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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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After the chance meeting with the Grand Master Crowley, Ans was tired. Reaching his small cargo ship, Ans was meet with a message, from the Lotus. Shocked, he listened to it immediately. 


“Ans, i have heard of your actions and sacrifice at a dojo you do not even belong to. I have good news for you, an old weapon blueprint has been discovered, a weapon called the Nikana. I have sent the first blueprints to you and when you reach a master level of skill with this weapon i have another set of blueprints for you. I wish you luck with your missions.” 


The message ended on that note and the Blueprint data was on a chip sitting on the desk. Picking it up slowly Ans wondered what type of weapon it was. Putting the chip into the small computer Ans was shocked when he saw a katana displayed on the screen, yet with its own tenno aspects. Sitting down in awe, Ans shook his head with a smile, the Lotus really did watch them all. Letting the noise from outside turn into a buzz, Ans laid down falling into sleep. 




The ceremony had left Quinn exhausted for some reason but he had no time to rest, Crowley had contacted him, and it was important. 


Crowley had deemed Ein worthy of an upgrade. The design took them awhile but with help of Ein, though somewhat childish at parts, helped them greatly. 


A week or so passed before Quinn could actually take a break and sit. Ein was in his new “body”, Crowley was off again somewhere and Quinn was behind in the foundry, the new guys couldn't do much more than clean weapons. With a promise of Vodka, Ein was off to greet everyone with his new body. Quinn wanted to rest, but something weighted on his mind, the way Crowley presented himself, he seemed tired, worn, old. This had Quinn worrying, he knew Crowley rather well, he had never been like this before something was up. With a sigh, Quinn sat up and opened up some communications, sending a message to Ein and Crowley. 


“Ein, Drop by sometime so i can check on you new “body” also if you need any new weapons or gear, just drop by anytime, the doors are always open to you.”


Now on to Crowley, Quinn really didn't know how to approach this subject, so he jumped right in. 


“Crowley, How should i word this? .........What the hell is wrong? You have never been this tired, or even worn out to me, if we get a chance i would like to talk to you, just us, even if it takes a mission i have to talk, if you have no time make time old friend, and you know, if i can help you i will do all that i can.”


With a sigh, Quinn put his feet on a desk and leaned back. He awoke to a loud sound, he had fallen out of his chair. With a small laugh Quinn got up and sat back down in his chair. He needed something to do, boredom had set in like a rat plague of the old age. Standing Quinn knew what he would build. A weapon of great skill, a prime at that. Maybe someone would want it, for its beauty, power, or grace. 


Walking to the back room, Quinn got to work building the perfect Orthos Prime. 


Time passed with no reply from either Ein or Crowley, Quinn was content though, making weapons and losing himself in work. Until a message reached him, it was Crowley. 


“I have been....indisposed, at least until Ein’s recent situation. I have....I am.....” A pause for a moment. “ You must swear upon your soul you will not reveal this until the appointed time.” Another pause, causing a gap in the message. “....There is no hope for my recovery...and i do not seek a recovery. I have lived too long, too many lifetimes......” 


Quinn listened to the rest in silence. Bowing his head, he somehow knew this. He could feel tears, but they where not allowed to flow. Lifting his head, Quinn walked out of the foundry. 


Muttering under his breath Quinn strode past some apprentices. 


All they heard was, 


“That stupid Old Crow.”

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A few stray rounds ricocheted off of the wall not two feet from my head.

Pinned down, underfire. Such an embarrassing situation for a Tenno.


I abandoned my impromptu roost downstairs some time ago, Whatever reinforcements arrived managed to make enough ruckus to stop the patrols on this level.

Bullets continued to report their irritation against the wall, which I was amazed was still holding.

The assault teams where bent on manning this wall of bullets on the otherside of this door. Still, my waiting had rewarded me with a deep energy pool.


Between waves of gunfire, I placed decoys as far inward as possible. Using what few milliseconds of life they had before they where cut down, I slipped out cloaked and liberated whatever I could from the entrenched grinner with my rifle.


Arms, Heads, that sort of thing.


Slow, methodical, this would have worked for any other situation, but the clock was ticking and I need at least 1 bullet left.

I moved back to the relative safety of the stairwell and holstered my Vectis (10 rounds remaining) and checked the mission timer.


Thirty Minutes ETA until Vor touches down.

None of the other Tenno have attempted contact yet, maybe it's time for something extravagant. I still have two Lato Pistols and a deep pool of energy in reserves, I think its time to st-


The sound of heavy impact against metal resonated down to the stairwell, an extremely large explosion rocked the room I was next to.

Wait, couldn't have been an explosion... too many grinner screams and...





Both pistols were in my hand before I cleared the stairwell, I cloaked as I dove next to the large doorway, and slowly began to survey the room. A Zephyr had landed, and both the Frame and the Glaive she wielded danced this way and that. Every move parted a grinner in one way or another. I noted an unknown firearm on this Tenno's back, she danced too swiftly for me to get a decent look. Though, she used only the Glaive she infrequently had in her hand and the wind itself in combat. she began to slowly remove the roadblock that had been troubling me for some time now.

I found myself almost reverently following her moves, before returning focused back onto the battle itself. I drew my Orthos Prime and prepared to join the fray when I noticed movement to my left.

A Nova cleared the stairs with a Djinn Sentinel floating silently behind. She entered the room and nocked an arrow on her Dread (wow, how did she obtain that?) with one fluid motion. Arrows found their mark in the soft joints of Grineer armor with little issue. The Djinn, supplemented the Archer nicely, covering a tight arc behind the Tenno with caustic needles.


Between the two, the once organized fortification, had devolved into utter chaos. Attention was split between the two Tenno, and it destroyed any hope for the Grineer to rally (not that they had much hope, its pretty much decided when a Nova enters the battlefield). Within the span of the few minutes over fifty grinner lay dead and dying, with the remnants quickly joining their fallen comrades.

The Zephyr reached out to catch the Glaive that was dancing through several grinner and paused for a moment, pulling in a torrent of wind from the area and creating several localized Tornadoes in the Large room. The torrent of wind pulled in all Grineer in the immediate area, both living and dead, and carried them all skyward. The macabre vortexes of cloned blood and party parts only fouled the air for a moment, as the Nova quickly reduced it all to molecular dust in the wind.




Simply, beautiful.


The two where making small talk after the battle, which knocked me out of my revere.


“So where’s the Loki?”


I decloaked, though I kept my Orthos Prime in hand, "Right here".


The Zephyr moved away and continued to look about the room, in a rather odd manner. The Nova glanced towards me and inquired, "Are you ready to continue?"


"Just about", I responded, trying best to remain somewhat professional. "Did She, inform both of your of the current mission parameters?"


The Djinn sentinel floated towards me, and spoke? "Myself, my Mistress, and Tenno Peregrine have been asked to provide assistance in your Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary objectives."

Interesting, never knew these things can talk. I always thought they were good at negating stealth whenever possible and making odd noises. I may have to look into constructing one of my own later.

The Sentinel continued "Namely the recovery of Orokin Artifacts in grinner possession, the Assassination of Captain Vor, and the extraction of all operatives involved in this mission."


I left my Orthos Prime extended and returned it to its mag-sheath. I glanced at the mission timer, 20 minutes ETA until touchdown. Neither Tenno moved, but continued to survey the area for potential threats. I guess I'm Cell leader, such an odd thing. So many missions alone I forgot how mission protocols dictate reinforcing Tenno. No time for a sound plan, we'll need to play this by ear.


I set a way-point for a tower that stood over this open platform.

"Our current objective lies in there. We need to get in and get whatever Orokin artifacts the Grineer recovered and fall back to here" I marked another way-point back by the destroyed elevator. "This location places us within contact range of the VIP when he touches down. we have 15 minutes to get the artifact and get into position or we will lose the element of surprise." I eyed the tower in the distance, no external fixtures, I'll need to leg it.


"Lets move"

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Yay Ensign posted!


In other news, I'm trying to make a master list of characters and who they belong to for an Of Ash and Fire FAQ page, so if you want your character added to that master list (and I really hope you do), please PM me with your characters that you use within the thread. You can include load-outs and such if you wish, but please keep it small, as the list is really more meant as a reference so people know who belongs who and not a true introduction. Thanks all ^-^

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Where in the bloody hell was that damn Helios? It had seriously spouted something about cylinders of ambiguous mocking destruction and floated off into the Corpus vessel. Searc had already dispatched the merchant flunkies with great satisfaction now she just had to grab her floating psychopath and leave...if she could find it. At least it had been breaking all the storage containers and explosive barrels on its rampage through the ship. To be expected from the short-circuited sentinel, but she had to wonder how much damage it had sustained. "If at first you don't succeed, fail 5 more times." She used the female voice she was so fond of, though Searc merely wanted to do something besides wander around for a second.


A curious sound reached the Valkyr's ears as she wandered through rooms she hadn't bothered to get to during her slaughter. It sounded like...someone straining for some reason. Frustrated, annoyed, frantic...okay yeah that was her Helios. Taking her time, Searc could only imagine what someone could say to her expression as she let the sliding door open to reveal a dead-end storage room with opened lockers and all but one cylindrical container broken in a psychotic rage. There, floating by the last container in the room, was the barrel-obsessed Helios making frustrated noises and ramming into the container -which only wobbled a little bit by the way with each hit- with small, tinny dinging noises. "Oh, you are kidding me." Searc pulled from her vocal apparatus, slapping the palm of her hand against her Bastet helmet.


"Rrrgh...Hnnngh...Why won't the mocking cylinder-barrel...hrrrgh...fall over!" There were several more dings as the Helios attempted to topple the storage container even as Searc watched the both humorous and pitiful display. Eventually the spazzy sentinel stopped, hovering up and down by the container a bit as it let out panting noises as if it could actually breathe. "What's it made of?!"

A short search in her sound inventory brought up something to respond to the Helios with. "We haven't entirely nailed down what element it is yet, but I'll tell you this: it's a lively one, and it does NOT like the human skeleton." It was a male voice this time, probably someone in their thirties or some crud. The details of the person didn't matter, the reaction was enough to make Searc start laughing had she the vocal chords to do so. Oh wait...she COULD she just had to find the right sound thing when she wasn't rolling on the floor holding her rips.


As soon as the crazed Helios heard those words it started twitching and spazzing out again, moving away from the container. "BONE EATING BARREL! YOU WILL PAAAAAAAY! MY SKELETOOOON!" Banging off walls as it headed for the extraction point the Helios continued to sputter out nonsense about its skeleton and needing bone transplants, cursing all barrels for eternity and the like.

Par for the course in Searc's life.

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So, after 400+ pages of posts and discussions from a time well before the thread had a proper forum to be in, it has finally come time to shut down this thread and start afresh. The original plan was to take the thread and split the posts up into IC and OOC posts, but the task is unfortunately a little more daunting with a thread number so high.


So, the plan is to make new threads and continue the story from there.


There is also going to be an FAQ at the beginning of the OOC Discussion thread so people will have a better idea of what to expect, who to contact and the contents of the thread. In the long run, this will help keep everything clean, and hopefully give newcomers a fresh start to the RP.


Here are the links to the new threads:


IC - Roleplaying Thread


OOC - FAQ and Discussion Thread


On a personal note, I want to thank all of you who have taken part in this thread / experience / masterpiece and turned it into what it is today. I had no idea that something so small would become the foundation of a whole community of Roleplayers in the Warframe Universe, and I am glad that you and the people who likewise write these threads in the forums, have been so creative and inspirational to myself and to others.


Good job!


Looking forward to seeing another 430 pages of writing!





PS: I am not shutting down the thread just yet, so keep posting for now. I will post a final notice with links when the time comes.

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So, after 400+ pages of posts and discussions from a time well before the thread had a proper forum to be in, it has finally come time to shut down this thread and start afresh. The original plan was to take the thread and split the posts up into IC and OOC posts, but the task is unfortunately a little more daunting with a thread number so high.


So, the plan is to make new threads and continue the story from there.


There is also going to be an FAQ at the beginning of the OOC Discussion thread so people will have a better idea of what to expect, who to contact and the contents of the thread. In the long run, this will help keep everything clean, and hopefully give newcomers a fresh start to the RP.


Here are the links to the new threads:


IC - Roleplaying Thread


OOC - FAQ and Discussion Thread


On a personal note, I want to thank all of you who have taken part in this thread / experience / masterpiece and turned it into what it is today. I had no idea that something so small would become the foundation of a whole community of Roleplayers in the Warframe Universe, and I am glad that you and the people who likewise write these threads in the forums, have been so creative and inspirational to myself and to others.


Good job!


Looking forward to seeing another 430 pages of writing!





PS: I am not shutting down the thread just yet, so keep posting for now. I will post a final notice with links when the time comes.

It's our pleasure buddy, and I think you should put the first story up on the new thread.


It's also a personal pleasure to write with other such talented writers. A toast to this thread! And to a fresh start in the new one! 

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Well, this is it folks.


With a clang, the thread is now locked.


To continue the Of Ash and Fire threads, please use the following links;


Of Ash and Fire V2.0 – IC Roleplaying Thread


Of Ash and Fire v2.0 – OOC FAQ and Discussion Thread


Please make sure that you separate your OOC and IC posts accordingly so we can keep the brand new threads clean. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or one of the senior members of the thread listed in the FAQ.


Let’s hope for another run like this!



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