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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Yeah, that warrants some explanation.


See, I have a friend who once made a Fan 'Frame suggestion. This was the same friend who introduced me to Warframe. His suggestion was this Golden Dragon Knight-thing. His 'Frame had wings. It was quickly shot down. Earlier, he saw that I was making stories now. I owe him substantial sum of money. He said that the debt would be forgiven if I put his 'Frame in a story. Couldn't resist, strapped for cash. This was not in my original plans, but hey; 25$ in equivalent currency is huge for me.


What have I done?

Edited by Tyranthius
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In the other story she is pretty similar. Shes like 12, give or take a couple years as shes not exactly sure of her birth date. Really powerful, but not a lot of control. She has a bad habit of letting her powers get out of her control and cause ....damages. If anybody wants to read a really interesting section of the story, kind of like a teaser, ill PM them, since it most certainly doesnt fit into a Warframe forum!

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Took a half a sleeping pill. Shrink says I need to relax. I say I have over 500 cases to study and summarize, along with Criminal, Civil, and Labor law books. Compromise in the half pill.


I've decided,with my friend's consent and badgering, to do as follows:


*Bastardized story with Dragon-'Frame-thing will continue. I am to display its capabilities to all my story-writing ability. It must be a good-faith attempt for epicness.


*Bastardized version of story will remain as canon as I can make it, but I may post the original if I so choose. I may not in any way, retcon the Dragon-'Frame-thing's appearance in my story.


*Dragon-'Frame-thing will never appear in my other stories, and I will make no mention of such unless: I need to reference the incident, or upon the request of people here.1


*Dragon-'Frame-thing will not prejudice third parties. If you guys want to post about him and share my shame, sure. But, obviously, none of you will need to. For the purpose of upholding this, there will be no participation of other recognizable characters of your creation in the current story, besides Crowley, since I kind of need him at the end. What is important here is that your characters will never meet D-'F-t, unless you want to. 2




1 Please don't. I seriously don't want to write about a winged 'Frame, and I wouldn't be if I had money.

2 Please don't want to.


Originally, the "presence" was the sentience of the Tower itself, or something very similar. Do not click spoiler unless absolutely sure. This will most likely ruin the ending for you. Seriously, it contains some heavy stuff regarding the original ending, if not containing the original ending itself, and the experience of reading a good story will be lost. Trust me, I'll still write the original. 

Presence tries to take control of Tyranthius. Alyssa kicks him aside and is taken instead. Tyranthius, to eternal shame, runs in fear of the presence. Succumbing to the sheer weight of Corruption, Alyssa activates her Miasma, and in the process kills Cal' and Meno' as they yell for Ty to help. As Tower constantly supplies her with energy, she duels Tyranthius, who has now decided to man up but is unknowing of his friends' fates, using her now overclocked abilities. Her helmet shatters by the sheer force of her power. She wounds him. Snaps out of Corruption long enough to force him to kill her. She is stabbed through the heart with an Ether. Goodbyes, she dies, he cries. He sees the remains of Cal' and Meno'. Runs again. Hides. Blacks out. During blackout, Harahel (my NEKROS) approaches and feeds him amnesia juice. He wakes up with his memories altered and heavily repressed, and his sanity having taken giant dip.  


Oh yeah, and I hope you get better, Aigloblam.

Edited by Tyranthius
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The Gates were collapsing. Chaos was running free in the streets in the form of horribly disfigured monsters.


Why did we create this abomination?


It was up to him. 


Ajkrumen and his cell were tasked with taking back the Orokin Capital along with other cells. There was an Excaliibur, an Ember, a Nyx, and him.

They rushed through the wreckage that the Infested were causing, slashing at any and every monster that leaped at them. It was sad, Ajkrumen thought, that this pinnacle of Orokin architecture worked on by many great minds was now being destroyed. He hated the Virus. He opposed the biological weapon with every fiber of his being at the Council. He would do anything to set things right. As they were holding out in the plaza, the cell saw the gleaming achievements of the Orokin crumble and fall. 


I will make this right.


As they saw the giant building fall, the cell focused with renewed vigor on their attack. The Ember was in a rage. She channeled her energy and was slashing at the Infested with her Scindo as they burned away. The Excalibur was spraying down Infested with his Boltor. Ajkrumen was slashing at the abominations with his Reaper.



....But where was Nyx?


When they looked around, they saw no sign of her. 


"Oh no...." the Exalibur said as he looked on to this new form of monstrosity.


"They got Nyx!" shouted Ember, already knowing what must be done.


The two Tenno rushed towards their former comrade with grave hearts as they attempted to put down their friend. Nyx rushed forward and, like an ancient, batted the two away like they weighed nothing more than children. Ajkrumen shot at the horror with his Latron Prime. His shots always found his mark, and this was no exception. With two shots to the head, the Nyx went down. He already saw the chargers pounce on the other two warframes.




The brutes had turned the two Tenno.




At once, every Infested in the plaza turned to him. Drawing from his reserves, Ajkrumen held his hand high. Boulders of Ice were swirling around him, ready to wreak havoc on the victims of the Virus. As he let the boulders go, it caused massive destruction. Everything in the plaza was shattered, broken, and destroyed. He had to leave. The Orokin vessels began their attack on Earth. He had to leave now. Ajkrumen saw other Tenno fleeing for their lives, one of whom was cut from below by a giant blast of golden energy. Ajkrumen picked up the recruit and began running towards the bunkers. As he set the initiate in the cryopod, he ran back to the streets of the city. Dodging the buildings that were beginning to collapse, he rushed towards any Tenno in need of help. His hatred for the Infested was only fuel to the fire. More Tenno were holding out in the streets, killing any and all Infested they could before their beautiful planet was destroyed. "Follow me!" shouted the hulking Frost Prime.


"No! I will not let these monsters run free in our streets!"


"Our Armada is destroying the planet! You are of no use to us dead!"


"I will kill these abominations!!"


Grabbing the Nekros by the arm, Ajkrumen looked into the Tenno's eyes. "We need to leave if our society is to survive. Not many of us will be left, Grand Master."


Reluctantly accepting the truth in Ajkrumen's words, the blue-colored Nekros followed the Frost Prime to the bunkers. They arrived at the Cryopods, their salvation. A huge tremor ripped through the Earth. As his Cryopod ejected towards the Orokin Carrier, Ajkrumen saw how the lush oasis of the Sol system had been rendered barren. His home, the origins of the Orokin, gone. He put his hand to the glass as Cryosleep overtook him.




This was meant to tie in to the story written by the talented Darayas. :3 Thanks for allowing me to use your material to create a (hopefully) nice and fitting backround for my main character. :) There's going to be another part telling of his escape from the cryopod. :D

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First note of the day from me: Dragon-Knight warframe is a nice idea but the wings are...just too dang ornate. The small reference in your story is enough I think. (If it helps, think of it as a manifestation of the towers as a whole which is why it is such a grandiose, absurdly powerful opponent.)


If your friend won't sue me for taking an idea and altering it into a different concept the 'dragon' warframe has possibilities. If we go Norse, there is Nidhoggr which is a poisonous dragon gnawing at the roots of the world tree. There is also Fafnir, the man-dragon/dragon-man possessed of great strength. If we go with eastern mythologies there are plenty of lung-type dragons with power over various elements inclusive of storms, earth, underground, gemstones, water, wind, and of course fire. Rather than being heavily dragon inspired it could have hints of dragon in its design.


Second note: Yes! You portrayed Crowley perfectly Ajkrumen! Crowley despises the infested and I actually imagined he was there when things really went bad, seeing friends, allies, loved ones, all around him perishing and changing into twisted abominations. The only reason he has not been on an Infested mission yet in current time is because the Lotus is aware that his judgment will become clouded when dealing with them, as he cannot save the souls of those changed by such a horrendous virus. To note, he will not be leaving in a cryopod with Ajkrumen, but finding Khimera and Nova-Quinn to get them to safety as well. It doesn't spoil anything by saying but: He uses a gate to send them to remote locations for their slumber to ensure they will not be disturbed.


Edit: Aj, are you still recruiting for your clan? I left mine because NOTHING is getting done. Also, has your clan converted yet?

Edited by khimera
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Wake, Tenno. Your services are needed again.


His Warframe slowly rebooted as his visual and auditory receptors came online. The first thing Ajkrumen saw was a squad of Grineer focusing on his pod, conversing with each other in their foul language. 


Not yet.. he thought to himself. 


Where was he? Surely this wasn't the same ship that he was stored on...




He kicked open the cryopod door and planted his fist into the Grineer Commander. The squad began to unload their pathetic weapons on Ajkrumen. 




As his energy began to charge, Ajkrumen focused his rage into the avalanche that swirled before him. He sent each boulder into the Grineer squadron. Then he retrieved his weapons from the pod. He still remembered every intricate curve of the weapon, every mechanic, every modification. Ajkrumen then took a look at his surroundings, this was the wreck of an Orokin Flagship that was tasked to deliever the Tenno into the void.


Where are the others?!


Ajkrumen looked around and saw the battered and broken remnants of the other pods. As he looked closer he saw something familiar...


It was the trace of the Virus.


That horrible and malignant bio-weapon that his own race constructed for a war that they already lost.....


The anomaly that has destroyed his brothers and sisters!


Ajkrumen had vengeance in his heart. He sprinted through, ripping apart any enemy he came across, be it Grineer or Infested. He pulled out his Bronco Prime and shredded apart a Grineer Trooper. As he prepared to clear the rest of the room, the whole derelict shuddered. Everything shook under the tremors as decrepit Death-Orbs broke through the ceiling, along with an ancient. At the sight of that ancient, Ajkrumen was driven to a frenzy. Drawing his Reaper Prime, Ajkrumen jumped on the beast before it had a chance to recover. With a vicious swing, Ajkrumen beheaded the monster. Climbing up the wreckage, with his Latron Prime in one hand and Bronco Prime in the other, he started to shoot volleys of bullets into the disfigured Chargers, Leapers, and Runners. He sought to avenge his brothers and sisters. With the room of infested cleared, he now turned his focus on the lone Grineer Lancer. Pouncing on the disgusting imitation of a human, he started to pound the poor soul with his fists. He pulled the Lancer up by his breastplate so his face was mere inches from the Frost Prime's. Letting the Grineer see the rage that lay behind the helmet, Ajkrumen slammed his head on the floor. A squadron came up to inspect the source of the noise. The sight of an enraged Prime was too much for them. They all fled. With a menacing chuckle, Ajkrumen ran off in pursuit. As he caught up with the cowards, he drew his Reaper Prime. Each swing was a resounding strike that cut the clones in two. He reached the extraction room. Battle-Fatigue finally caught up with him. He gazed back on the magnificent flagship that had sheltered him for so many centuries. He felt a sense of loss. What was of his planet? Of the Virus? Who had called him back to service? His head still buzzing, Ajkrumen slumped forward and fainted.

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Loved the background stories everyone! Here's one for X.





As Excalibur woke, the first thing he became aware of was his heartbeat, ever so slowly returning to a regular pace. Then came the voice.



"Awaken, Tenno. You are needed once more."


There was a loud hiss, and all at once his pod snapped open, dropping him the fifteen or so feet to the floor. He righted himself in midair, an impressive athletic feat performed on reflex. He landed lightly on his feet, before a slow condescending clap brought his head up.


Standing before him was at least three squads of heavily armored men. All were armed, their guns trained on him. Their commander smiled mockingly at him. 


"Well, well. What do we have here? A Tenno, a Prime no less, hiding out right here on Earth! I admit it took some time to find this hidden shelter, but you are my prisoner now, Tenno."


The blademaster ignored him as he took stock. His guns had fallen to the ground behind him, too far away to reach. Probably too damaged by the ravages of time to be of any use, anyway. He had his Skana Prime, magnetically attached to his back. That would have to do. He slowly drew his sword.


The marine's hands shook as they leveled their weapons. So they were scared. Good. He could use that to his advantage.


"Ha! The fool wishes to fight! Well, I would prefer you alive, but if you insist..." The commander drew a gun from his holster. Excaliburs eyes widened.


"What, this?" He twirled the Lato Prime in his fingers. "Call it a 'donation' from a Tenno we found not long before you. She won't need it anymore, anyway. Hahaha!"


There was no visible change, no outward expression of anger. All the same, every Grineer present could feel the aura of rage flowing from the Prime before them. The commander's eyes narrowed as he took aim. "Very well, if you won't surrender, your head is mine, Tenno!"


Just as his fingers tightened around the trigger, X flicked his wrist, aligning his blade with the barrel of the pistol.


Dead silence fell as one shot rang out, and two bullet holes appeared in the wall behind the swordsman. He had cut the bullet clean in half.


X finally spoke. "The rest of you, leave and you live. Stay with him, and die. This is your only warning."


The commander scoffed "Any cowards will be executed if they leave anyway! Now, open fire!" His troops hesitated only for a second. It was all Excalibur needed.


He Dashed forward with lightning speed, cutting four down before the others could even react. By then it was too late. He was close enough that their guns were useless, and even though they ganged up on him, only five or six could surround him at once. And five or six were nothing to him.

His blade whistled through their armor as though it were nothing but air, and all too soon, it was over.


The Void like calm evaporated as he walked slowly towards the heavily bleeding commander, rage once more taking hold.


"W-what are you?"


Excalibur raised his sword.


"I am your end."


The commander screamed as the blade fell.

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Yeah he's very old, even by Tenno standards. But because he placed more value on skill rather than rank, he never advanced very far outside of the warrior caste. So people never listened when he warned that altering the Technocyte Virus was a bad idea.

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Awesome...all of it awesome. I'll get on warframe now, btw, to join the clan. ^_^ I only JUST finished the latest three chapters to my trio's backstory so I won't be adding anything here at least for a little while. I recommend you read it, it's a good one.


Warning: Insane Nova-Quinn is Insane.

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It's hard to decide which story is the saddest because you don't know much of Nova-Quinn before the Collapse besides the fact she and Khimera served with Crowley in a three-Tenno cell. Of course, the little fragments of memory give indicators she was once very sane.


You know how people can develop alternate personalities, like sleeper agents? That's essentially what just happened. What you witnessed was 'lucid' Nova-Quinn. The one we know and love is 'normal' Nova-Quinn, the one who is more carefree. it's up to you to determine which one is the actually real one.

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