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I feel that DE deserves more respect and recognition


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On 23/12/2016 at 5:38 PM, Siekier said:

After all, not many game developers actively support other developers by discouraging players from playing their own game, thus encouraging them to try out other products from different game companies.


Now that you expected from the title, eh? Yeah, sorry (just a little) for this 5/7 clickbait, but I think it somewhow sump up how I feel about the most recent update (and some actions taken by the devs).


So, the Glast Gambit.

I was hoping that maybe, after not-so-great year (Specters of the Rail, constantly hyping and delaying TWW which turned out to not be worth the wait anyway) thelast update might be a good one, the one that would give us hope for 2017.

I was wrong.

The opening mission of the new quest is fantastic, it's what I wanted to see for such a long time - finally, a settlement of friendly NPCs during a normal mission (not a relay). We can see how they live, it gives the impression that the Sol system is now more alive, there's more to it than just Tenno / Corpus / Infested / Grineer and occasional relays. It showed us that there are some other people who just want to survive. Hearing them react to our presence ("Is that a Tenno? The Tenno really exist?") was great and I feel that more missions with elements like this could really improve the game.

After this fantastic mission I was excited to see what's further and then it all died.

Go play index. 6 times.

The same mission over and over again, with one forced defeat and one "maximum 10 points win margin" gimmick. It was just boring, it didn't feel fun or engaging, it was a slog.

This quest was such a missed opportunity. Instead of spamming the same mission 6 times you could expand on the Myconian people, make it more engaging, see something different than what we already have.


So you finish the boring quest and it turns out you only get Nidus Blueprint. What about the parts?

Locked behind more boring grind, in a gamemode that isn't engaging at has several problems (enemies not spawning, abysmal antiserum drop chance). To top it off, there's only 14% chance you get the part you want, as it's dilluted by useless sh*t like 80 Endo or crappy mods. 

My my, so much fun to be had.


But here's another one -> Hema research cost.

Now, personally I couldn't care less about this weapon as I simply don't like how it looks. "Then why are you even writing this?" Because there are some things that bother me.

First off, the insane cost. If we accept it, there will be another weapon with extremely high cost to research / build. It's a trend that begun with weapons requiring another weapon to be crafted, and it's still present in one form or another.


Secondly, the response from DE. This is what's bothering me the most.

It shows two things mostly - that they clearly do not play their own game and they don't care about feedback from playerbase.


They don't know our perspective - player's perspective.

It's clear when we see something like " the requirements can be met after running a few Orokin Derelict Defense missions (especially if you have a few Nekros’ to help)". They have no idea just how much time it takes to get 5000 Mutagen Sample for the smallest clan,let alone 500 000 for Moon tier clan.

They assume that everyone in the clan is keen on grinding for a certain resource for many, many hours to get a gimmicky weapon?

The reality is, in many clans a great portion of people is pretty much absent, and adding more grind to the game is not getting them back anytime soon.


But what's even worse is " Although we do not intend to make any changes, we appreciate constructive and respectful feedback. "

Which basically feels like "feel free to leave your feedback in the trash can, cause we don't care".

What the hell, just what the hell. I don't know how to answer to it without using some... ugly words.


I don't think I've seen a game developer admitting that they don't give a damn about feedback anytime before. Don't you see how bad it looks?

I've heard many claim during my 3 years here that Warframe is what it is in a big part thanks to the playerbase, to their feedback. And now you're throwing it away?


What a great way to wrap up 2016.

Introducing more grind. Giving us a choice between hours on top of hours of mindless grind or paying for a weapon with plat.

Showing that our feedback doesn't matter. Why even bother? Why don't we get rid of the whole feedback section whatsoever?


I'm just extremely disappointed. Sorry if it feels salty, but this update and DE's reaction were a major letdown for me.

I don't see the next year in Warframe in bright colors if this trend continues.




But hey, at least I can now go back to Dark Souls 2, so there's that. Thanks, I guess.

Also, I don't have anything against [DE]Taylor. Just doing  your job, I understand. I'm not shooting the messenger.

I'm just pissed because of the meaning behind the message.


I like how your title says one thing, then YOU say a completely different one. Nice click-bait. Maybe do a Top 10 Reasons Why list.

Personally, I loved the new quest; new NPCs, more life, more lore, FUN.

Doing the Index 6 times? Sign me up! It's quick, fun and, more importantly, not aggravating like Rathuum. Rathuum is just cancer. Index is fun.

I have to disagree on the Salvage mission as well; I really like it. Do you know how many relics I've gotten out of this while farming Nidus? I also think it's pretty easy (they did fix enemies not spawning/attacking as well as the antiserum drop-rate). A much more fun way to level up an unranked frame than being carried in a defence like a parasite.

The Hema cost, though, I absolutely agree with. IF every player donated 500 mutagens, it would be easy. In my clan, we have 30 people in, but only 4 or 5 play. In 2.7k hours in the game, I've only gotten 5.3k mutagens. I can cover for a lot of people, but not for the 15k mutagens we need. And yes, [DE]Taylor's answer was infuriating as well -I think the thread is up to 80+pages now.

However, 2016 was not bad. We got Titania and Nidus. We got Void Rework (WHOOHOO). We got some great weapons and some excellent Primes. So stop complaining. They're people, they mess up, we'll let them know and mock them for it, but we are people too and we will mess up as well.

I do believe DE is worthy of respect and recognition. The fact that you apparently don't, doesn't matter to me. But, hey, since you're going to Dark Souls, give all your stuff to your clan members so they at least put them to use, k?

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55 minutes ago, Lyravain said:

I like how your title says one thing, then YOU say a completely different one. Nice click-bait. Maybe do a Top 10 Reasons Why list.

Personally, I loved the new quest; new NPCs, more life, more lore, FUN.

Doing the Index 6 times? Sign me up! It's quick, fun and, more importantly, not aggravating like Rathuum. Rathuum is just cancer. Index is fun.

I have to disagree on the Salvage mission as well; I really like it. Do you know how many relics I've gotten out of this while farming Nidus? I also think it's pretty easy (they did fix enemies not spawning/attacking as well as the antiserum drop-rate). A much more fun way to level up an unranked frame than being carried in a defence like a parasite.

The Hema cost, though, I absolutely agree with. IF every player donated 500 mutagens, it would be easy. In my clan, we have 30 people in, but only 4 or 5 play. In 2.7k hours in the game, I've only gotten 5.3k mutagens. I can cover for a lot of people, but not for the 15k mutagens we need. And yes, [DE]Taylor's answer was infuriating as well -I think the thread is up to 80+pages now.

However, 2016 was not bad. We got Titania and Nidus. We got Void Rework (WHOOHOO). We got some great weapons and some excellent Primes. So stop complaining. They're people, they mess up, we'll let them know and mock them for it, but we are people too and we will mess up as well.

I do believe DE is worthy of respect and recognition. The fact that you apparently don't, doesn't matter to me. But, hey, since you're going to Dark Souls, give all your stuff to your clan members so they at least put them to use, k?

Clickbait was fully intentional. I might be a little ashamed of it (just a tiny bit), but it served its purpose of highlighting this thread (and therefore, the issues regarding recent update).


You like the quest? I'm glad you're having fun. My main issue is how repetitive it was. We're already doing the same missions over and over on normal basis, so I would expect something different from a quest.

It's just my opinion though and I won't try to force anyone into thinking the same way I do.


In my opening post I was regarding pre 19.5.3 Infested Salvage - it was just terrible. But, I have to admit - recent hotfix made it much more bearable due to increased antiserum spawn rates. I still don't find it much fun oranything, but it's certainly much less frustrating and it's going faster, so that's good.

I also got some nice relics, just like you, but getting another Stretch or 80 Endo instead of Nidus part blueprint was just annoying. I don't see any reason why common or uncommon mods should be "rewarded" (it feels more like punishment) on high level planets (Eris is supposedly considered one) other than dilluting drop tables for our inconvenience.


I should also mention that 2016 wasn't all bad. Nidus and Zarr are a lot of fun to use, and there were few other things I enjoyed.

Doesn't mean it was all fine and dandy. There is some stuff that needs to be complained about in order to at least show that players don't agree with anything DE throws us.

If people didn't "complain" (as I believe, you call giving feedback on changes to the game) we would be stuck with universal extremely small Vacuum radius, no cap on Riven reroll cost etc. People give feedback because they like this game and want it to improve instead of accepting everything.


I'll go ahead and ignore the last part of your post, as I don't want to start any personal arguments.

Wouldn't want this thread locked for such a petty reason, would I?

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5 hours ago, Siekier said:

Clickbait was fully intentional. I might be a little ashamed of it (just a tiny bit), but it served its purpose of highlighting this thread (and therefore, the issues regarding recent update).


You like the quest? I'm glad you're having fun. My main issue is how repetitive it was. We're already doing the same missions over and over on normal basis, so I would expect something different from a quest.

It's just my opinion though and I won't try to force anyone into thinking the same way I do.


In my opening post I was regarding pre 19.5.3 Infested Salvage - it was just terrible. But, I have to admit - recent hotfix made it much more bearable due to increased antiserum spawn rates. I still don't find it much fun oranything, but it's certainly much less frustrating and it's going faster, so that's good.

I also got some nice relics, just like you, but getting another Stretch or 80 Endo instead of Nidus part blueprint was just annoying. I don't see any reason why common or uncommon mods should be "rewarded" (it feels more like punishment) on high level planets (Eris is supposedly considered one) other than dilluting drop tables for our inconvenience.


I should also mention that 2016 wasn't all bad. Nidus and Zarr are a lot of fun to use, and there were few other things I enjoyed.

Doesn't mean it was all fine and dandy. There is some stuff that needs to be complained about in order to at least show that players don't agree with anything DE throws us.

If people didn't "complain" (as I believe, you call giving feedback on changes to the game) we would be stuck with universal extremely small Vacuum radius, no cap on Riven reroll cost etc. People give feedback because they like this game and want it to improve instead of accepting everything.


I'll go ahead and ignore the last part of your post, as I don't want to start any personal arguments.

Wouldn't want this thread locked for such a petty reason, would I?

You seem to misunderstand the difference between 'show a problem' and 'whine incessantly'. Vaccuum, it was an issue, and I did comment on DE's decisions on the matter. Hema's resource cost is an issue and I've commented on it. The myriad of other issues are worthy of feedback. "I didn't get what I think I should be getting" isn't feedback, it's complaining.

Also, please don't ignore that last part -it's what I've told all my clan members and friends in all my games and what I've done myself. If you're gonna leave a game forever, gift your items to those who are going to continue playing and enjoying it. Just because it's not 'your thing', doesn't mean it's not 'their thing'. What better way for your friends to remember you by than having an item gifted to them?

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14 hours ago, Lyravain said:

You seem to misunderstand the difference between 'show a problem' and 'whine incessantly'. Vaccuum, it was an issue, and I did comment on DE's decisions on the matter. Hema's resource cost is an issue and I've commented on it. The myriad of other issues are worthy of feedback. "I didn't get what I think I should be getting" isn't feedback, it's complaining.

Also, please don't ignore that last part -it's what I've told all my clan members and friends in all my games and what I've done myself. If you're gonna leave a game forever, gift your items to those who are going to continue playing and enjoying it. Just because it's not 'your thing', doesn't mean it's not 'their thing'. What better way for your friends to remember you by than having an item gifted to them?


Yeah, how dare I not like the new quest consisting mostly of doing the same thing over and over.

How dare I not like a gamemode that takes a long time to get to rotation C (beofre the changes mind you) only to get rewarded with another copy of Stretch.


It seems that when you agree with someone, it's called "feedback". But if they have a different opinion than you, it immediately becomes "complaining".

You don't think some things are problems? Whatever, doesn't mean it's the same way for everyone.


Problems with The Glast Gambit:

- too repetitive - 8 missions total, 6 of which are Index. So roughly 75% of the quest is doing the same thing over and over.

I'm curious if you would enjoy a movie that consists of the same scene being replayed 75% of the time.

- not exactly rewarding, all this time just for Nidus BP

- possible to lose a ton of credits easily (didn't happen to me, though I've seen people providing feedback concerning this matter)

I'll leave the story aspect out. I think that repetitiveness of the quest hurts it, but I might be biased on this one.


Infested Salvage:

- problems such as not enough enemy spawns or abysmal antiserum drop rate were fixed

- it's still boring (purely subjective - it feels like a very stationary survival played on a small map with having to run from one life support tank to another)

- highly unrewarding - relics are nice, but getting common and uncommon mods like Magazine Warp, Vitality or Reflex Coil is not. It's even worse when it happens on rotation C. Easy fix - replace it with Endo. Not 80 Endo, but 400. That way it doesn't feel like a complete waste of time when you don't get relic or Nidus BP part.

Side note - after completing Nidus I have no reason whatsoever to go back to this mission.


If that's not feedback, then I don't know what is (in your opinion).


I'm tempted to ignore last part of your post once again, as I know responding to it would serve no purpose.

But I'll say only two things:

- I couldn't care less what you do with our stuff, simply because it's yours and not mine. Therefore I won't give you any fantastic tips as to what you should do with it.

- I never made a statement that I'm leaving Warframe forever. Had I decided to do so, I wouldn't waste my (and everyone else's) time by creating this thread. (as I simply wouldn't care about WF anymore).


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