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Selling Ayatan Sculptures



Can someone explain to me why I have to pay to have maroo extract the endo from my sculpture?

I could understand if she took the endo out and you could put more stars back into it and had to pay for the extraction, but aren't you selling her the sculpture? Isn't that a fair trade? She gives us the endo out of them but gets to keep this rare sculpture?

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Erm. as i understand, it goes along the lines of:
Sars give SMALL amount of endo.
You put(up to) 3 stars in sculpture. Thats 3 SMALL amounts. turning into BIG amount of endo
i will let you do the math. 


trust me, you end up with more than just star-endo. But do the math anyway :)


Shes Corpus.


Edited by Sophista
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You're not really selling her the sculpture is the thing. What she's doing is more of a service if anything. She's figured out a way to tinker with them somehow and break open the sculpture to get all the endo out of it. As I understand it, the sculpture doesn't make it out alive without being beaten to a nice orokin pulp. You're paying her for the actual service, where she gets the endo out. Basically, you arrive with ayatan, she smashes it with a hammer, pulls the endo out, says "that'll be 50,000 creds", you pay her, she gives endo, and that's it.

I guess this raises the question of "How does only Maroo know how to do this and not Lotus or Ordis?", but that's pushing it a bit :P

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