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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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I think I unconsciously push my characters into others' stories thought T_T and I don't want to do that. I like being flexible but I don't want to just 'take over' as it were. The relics thing in particular I don't want to force on anyone since they may or may not fit in or make sense. I'm glad I can give constructive feedback at least.


On another note I think as a whole we're making our own universe of fan-lore without realizing it. All hail to our fan-verse!

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He doesn't actually know that Crowley has the scythe. He has no idea who the Grandmaster is, only that he hasn't woken yet.


Edit:Directed at Khimera^


I actually have no problem with fan-lore, so long as they still obey the original rules, if you get my meaning.

Edited by Tyranthius
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Uhm...yeaaah...Tenno+Pokemon=Uhmwutnotgonnahappenevah? The closest thing we have to pokemon is sentinels and I want it kept that way...and animal pets...because I'm darn sure animals of some kind exist somewhere in the canon universe.


The doing impossible things is also why I put limitations on the artifacts to such a degree. Simple as these guidelines are they make sense.

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You all were right, There is no way Zel could control her power enough for an Artifact. Shes stupidly powerful, but if she loses control she could easily end up fried by her own rage. Honestly, i think she needs a Teacher, Someone other than Aigloblam. Because he can teach just about anything, but he doesnt have the same anger and control problems, so he wouldn't know how to get it through to her how to fix these issues. Anybody have any ideas there?


Im also thinking of an Artifact that would fit an Ember. What i had come up with while riding home from a BBQ today was sort of like a set of metal gauntlets that channel raw energy and flame together into the next logical step. Plasma. So they would produce white hot blades (ala Zeratul) about three feet long. They wouldnt give any knowledge on how to use them well, but they would be great at stopping bullets and cleaving through most any forms of matter. But with all that energy, if the user isnt well under control, they would just spout jets of superheated plasma, impossible to control and could be fatal for the wearer, or anyone around her. 

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Alright, I'm going to let you guys in on a teeny spoiler. Every Artifact is unique, and not just anybody can control it, so it has a drawback. The Artifact Ajkrumen is going to wield will require restraint on his part, so maybe Aj can teach Zel? (After I write his story on the Artifact ;D)

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Some awesome stuff happening people! Great backstories, and the artifact idea is definitely interesting.

I'll try to start Operation Cookie up, but do we have all 3 takers? QuinnsWing's Vauban is up for it, as is Frosty's Loki, but is Khimera's Nova Quinn? Anyway, here's a start to the operation.

Nyx flicked a switch on the ship's control panel, and opened her suit's comms to a well used channel. "Requesting landing in ship bay thirteen for a class FA cargo vessel." She fiddled around with the controls for a few seconds, starting to slow the ship down as she waited for the response. "Request granted. The area is clear for ten minutes."

She replied "Thank you, Lotus." and closed the comm. 'You know, one of these days I'm going to call you 'flower girl' to your face.' she mused, carefully aiming the ship in the direction of the dojo. 'She gave me ten minutes, and over half of those will be just getting to the dojo.'

A few minutes later, the dojo came into view. It was a strange structure, partway between the organic looking ships of the Orokin and the sterile, clean and metallic ships of the Corpus. 'It actually looks like a pair of wings, folded around a central body impaled on a double-ended spike... Strange that I have only noticed this now...'

She carefully directed the ship to fly behind one of the 'wings', to a giant open door that lead to one of the ship bays. There were many of these doors, cutting into the surface of the core of the dojo, but only a few of them were open. 'Clearly I just have a strange imagination today. Although, I have always wondered why we need so much space, and for that matter what is actually in so much of that empty space. Whenever we want to expand, everyone just puts their resources into the vault, and a day or two later we have another room. Will we ever hit the side of it? Mind you, who cares? After all, if it works, it works.'

She reached the doors to the ship bay, and slowly entered it, going in too land. '9 minutes and 27 seconds... That flower girl likes to cut it fine.' Nyx landed, and the doors started to close as she turned off the engines and started to shut down the ship.

She exited the control room, going down through the cargo bay and out through the massive doors. She walked over towards the entrance of the dojo proper, and was nearly there when the door opened and Loki stepped out. "Ho, Nyx!" He called, strolling over to her "By the way, do I have to help carry Vau's stuff? He and I have been having a disagreement over it. Nor does he have any potatoes, so..."

Sorry about this being cut a bit short. I figured that it would be better get it out quickly, and go from there. I'm a very slow writer, and I have lots of other things to do given that the holidays are over now (dammit). I don't think I' d have finished this up to the point that I was after for another few days, and the gap has already dragged on for long enough.

Hopefully I'll be able to write a more substantial section by the end of the week though. However, shall we begin this?

Edit: Hahaha! I just started reading Khimera's Gold Crimson Azure, and found out that I'm not the first one to have thought of the Lotus as 'flower lady'. Good to see I'm not completely crazy!

Edited by Piranah1
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As some sort of amateurish writer myself, I couldn't resist the temptation to join into all this by writing my own little story too. Thanks to frostycmc for introducing me to this thread!


Important Disclaimer: I'm not a native english-speaker, and despite being fairly good at English, some parts are guaranteed to sound a bit off. Any correction/rephrasing is absolutely appreciated, as well as any feedback. I know my pacing and my tendency to jump from description to action isn't exactly the best...


This is a story centered about a Tenno Cell. It's inspired by the many playthroughs with my other two IRL friends who respectively play Warframe with a Mag and an Excalibur, and I've *really* tried hard to give each Tenno some sort of personality beyond the whole "amnesiac supersoldier". This is the first part, introducing the various members of the Cell but focusing mostly on Rhino, my favourite Warframe ATM. I'm very inclined to continue this in four separate parts, each focusing on each member (Yes, a fourth Tenno may pop up along the way!)


Let's cut out the chit-chat and go with the first part, now.




The Cell - Rhino


Rhino stopped on its tracks and waited. He paused briefly to observe the TechnoCyte Virus-encrusted walls of the large room of the Corpus installation he and his cell was assigned to clear from the Infested with both fascination and disgust. Tiny moving pseudo-pods and bio-luminescent tendrils extended from the mold-like formations and grasped at the air, clearly alive. Excalibur gave him a single pat on his back, as if to remind him of the task at hand. "It is time." He added in a whisper as Rhino turned back to face him. Rhino drew his primary weapon of choice for this Extermination Mission, a Soma rifle, and rocked back the bolt in the lance-like firearm's receiver with a solid click.


The mysterious, yet familiar female voice spoke through the comms to the three Tenno in the Cell involved with the operation. "Multiple lifeforms detected. Infested incoming.".


Rhino didn't know who or what Lotus really was, but his meditative nature meant he always ruminated on it, if only in the back of his head, along with his lost memories and what little of them he managed to recover. But that wasn't the right time for such considerations. He pushed back his thoughts, and readied himself.

Mag, the other Tenno accompanying him during this mission, gracefully flung herself down the ledge of the metallic scaffolding from which the three of them were assessing the situation, silent but reactive as ever. Excalibur followed suit, diving mid-air and rolling on the floor once landing, extracting his Boltor.


With a loud thud, Rhino let himself fall behind them, starting to follow the tracks of his brethren looking for targets inside the facility. Their slicker warframes always proved to be faster than him, for some reason. Something he learned to counterbalance by timely sprinting and sliding among obstacles, a practice his fellow Excalibur always found peculiar and frequently teased him about.

Rhino's temperament was however mostly calm and collected when not involved in an assignment, and always dismissed the teasing at their Clan's Dojo knowing all-too well it was simply Excalibur's way of expressing his comradeship.


A good minute had already passed since the three-man Cell started venturing in the complex, when a nearby gate hissed open. The storage room the group was inspecting suddenly started to echo with the galloping sounds of running Infested. Mag opened fire from her Corpus-made Dera rifle, blue bolts of energy spraying in the direction of the mutated monstrosities. Excalibur's Boltor followed suit, in a crescendo of gunfire volume. Dozens of abominations disorderly running amok started to pour in in droves in the storage, thus prompting Rhino to add the fast, racketing burst of his Soma to the symphony of the firearm engagement. Punctured and oozing flesh, cauterized laser wounds and the lingering smell of the bodily fluids started to afflict the small savage horde as a result of the unending storm of fire from the Cell.


In mere dozens of seconds, the only sound filling the previously chaotic storage room became that of magazines and batteries being dropped and rifles reloaded. The amassed infected remains scattered around testifying the efficiency of the Cell's teamwork.


Excalibur took point. "Area cleared. We're moving in to sweep the next one." He stated in matter-of-fact tone over the communications channel.

"Very well. Proceed with caution." Replied the elusive woman on the other side.


Mag and Rhino followed Excalibur suit, each in their own distinctive way, along the maze-like structure of the facility: a Daedalus of hallways and corridors that entwined and twisted following whichever architectonic dictate the Corpus were so fond of. Maintenance shafts alternated large, temple-like areas, dotted by small, salvageable storage rooms in which the Cell paused from time to time. Contacts were few and easily dispatched.


Rhino alternated between firing his Soma at the charging Infested and charging into the fray himself with his Galatine firmly grasped by his strong hands, whereas Excalibur occasionally joined him in the melee with lighting fast, expert blows from his Cronus. Mag preferred to pick out her enemies from the large groups Rhino and Excalibur from a distance with her energy-spewing rifle.


It almost seemed that the three of them moved and acted like a perfectly organized team. And perhaps that could be considered true. On many occasions the three of them had been selected from their Clan by The Lotus to perform missions together, probably relying on the strong bond that had somehow formed between the initially undisciplined and poorly coordinated trainees they used to be.


Rhino sheathed his two-handed sword on his back, admiring his and his cellmate's handiwork. His eyes lingered on the brutally slashed bodies he and Excalibur had amassed. He always considered the Infested a worthy opponent: relentless, uncaring of fear or fatigue, driven only by a desire to face its enemies. In fact, he felt more at ease facing them than taking on the astute Corpus or the conceited Grineer.


An electronic beep coming from his communications array in his helmet brought him back to reality for a moment. “Seems like you have attracted more. Dispose of them as you please.” Said the female voice on the other side of the channel.


Mag averted her eyes from the freshly created mayhem to a nearby gate, large enough to let a Grineer excavator through. Scratching and wails were clearly audible from behind it.


Without a word, she simply turned towards the noise and shifted back into a combat stance. Rhino and Excalibur, on their part, merely walked to the sides of the still-closed gate, which, as indicated by the two neon-yellow panels, required simultaneous pressing of the keypads to be bypassed. Rhino and Excalibur wasted no time. The gate opened slowly, revealing another sea of Infested, this time accompanied by towering shambling figures, dragging long arms on the ground along with their twisted forms. Shrouded by clouds of toxic miasma, four of the shambling horrors started to charge forward, followed by dozens of four-legged clawed beasts and infected crewmen.


Excalibur glanced at Rhino, and Rhino could almost perceive the grin behind his helmet, the thought of which made him grin in response. “After you” He jauntily declared, quickly unsheathing his Cronus from his back.


As Mag's hands ceremoniously started to clasp the air with sparkles of electrostatic energy forming around them, Rhino's Warframe's muscular-enhancing system began to overload.



This is all for the first part, for now. Sorry if it's too long-winded, it's a tendency of mine to be quite verbose...

Edited by GorgutzGunsmasha
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Three things for my first post today.


1. Aigloblam: I'd nominate Khimera(Volt) but he's not exactly all that restrained either and just likes to enact suffering upon his foes in most gruesome fashion. Anger Management was for between-Tenno interaction, not for combat behaviour. ^_^


2. Piranah1: I already posted up Nova-Quinn trotting into Ship Bay 13 earlier in the thread, so yes she is very much in and thinks the Lotus is a flower lady XD


3. Quinnswing: Crowley may be needing your Vauban's assistance with something...it will be far from an easy task and require components and have an utter lack of a blueprint. Will he be game?

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3. Quinnswing: Crowley may be needing your Vauban's assistance with something...it will be far from an easy task and require components and have an utter lack of a blueprint. Will he be game?

He always wants a challenge >:D

almost everything he has done has been easy to him

and seeing as he is leaving soon either you try and catch him or send a message to him. (he has a odd device on him which allows for some very long ranged communication, use your terminal in your room.)

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Just a brief update. I have mostly everything written out already, just waiting on some other stories to be continued. (I hope you don't mind me doing so. >.>;) 


Also, not to be that person, but would anyone mind critiquing what I wrote? :T

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Just a brief update. I have mostly everything written out already, just waiting on some other stories to be continued. (I hope you don't mind me doing so. >.>;) 


Also, not to be that person, but would anyone mind critiquing what I wrote? :T

Sorry, I was on Dueling Network and didn't see this fast enough. You're doing fine, though you might want a bit more length and better paragraph spacing. Post your updates soon!

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I plan on adding length, that's for sure. I just wanted to get the intro done and out of the way. I couldn't think of anything else to add. 


As for spacing, I think I have it down now. I didn't completely copy the format y'all use, but it's kinda similar. 


Updates are coming soon. :D

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