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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Oh god...that's right Stalker got a steroid injection didn't he? -hides in fear- I already have trouble killing him as it is.


Speaking of Sobek, I got one yesterday just because and I like how it's just this shotgun with a huge clip and auto-fire.

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Finally, some inspiration!




Orrik walked through the white and gold tower, both amazed and angered at the craftmanship. It had been days since he had found himself awoken in this cheap and insulting replica of an Orokin towers.


''Metallic walls? Faux gold decorations? HAD THEY NO RESPECT FOR THE VOID MAKING THIS?'' Orrik growled, remembering the Ivory and Gold decorations of his creations and wondering why he was in this replica. His memory was still a bit fuzzy after the cryo-sleep but at least he knew he remembered every detail of the time he constructed the first of the Orokin towers, and arguing with the elders and Lotus herself about the use of Ivory for the walls. Since he had awoken, he had encountered no ''corrupted'' wich made him a little bit sad. He had wanted to see if his neural sentries worked, but it appeared this ''tower'' hadn't been breached yet.


''i wonder if this ''tower'' has any information of what has happened.'' Orrik almost hit himself for calling this perversion of his craft a tower. Surely there should be a terminal nearby if the makers of this abomination had followed his blueprints and sure enough, after only 3 hours of walking there was a terminal. 


''Username: TheCreAt0r''

''Password: ************************''


''Access granted, welcome back Orrik.'' A metallic voice sounded from the terminal. ''What would you like to know?''


''Query: When was this tower made?''


''Roughly 1 month after the Director of Project Chronos went into Cryo-sleep.''


''Query: Purpose of tower?''


''To hide the Director of project Chronos.''


''Request: Establish contact with Lotus.''


''Request granted.'' Only a few seconds passed between the request being granted and the voice of the Lotus reaching Orrik.


''Orrik! Is that you?'' the Lotus sounded surprised.


''Indeed it is I, who else would contact you from a terminal in the void?''


''I had thought your tower lost!''


''It is impossible to make me disappear, i thought you knew that, but then again i guess it has been roughly 1, maybe 2 thousand years since the collapse,no?''


''How did you...Nevermind that, we need to get you out of there as by my estimates your tower will soon be destroyed by the void.''


''I'm sending the coordinates of this tower to you, and then when i get out of here, you can explain why this tower was made with cheap metals and faux gold, when the instructions say that those things tend to get destroyed after roughly 2 millenia while Ivory and real gold can last seemingly forever.''


''It was not my choice, it was the choice of the elders.''


''Old farts! Idiots! Bastard children of a three-legged dogs!'' Orrik shouted. ''May they burn in hell! Those bald-headed, Wrinkle-ridden, Combat-fearing Ancient butt-plugs!''


''Don't forget that you are older than any of them, seeing as you were there when the Tenno were founded.'' Lotus said calmly.


''I know, but for f*cks sake! They make decisions like idiots, trying to use the cheapest materials they can find to try to keep me, the Tenno who created these goddamn towers and oversaw project chronos, safe! It just makes me irritated. But let's stop talking about that, how is my pupil? has Vaughan woken up? and how about General Vikings son? is he awake too?''


''Yes, they are both awake and currently on a shore-leave at the Station, where the...''


''Where the Tenno who don't belong to a clan reside, I know. I built that thing too.'' Orrik cut Lotus off. ''I'm on my way to the extraction shuttle now. when I get to the Station, I want us two, to have a very private chat.'' The tone in his voice indicating he was serious.


''As you wish.'' Lotus replied as Orrik started walking to the extraction shuttle. This was not going to be a very fun experience for her.




And inspiration lost. 


if you are wondering, Project Chronos was very, very top secret weapons project conducted in the last years before the Collapse, and Orrik was roughly 1-2 thousand years old by that time. 

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X kept his eyes open as he stalked the misty hallways of the derelict Orokin vessel. They could be dangerous places, even to a full cell of experienced Tenno, and he was alone. The hall seemed to stretch forever, the growls of the Infested always just out of reach.


A whisper. He spun, his hand reaching instinctively for his Orthos Prime... and finding only air. He froze, his eyes drifting to his hip. No Despair, and his trusty Soma was missing as well. He was completely unarmed and alone, He frowned. When had he lost his weapons? He certainly wouldn't have gone in without them, no sane Tenno would.




He froze, heedless of the Infested drawing near. No one, not even Loki at his most foolish, called him by that name anymore. Except...


His cold fear turned to a hot rage.


"You dare use her against me, Infested scum? I will tear you apart with my bare hands!" 


'Like they tore me apart, Miles? As you watched? As you ran?'


"I had no choice!"


'There is always a choice.'


"Between one of us dying or both?"


A humorless laugh rang through the growing darkness. 'Oh Miles... You of all people should know... There are fates so much worse than death.'


Excalibur walked slowly, warily. The howls had stopped, but the silence and shadows somehow seemed even more dangerous.


"There were other Tenno there too." He spoke, if only to relieve the oppressive silence. "If you're going to place blame they are just as much at fault as me!"


'I don't blame them Miles. I blame you."


He spun just as a Leaper sprang at him.






X's eyes snapped open. Another dream. He ran a hand across his forehead to get rid of the cold sweat. The worst part hadn't been the accusations.

He knew he had done all he could. The worst part had been her face, hanging off the Leaper.


Staring at him.




This was inspired by a horrifying lucid dream I had, where I fought Infested versions of my family. I couldn't wake up, which is strange because I'm usually very good at controlling a dream once I realize I'm asleep.

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Whoooo! another one!!!





One of us! One of us! One of us!


Appreciate the warm welcome luls! But I wont be fully a part of you guys until I finish my story.  Which is going to be mainly introducing and providing background for my character.  I fed the proverbial flames and oh boy, I just hope I can convey what I have in my head well.

I might also ask one of you to help me write part 1...


PS: Aigloblam, on page 17, Dark Phear & Legends, OOOSHIIIIT man, the movie my brain created while reading that was amazing....

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Noticed two types of fics on this thread: Typical one shots with continuations or roleplay types, I like it, thinking of either making a one piece or creating a starter soon.


And before you go "One of us!" crazy: *ahem*



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On the most recent resource excursion...




"You know something odd?" Crowley calmly posed in question to Quinn as he mowed down a Railgun Moa with his Hek. "By the analysis of all scans there is no planet where we can obtain both Salvage AND Circuits at the same time." The blue nekros pointed out as he snagged a packet of Salvage off the ground, allowing his newly made Djinn sentinel to obliterate a poor Prod Crewman attempting to garner fame and glory through striking a Tenno successfully. The screams the corpus made as the poison seeped into his veins went unnoticed as Crowley continued on, putting his Hek away and drawing one of two Gremlin pistols he'd borrowed from Issachar out of curiosity, leaving a hand free to scoop up and activate an oxygen pack.


"Really? I hadn't taken notice." Quinn threw down a bounce pad in front of him, letting several Corpus units bounce themselves to flatness against an overhanging walkway, showering the Vauban with blood and materials. "How long have we been doing this?" He asked in return, reaching around Crowley's hip to grab the other Gremlin to staple a Corpus Tech to the wall before he could summon the dozenth Osprey they'd had to blow up this mission. "Thank you for that." He returned the Gremlin to Crowley's hand, allowing the Nekros to make swiss cheese out of a Shockwave Moa just ready to knock the two Tenno down.


"I don't know, I'll check the egg timer on the counter." Rolling his eyes as he replied in a sarcastic manner, emptying his Twin Gremlin's clips and reloading before going back to the Hek. "Not my kind of pistol." He muttered to himself, blowing the head off of a Corpus Crewman even as swarms more continued to pour into the room. "Lotus, what time do we have?"


"You have been surviving this mission for 29 minutes and 35 seconds."


Turning to Quinn, Crowley tilted his head, the expression behind his helmet one of dismay. "May we leave NOW? How much Salvage could we possibly need?" Not paying attention, Crowley tried firing on a Crewman to find his clip empty. "Bugger."


Quick to react, the Vauban set up a Bastille, giving the two comrades time to escape the room toward the marked extraction point. "If you're forgetting the ammo you've got in your gun we need to leave anyway!" Laughing light-heartedly Quinn sprinted alongside the gaunt Tenno toward the extraction point. "Venus is next, right?"


"At least I won't need my shotgun for Venus." Crowley replied, having every intent to just decimate the Corpus on Venus with his special Soma. "Finished your Vectis yet?"


"I haven't had bloody time to build it with all this running around!"




I may put up the Venus bit, I may not. I think it's pretty obvious they're just out resource hunting for stuff by now XD

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I love how they're just strolling along, having a relaxed conversation, as if they were on their way to a picnic. While destroying everything in their path.


When you're as wisened and powerful as Quinn and Crowley most enemies at the level they're fighting just don't have the tactical capabilities to make them focus. That and Quinn's the weapon maker around here soooo...OP weapons maybe?

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an interesting conversation between General Viking and a new person for my group of characters.



''Have i ever told you of my last stand?''


''Just about 3782 times, but hey, who's counting?''


''Hey, stop that! or i will tell you about the battle over Pluto.''


''Fine, tell me the story again then.''


''All right! So, it was during the last day where escape was available when I took a squad of loyal soldiers with me to defend the last evacuation shuttle. I had agreed to sacrifice myself so that we could ensure that every last one of the surviving civilians would make it off the planet. Of course, since I had a 6-man squad behind me I wasn't alone in taking this decision. God, i miss those soldiers. Brave to the end, they were.''


''Get on with it!''


''Hey, don't go quoting Monty Python at me, Miss scavenger! But anyways, as I said, there were six people behind me on this mission. First were Rik and Rakon, brothers and a really good Rhino/Ash team that had never reported a failed mission. Next was McGowrel, a Nekros that had just been assigned to my unit a few weeks prior after we had lost ours. The Triplets were next. Johanna, a Trinity user with over 60 years of experience, Lejla, a Mag who was known for her destructive behavior and Marianna, a Nova who happened to have almost perfect accuracy with any weapon given to her.''


''Get to the point of the story, please.''


''I'll say, you are quite impatient but i shall respect your wishes. With the squad assembled and waiting mere minutes before the shuttle took off, I hurried to pick up my Soma, Lato, Dakra and kogake and place them on my Frost Prime. As I quickly rushed out of my office, the squad had already left for the objective location and I had to rush if I wanted to catch up so I ran. I caught up with the squad halfway to the objective, and arrived about 5 minutes before them so I could set up some sort of a fortification before the Infested would arrive to try to ruin and destroy the ship. Once the squad had arrived and prepared, We signaled the ship that it was okay to leave. We didn't have to wait long before the infested arrived. The beasts attacked in a horde that seemed to outnumber us a million to one, but we didn't care. We fought like monsters against the never ending tide, a mountain vs a dragon horde and the mountain was not going to crumble. no matter how many dragons would crash against it. We fought for several days before we lost our Ash, Rakon, to a surprise attack by a Toxic Ancient, who literally just melted him with its poisons. Several weeks later, Lejla got ambushed by a group of chargers. Rik and Marianna went down together after 6 months of fighting, both blown to pieces by a mob of runners. After a year, Johanna took her own life. When the flood finally started to fear us and left us alone, only me and McGowrel were left but that lasted only a day. McGowrel died from a heart attack in the night after. As I was the last one left, i thought that i should go out in a blaze of glory, so i found the largest infested near me and charged it, slaying it after hours of battle at the expense of all my energy and stamina. That was the moment i got Murdered, by that red-faced traitor. He came up behind me as i was trying to stand up and decapitated me, letting my still rolling head to catch his face. Unfortunetly for him, I hadn't forgotten that we Tenno can survive without a body, as long as we are fueled by thirst for revenge and have access to our own collective consciousness. Our own hive-mind, so to say. And that was the story of my last stand.''


''Great, can we now go back to finding out where all the Tenno are?''


''That's what we have been doing all this time? You could have asked me, i know where most of them are probably.''




''The Station.''


''YOU SON OF A....''

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"Gather around, and settle down. We're about to start."


There was much jostling, jockeying, and elbowing, but soon the assembled LOKI's were kneeling in good order. Most of them were in the default color scheme, but some had thought to customize their Warframes, and neon-bright colors were not absent. A LOKI stood at the front of the group, however, and he was colored all in gray. He wore an Essence variant helmet, the visor up, and he displayed none of the slight awkwardness of movements those in the group did in their suits. A man aiming to insult might take the solid gray as indicating a lack of imagination, but the last one who said so openly had been treated to a stare of deep, void-black that made people's lives flash before their eyes, and that was that.


"You have all chosen to take up the LOKI Warframe. Some of you did so for the sake of being called 'advanced'. Some might have received recommendations from their mentors on which suited them best. Others might have heard from a colleague of mine - who shares his name with his Warframe - on how LOKI's are the most prone to throwing wild parties involving illicit substances and potatoes." He made a face at that; a face that promised that the first person to ask him to throw a wild party would rue doing so. "Whatever your reasons, you're here, and I've been tasked with acquainting you with what comes with being a LOKI."


He gestured, and a holo-projector displayed a life-size model of a LOKI. "Now, I'm sure you have questions, so I'll attempt to answer them here, and at the end, if I missed something, feel free to ask." Another gesture, and the LOKI was partially transparent, revealing its workings and features. "Now, if you see here, you'll notice that a LOKI has great amount of maximum power, incredible speed, relatively average armor, and mediocre Shields and Integrity. This is largely intentional. The role of a LOKI is that of a manipulator; harassing, distracting, and covertly eliminating his opponents. You'll see that his abilities are not designed to harm, only to misdirect. If a LOKI were too well-armored, he would grow complacent and over-confident, and that must never happen."


He made another gesture, and a hard-light copy of his Warframe was projected. "This is Decoy. Your sensors should see right through it, but the Grineer and Corpus don't have the right filters, and Infested don't have any filters. To them, it's a convincing copy of a LOKI, albeit stationary." He indicated the Kunai sheathes on the Decoy. "Its normal configuration holds a Lato, and most of you will probably never find out how to change it. That shouldn't matter though, the Decoy's attacks are harmless either way.There was once a time when LOKI's could create entire scenes from long-lasting hard-light. Enemies would believe themselves well-supported and suddenly see they were only three. Generals would give suicidal orders for no reason, then vanish when out of sight. Now, though, it's all I can do to make my Decoy's sidearm and helmet match mine. But I digress. Let's continue."


The Decoy dissipated, and when the Initiates looked to the front, the gray LOKI was gone. "Invisibility. Not much to explain, really. They can't detect you, you can move -", and a student at the back jumped as he felt his shoulder tapped, "- and believe it or not, the shock of being sliced out of nowhere actually causes your opponent to take more damage. No reason not to use it."


He reappeared at the front. Then, he pointed to a LOKI at the back. Before he could react, he was suddenly at the front. "Switch Teleport. Disorienting, isn't it? That would explain the battery of nausea endurance tests they put you through. You'll get used to it. Now, this is used on high-priority targets to isolate them from their comrades, giving your squad-mates the opportunity to face them alone, while you deal with the grunts at your leisure. It's also good for quick navigating around a battlefield, saving squad-mates, or saving yourself."


"Now, the last one. We'll need a good combat situation to really show you what it can do. So if you'll follow me to the Dueling Room..."




"All right, rules are simple. Your abilities are temporarily enabled. You're using your Bratons, Latos, and Skanas. I'm on Ethers only. All blades are blunted. Your guns are fitted with training-rounds. They won't kill anyone, but they will simulate damage to Shields and Integrity. That's more for your benefit that mine. If I get you to 50% Integrity, you're eliminated, and the training arena will force you to collapse. My Shields won't regenerate. Break my Shields, you'll eliminate me, you'll win and get five-hundred thousand Credits. Ready? Go!"


The Initiates, distracted by the promise of an immediate and considerable cash reward, were completely unprepared. The gray LOKI vanished, and suddenly, three Initiates were eliminated as the Ethers mowed them down. He reappeared in the center of the group and took a mock bow. Latos and Bratons opened fire, only to eliminate a poor Initiate that suddenly took the gray LOKI's place. He defeated another Initiate, and suddenly, they all drew back. He could have continued the chaos, but he decided he'd give them a sporting chance. They all took aim, and then...




A blinding flash of light, and suddenly their weapons would not fire. Their Shields were depleted, and their sensors scrambled. From there, it was child's play to eliminate them, one after the other. The last one, however, managed to draw his Skana in time and parried the Ether's arc.


"I'm not losing just because of a trick", the Initiate growled.


"Indeed?" the senior Tenno said as he and the Initiate circled. "It's much more than a trick. Radial Disarm. Jams your guns, scrambles your sensors, and even drains your energy and Shields as an after-thought."


The Initiate struck, and his swing was met by a lazy parry. He side-swiped and the gray LOKI stepped aside. Slashes, thrusts, and swings were turned aside or dodged with quick efficiency. " You can do better than that. My Shields are at half-capacity."


The Initiate lunged, and his opponent twirled aside. Now overextended, his momentum carried him forward and the gray LOKI tripped him with an extended foot. He stood and slashed lightning-quick, only for his Skana to meet hard-light. "Who said that Decoy's worthless against Tenno?"


The Initiate kept attacking, but he might as well have been armed with a cloud for all the damage he inflicted. His opponent's grace and efficiency contrasted sharply with his unpolished strikes, but the gray Tenno saw much potential in this one. The merest skeleton of greatness, but that was more than many had to work with. "Have I shown you nothing? Use your abilities!"


He Initiate made a quorking sound, then vanished. The gray Tenno stood still as stone, and suddenly raised his blade, eliciting a clanging sound of blade on blade. He kept parrying, seemingly unconcerned that the blade he was blocking was no longer visible. The Initiate reappeared, and he said, "Waste of energy, that one. Make them count!"


He Switched with the Initiate, and struck the small of his back. Another switch, a cut on the arm. The Initiate was getting disoriented, but he began to see. When the next switch came, he positioned his blade exactly where the Ethers would cut, then he Switched with the gray Tenno. For a long moment, he saw that he was now behind the gray Tenno, his blade already in motion, mere centimeters from the LOKI's neck.


Then, the gray LOKI was now facing towards him, holding on the the tip of the Skana with thumb and forefinger. With a jerk, he wrenched the blade free from the Initiate's grasp, throwing it behind him. Before the Initiate could express shock, he had an Ether pointed at his neck.


"Looks like I've -"


The gray LOKI was interrupted as the Initiate stepped under the blade, and proceeded to grapple with the Tenno. He managed to gain control of an arm and was about to apply pressure, when he felt his legs taken out from under him. A knee was planted on his back, a hand forced his right arm back - releasing his own hold - and an Ether placed under his neck.


"- won."


They stood. Around them, the other Initiates were released from the arena's hold, and they stood as well. "Now don't look so sad. You did very, very well for your first time against me."


"I would have won. You used cheap tricks."


"I live, and your jugular's cut open, so they were good tricks. Besides, do you think you're an EXCALIBUR? You used one yourself. Cheap tricks are what makes a LOKI. Keep your opponent off-balance, never give them a clear shot, and you will never need to take damage."


The Initiate nodded.


"I see much in you, Initiate. You can become great. What's your name?"


"Alaric", the Initiate said.


"Well, Alaric, you just won yourself a hundred-thousand Credits. Not the full prize, but you'll be able to get something nice."


The Tenno looked up. "I... I don't know what to say, but... thank you - uh..."


"It's Tyranthius. And don't worry about it. Worry about how your fellow Initiates will probably squeeze you for money."


And with that, Tyranthius stepped out of the arena.




Writing again. It's not much, but I've been doing... things.

Edited by Tyranthius
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