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[Suggestion] Switch To Mele Style Mode


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For all of us that sometime feel like a ninja in the middle of a mission and want to hard mele combat (not for 1 or 2 hits), i suggest the following:

You could implement a "change combat style system" that allow players to configure alternative control keys to swich between them by pressing a key.

I explain better the idea:

Imagine that you could configure two style combat keys, and you asigned the 'TAB' key to switch between them.

In the first style, you made a standar config:

fire = Left click
aim = Right click
mele attack  =  'E'
block =  Button 3  

In the second style you configure the same for all exept for that four actions.

fire =  'E'
aim = Button 3  
mele attack  =  Left click
block =  Right click

So, while you are playing mainly shooting, you use the style 1, but if you decide to mainly attack and want a better config for a moment which you want mainly mele, you could have the option to press 'TAB' and switch to that other style allowing you to get an improved control of the mele combat.




Other mele Related thread:



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Edited by Grieflz
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And enable more dynamic melee combos in melee mode?


Great idea!!, it can be awesome if they let us to do some tricks and mele combo attacks. After all, they said "WARFRAME, ninjas play free" so let us feel more like ninjas :D


This doesn't seem to have a purpose, e is far easier on your hands than trigger for meleeing, and the addition of a switch styles key makes no sense when keybindings are already a thing.


you can do diferent actions with the same key by the actual keybinding system, so you haven't a way, for example, to use left click to shot your weapon and to mele attack without redefine the keybindings.  So, are you going to go to keyboard config and redefined it in the middle of a missión (or a fight) every time you want stop firing and go to mele enganges?... i think it has enought purpose to think about.

with what i suggest you can go shoting, aiming... with your mouse and then press 'TAB' and use the same keys to other purpose, to block attacks and mele attacks.

Edited by Grieflz
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I know what you said, it just seems pointless. If you want to more easily reach the block key, change switch weapons to tab and rebind block to F.


I don't want to block with F, i don't want to block with TAB, i don't what to switch weapon with tab, i don't want to block with F12 or mele attack with 'Impr pant PetSis' key pressing it with my feet. I JUST WANT TO USE THE ENTIRE MOUSE FEATURES TO PLAY AS MELE WHEN I DECIDE TO PACK AWAY THE FIRES WEAPONS.



Or you could get a mouse with M4/M5 buttons. In any case, there's no real issue here.


I have a mouse with 143 buttons, indeed, I have a mouse bigger than a castle, full of buttons arround and with a princess inside, and it has a button to serve cofee too, but that is not the point, i just want to an option to use the same button to fire a shotgun than to attack with mele letting my left hand free for move better and the right one to attack/defend with de BIGS BUTTONS ONE(Left click / right click) and not that smalls m4/m5.


And i never said that that were an issue.. that is a suggest not a report.




This post is for suggest and idea for improve the game funcionality about mele combat(What at the moment is pretty poor in my opinion). And i made it because this is a BETA game that are in developing and im here to contribute with my opinion and my feeling about what i look and what i miss as a beta tester player.

If you feel good with the game how it is at the moment and don't want it to improve any functions or add new features, go to the game and enjoy it but let those what want to give some ideas trusting that some of this could be useful to become this game better.

Edited by Grieflz
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its not a bad idea.. in my opinion that colud be the best if there is a combat melee style and a movement melee style... the comat style is for the combos and the movement style is for the fast movement to get close to the enemys as fast as possible, and than switch back to the combat melee style..

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Problem would be how could people on controllers be able to switch out to this melee mode, all my buttons are mapped and fit a certain feature.  I'd have to see what I should put where, sure I could get a controller with more buttons but would that really be the helpful thing?

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Problem would be how could people on controllers be able to switch out to this melee mode, all my buttons are mapped and fit a certain feature.  I'd have to see what I should put where, sure I could get a controller with more buttons but would that really be the helpful thing?

There coulb be Button combinations...

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I think it would be interesting if you could slot your melee weapons into your primary slots if they were big (hammer, sword, axe) or secondary if they were small (daggers). This would give players a more melee focused game. Especially if you want to go full on classic ninja.

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I personally would like to be able to drop my guns in favor of making a melee only build. Being a Rhino berserking with nothing but furax on his hands. It would also be cool if there was mechanic for blocking enemy strikes. I hate being interrupted with a buttstock. I would love to go assassin's creed style and punish them for their foolishness.


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I think you are ignoring the devs with this sugestion, there is a reason that you use E for melee and it isent its own weapon you switch to taking your gun out of your hands. It was ment so you combine melee and gun play, they wanted melee to be fluent and accessible at all times, they never wanted you picking to shoot or slice they want you to shoot and slice. When you have "modes" for gun or sword you are likely to pick one mode and stay in it ignoring witch ever other way of combat there is

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I think you are ignoring the devs with this sugestion, there is a reason that you use E for melee and it isent its own weapon you switch to taking your gun out of your hands. It was ment so you combine melee and gun play, they wanted melee to be fluent and accessible at all times, they never wanted you picking to shoot or slice they want you to shoot and slice. When you have "modes" for gun or sword you are likely to pick one mode and stay in it ignoring witch ever other way of combat there is



Are you read my suggestion? or just imagine what i said reading the tittle?, i never talk about to remove any feature or to remove de use of fire weapons or something else... I talk about to implement a key to change between 2 keybindings config for if in a certain moment you want a full mele combat and not just 1 mele hit.


There are something clear...  a lot of us sometime play with fire weapons mixed with some mele attacks, and in same situations we mainly meleeing combined with some shots at some targets..  Sometimes too we enjoy doining a entire mission, for example rushing a low level mission, meleeing the entire stage... what i suggest is to have a secondary keybinding config, for example for put attack in left click and block in right click, and you can switch YOUR CONTROLS (Not the warframe state or someting else, just change some keys binds) between that configs in the middle of a mission only pressing a key.


So, what are you talking about ignore devs or about that im force to shot my weapons because devs want it?, your answer has no sense and its fairy clear that you understand what you wanted about my suggestion.



they wanted melee to be fluent and accessible at all times


mmmmm, excuse me... but that is just what i want with this suggest... for that i want an option to control my mele weapon with the mouse if a want in a certain moment. Pressing E for attack with the same hand that you use to move and having the block key in and unknow and unnaccessible key is fary less fluent that what i suggest...



And to finish im going to said it again, because it seem like if no one can understand it




Its clear now? thanks god! :)


Thanks for answers but please, make sure that you understand the suggestion before confusing the people.

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Are you read my suggestion? or just imagine what i said reading the tittle?, i never talk about to remove any feature or to remove de use of fire weapons or something else... I talk about to implement a key to change between 2 keybindings config for if in a certain moment you want a full mele combat and not just 1 mele hit.


There are something clear...  a lot of us sometime play with fire weapons mixed with some mele attacks, and in same situations we mainly meleeing combined with some shots at some targets..  Sometimes too we enjoy doining a entire mission, for example rushing a low level mission, meleeing the entire stage... what i suggest is to have a secondary keybinding config, for example for put attack in left click and block in right click, and you can switch YOUR CONTROLS (Not the warframe state or someting else, just change some keys binds) between that configs in the middle of a mission only pressing a key.


So, what are you talking about ignore devs or about that im force to shot my weapons because devs want it?, your answer has no sense and its fairy clear that you understand what you wanted about my suggestion.




mmmmm, excuse me... but that is just what i want with this suggest... for that i want an option to control my mele weapon with the mouse if a want in a certain moment. Pressing E for attack with the same hand that you use to move and having the block key in and unknow and unnaccessible key is fary less fluent that what i suggest...



And to finish im going to said it again, because it seem like if no one can understand it




Its clear now? thanks god! :)


Thanks for answers but please, make sure that you understand the suggestion before confusing the people.

You know it would be nice if you stopped making assumptions about me, but if we are going to turn this in to a thread about attacking each other based off assumptions imma take my stab at it

lets see 12 post meaning you only really came to the fourms to ask for better melee, not to listen to others ideas about melee just inforce your own. Oh while we are on the topic of melee might i ask why you keep talking about a town in Italy? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mele


now I did read what you wanted, you wanted "mele" to have a changeable "mode" (form would have fit better considering ninjas) so that block (a key that has to be binded in the options to be used in the first place) is in an accessible place by replacing your firing and aiming keys with "mele" and block. The reason you want this is because there are to many keys to handle all 4 of them currently so your solution is to add another key, brilliant btw, to switch between having your sword as your primary way of attack (witch is what having it as your mouse dose, it makes it a primary way of attack). I assumed (witch i guess i was wrong) you actually thought about what this would mean, first off they would have to show it visually to avoid confusion between "mode" so you would have to hold the sword in your hand as a primary weapon. Considering you already dont want to worry about the block key I find it very unlikely you will ever switch "modes" in battle it is much more likely you will switch to "mele" at the start of ever mission then ignore your gun completely, as binding a gun to a key is very inefficient


Now you say that this gives better access to "mele" but it just cuts off "mele" from gun play, I very often use my sword while running, jumping, and sliding, the only possible time i would ever ever think of E as a hindrance is when im moving right but I never have had need to move right and slice at the same time given that fact I am at my the person i am trying to kill so normally I just have to go straight at them. Then again I have also rebinded my "mele" to the mouse wheel along with E.



I believe what you are looking for here is the ability to rebind your keys, witch you have, i suggest you take advantage of it 

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Not a bad idea at all.


I know of people who wants to play purely melee and this would make it easier and better for them.




It could be an optional option too so for people who do not want this system due to whatever reasons, they can just toggle it off.

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my key map:
left click shoot.
right click aim.
mouse button 3. (in the middle, not scroll up down. the scroll mouse can be pressed) for melee.
E button block.
which i can do range and melee pretty good. running to them then press e while they are shooting at you. pretty cool.

becos i used to play DMC 5. which is they have gun and blade together. so.
maybe my key binding can help ur desire to do more melee.

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