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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Hello all~ I have off tomorrow which means new chapters of GCA and now I shall have Crowley contact the forgemaster! -insert zoidberg gif woopwoopwooping away-




All the fuss over some sweets lately had allowed Crowley some time to himself which was a rarity since...well...usually he had to deal with Nova-Quinn's antics or Khimera's interjections or a mission from the Lotus. Heck, he'd even been called on personally to solve problems well beyond the normal scope of regular Tenno duty. Still, he wasn't exactly happy to have such time to himself. To him, it meant there was something to be done that was not being done.


Sitting on his bed the blue Nekros sighed, feeling the weight of his duties and his age bearing down on him. What stopped him from actually sulking was a soft beeping noise indicating a transmission from the Lotus...on his private line? Tapping the one side of his helmet Crowley let the transmission through.


"You have not chosen a successor." Came the cool, merciless statement that veiled hints of irritation. "You know the council does not approve of the idea of our last historian dying without passing on his knowledge."


Shaking his head, Crowley hunched over where he sat, seeing a rather nice hologram of the Lotus' head complete with moving lips. She had spared no expense to try and get the message through to him. "I have been busy...very busy...in these last few moments I've had to myself I have felt my age weighing me down...that should not be possible."


"We...did not expect you to be so long-lived, Grand-Master."


"This is a private line, cut the pleasantries my dear and get to the point. I hate hearing you so formal and calculating."


There was a pause before a sigh came across the line. "I have tried to convince them to give you more time, that a successor is not so easily found. The Council has projected you will not live beyond the next hundred years."


Laughing softly Crowley leaned back against the wall his bed was pushed up against. "That's actually quite generous, though it's a shame my nice black hair is turning into a dull gray at last."


"This isn't a joke, Crowley!" The Lotus' voice was overflowing with frustration and sadness as she berated the Nekros. She cared for all Tenno but Crowley was one of the oldest and wisest among their number. If he could not pass on what he knew, the memories he contained and the traditions he upheld, they would be lost forever. The Lotus did not want to see a friend be cast into the oblivion of being forgotten...at the very least she wanted what he held to live on as a permanent memory. "You are a living archive! If you are lost...we lose so much more than a Tenno..."


Feeling bad now that he had joked about his resumed aging, Crowley, folded his arms over his chest. "The only ones with the potential are Initiates, my dear. Nova-Quinn would gladly learn everything I have to offer and more but she cannot...her skill lies in destruction while mine is in the care and protection of others and the dead...she would more likely disintegrate a corpse than prepare it if she tried. Besides...you and I both know that her memories..."


"I know...and Khimera has already displayed he does not handle emotional pain very well."


"It was clever of you to implant him with the Indra Protocol." Crowley commented off-hand, though his tone was quite serious. "The Fortuna Program is also slowly working to recover Nova-Quinn's psyche too. Still, dear Lotus, I need time. I know my aging is abominably slow still so the Council's estimate of 100 years is just them trying to get me taken out of the way. I wouldn't be surprised if they fed me to Lephantis once my Successor is named and trained."


There was a gasp of shock over the line from the Lotus, one which made the Nekros cringe. He had thought she understood by now the Council had no use for ancient Tenno such as himself in this modern war. Already Crowley was aware they were not pleased with his habits and his motions such as further screening for Nekros-bearers. The Council saw Crowley as something to be left behind...but not before the precious information he held was 'extracted' and put to use.


"Lotus, this is a fact you cannot deny. They WILL try and see me dead and gone once I have passed the title and artifact on even if they must hand me to the Corpus or Grineer. If we delay them, they will become frustrated and show their true face or give up. They cannot allow the Tenno to see their most selfish side; it would ruin them. Besides...you were careful enough to have the best bodyguards and friends I could ever ask for placed with me..."


There was a pause while the Lotus collected herself this time, the image having left with a black silhouette remaining. "Crowley...I know how much you want to see things made...I have done everything I can for you...you have worked hard, harder than anyone could imagine, to become what you are. Please...tell me what I have to do to help you this time." That was new...the Lotus asking for advice? Truly she was revealing a vulnerable and human side of herself.


"I cannot name a Successor who will not undergo the same vows and trials I have. I know the route back to the Monastery...to where the bonding can be performed. If...and only if...I find an Initiate willing to give everything to preserve our ways...then I shall let them take my life when all is said and done."


"Please don't-"


"No. I have lived far too long my dear, longer than anyone should. Maybe the signs of my slow, resumed aging are an omen that I must finally give myself over to the force I have served for eons. I can only hope...that my Successor will be better than I was...when it came time for me to slumber."


Another pause came, briefly broken by a soft sobbing sound before the Lotus replied to the old Tenno. "May I ask a favor?"




"Find it in your heart to leave us something more...than a child inheriting your place."


Smiling softly, Crowley nodded his head and reached up to his helmet. "I have always wanted to create, Milady, rather than watch the sorrow and death forever. I will contact you when I have found the right 'child' for the job."


"Understood...goodbye." The transmission ended, but this conversation would forever remain in Crowley's memory.


With a deep sigh the blue Nekros rolled his shoulders and stood up, walking over to his desk and tapping into the private line of the forge-master of the clan. Waiting a moment for his line to be patched through Crowley sat down and crossed one leg over the other. "Quinn...I have a job for you. It will not be quick. It will not be easy. It will have no blueprint. When you have finished your operation use the code I've sent to access my room. I will be waiting, forge-master. I can guarantee this will be a masterpiece. Crowley Out." Ending the vocal transmission the keeper of the dead sent over an access code to his room's door. He had important work to do, but he would not do it alone...not anymore.

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@ khimera, no!!!!! ( dat picture XD )



Walking down the quiet hallway Vauban checked the bag again. Transmitter, check, some special bounce pads, check,  deployable energy barricades, check, and the other thing. Closing the bag he picked up his pace and as he rounded the corner to the main hall, he heard a small click over his private line, opening the line some he noticed it was Crowley. 


“The keeper needs........me?.....” He said to himself quietly, while not even slowing. Opening the line fully he waited for Crowley to speak.


“Quinn...”no had used his name for a long time, “I have a job for you. It will not be quick. It will not be easy.” Quinn smiled at this, “ It will have no blueprints. When you’ve finished your operation used to code i’ve sent to access my room. I will be waiting forge-master. I can guarantee this will be a masterpiece. Crowley out.”


the line closed quietly and a small beep signified that the code was sent to his data storage. He stopped walking and pulled out a small 5” by 4” glass and steel tablet. It flickered to life and he started to scroll through the mass of data, stopping here and there he finally came across the code.He stored it safely in a niche in the data system and after that he checked on the forge, finding that the new weapon will be ready upon his return. Shaking his head slowly and beginning to walk again, he looked out some of the port windows into the sea of stars.


“This will be a sad moment for us all...” He whispered to himself. Continuing on his was to Ship Bay 13.

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I find this interesting especially because Sobek is the 'crocodile god' in the Egyptian Pantheon who was often invoked for protection against the dangers of the Nile River.


From the Wiki: "Sobek was also associated with pharaonic power, fertility, and military prowess..."


I see how the name got put on a shotgun because of the military prowess part an the fact Sobek was a deity meant to avert harm. (Avert harm by doing harm I suppose XD)


Edit: Oh bugger...dunno how to fix that.

Edited by khimera
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Anyway, in continuation of the side topic: I would like to see things with more bizarre/unused motifs. Egyptian stuff isn't used so much anymore (Excluding Anubis, Horus, and Ra. They will ALWAYS be popular it seems.) and it would be neat to see what other Egyptian-named or themed things could come out in warframe or ones based on Norse mythology or Celtic for that matter! The Khopesh is a sickle-sword that could provide interesting strategies and is Egyptian in nature. If we get spears, one is likely to be called Gungnir. There's some strange stuff in Celtic myth so...yeah.


Back on-topic: Crowley wants to make something eternal. Not a weapon...not a design or building or something so small and fleeting and trifling. He wants a legacy...something he cannot have with a Successor, for his Successor would only be another, just like him, in a long line of Grand-Masters.

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