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Building a new PC.



Hi guys, I know I don't post a lot, and I took a long break from Warframe, but I wanted to get back into it, so I've been compiling parts together. And I was wondering if the parts I got could run Warframe on the highest settings at 60 or more fps without any drops. 

PC Parts: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Yyp2jc

I just want to build a good pc, because it's horrible running Warframe on the lowest settings at 20 fps and below. But when I see video on Youtube running highest settings, I want to cry at how beautiful this game is. So please, let me know if these parts are good. 

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2 answers to this question

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Haswell With DDR3 when Kaby lake and Ryzen on DDR4 is almost here? You should wait for them and their prices (kaby lake 6. january , ryzen (looks like january)
Also Gpu is damn weak. At last save some money and buy GTX 1070 (best price per power) with concessions in some games or save money for gtx 1080 (no compromise but high price)
you can also wait for VEGA Relase (lowering prices on nvidia products) but that could take very long (propably Q2 2017).
Be patient that few day rush its not worth.

If you need rush, buy
CPU - Intel Core i5-6600 (3,9Ghz on boost) if you dont overclock (if yes buy with "K" (4,5+Ghz possible) on end with OC motherboard, good cooling and also depend on silicon lottery)
GPU - Zotac Gtx 1070 AMP Extreme has 5 year warranty (in EU check this on their web site for other countries) and good cooler, alternatives MSi gaming 1070 X or Asus ROG strix 1070 OC
ram/mainboard depend if OC or not OC
based on FHD 60+ fps
*OC = Overclocking
*FHD = Full HD
*UHD = Ultra HD

ps.: If you want UHD 60+ Fps prepare you wallet for rape

Edited by Technologic141
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