as general tankiness goes, a 10rand redirection +10 rank vitality rhino, DOUBLES that amount + gains immunity from all CC with a mere press of a spammable button, not bad. Don't forget his insane 150 armor too which means that even though he has lowish health, this health is actually 250% of the number you see.

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