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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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It's not rigged, the fact is that a lot of people started off supporting the Grineer. I myself am also guilty of this for my first 25 missions I did today (doing more now) And personally I like the machete wraith's look just slightly better than the prova vandal. I have too many vandal weapons anyway and I want the second tier of the grineer reward anyway methinks.


Unfortunately, even my characters must agree that the Grineer are more honorable than the Corpus by a large margin and actually likely to let us keep -most- of our lost brethren.

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I understand what your saying and more or less how i decided was not by rewards but by what my happen afterwards, but most people chose rewards not consequences in this event, that aside i would rather have some corpus weapons than more Grineer stuff but that dont matter that much to me.

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It was quiet. The shade on Saichra’s head hummed quietly, barely perceptible in the ominous silence. Her galatine shined on her back as she raced to the reactor with a corrupted cylinder in one hand, and a vasto in the other.


“Wake up!” she hissed at her shade, which promptly began to float over her left shoulder, and quickly cloaked her form. Not ten seconds later, a platoon of corpus rounded the corner, looking right at where she stood, cloaked. “Don’t stand so close to each other,” she smirked as she started focusing her energy to crush their bones into dust. Her vision blurred for a moment, just as the crewmen and moas in front of her floated into the air and, with a gut wrenching scream, they were compressed into spheres of flesh and metal. Then there was silence once more.


“Keep moving, no detection from enemy sensors.”




My first dabble into fan fiction. suggestions?

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It's not rigged, the fact is that a lot of people started off supporting the Grineer. I myself am also guilty of this for my first 25 missions I did today (doing more now) And personally I like the machete wraith's look just slightly better than the prova vandal. I have too many vandal weapons anyway and I want the second tier of the grineer reward anyway methinks.


Unfortunately, even my characters must agree that the Grineer are more honorable than the Corpus by a large margin and actually likely to let us keep -most- of our lost brethren.


It really is rigged tho. The first node was a potato, of all things. The Corpus have only given one potato. "It's RNG" is false, Scott confirmed that on the Prime Time Livestream. He said they were all predetermined. 


Beyond the rigged factor, it makes no sense to allow a superpower that owns most of the system to take over another planet. We're supposed to keep the system in balance. Yes, the Corpus want to dissect Tenno (that are still in cryo, so we don't know them), but Grineer do the same to get their modifications. They both want us dead in the end, so it really comes down to the balance of the system. 


With that being said tho, Grineer are going to (sadly) win. Warbros has an absolutely ridiculous amount of runs for Grineer, and all of Broframe is also running Grineer. I'm surprised that Martialis is going to the Corpus, honestly.


Unless the Corpus give out some damn good rewards, this event was over before it started. 

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here is the "finished" chapter


It was quiet. The shade on Saichra’s head hummed quietly, barely perceptible in the ominous silence. Her galatine shined on her back as she raced to the reactor with a corrupted cylinder in one hand, and a vasto in the other.


“Wake up!” she hissed at her shade, which promptly began to float over her left shoulder, and quickly cloaked her form. Not ten seconds later, a platoon of corpus rounded the corner, looking right at where she stood, cloaked. “Don’t stand so close to each other,” she smirked as she started focusing her energy to crush their bones into dust. Her vision blurred for a moment, just as the crewmen and moas in front of her floated into the air and, with a gut wrenching scream, they were compressed into spheres of flesh and metal. Then there was silence once more.


“Keep moving, no detection from enemy sensors.” No emotion was visible beneath the Mag’s clouded mask, but there was a barely perceptible sigh of relief. Her shields were weak from the ice, and the last thing she needed was the ship to be on high alert.

She checked her displays inside her helmet. There were two more platoons of crewmen between the reactor and her, and both had technicians. She grimaced. The tech’s supras would tear through her shields like nothing else, and their rigid Kevlar armor would make crushing them ineffective. If only there was a Volt here. Then she saw the map, and a devilish grin curled her lips.


The platoon was directly in front of her, but her shade was hiding her from view. The corrupted cylinder was placed on the ground with barely a sound, and she slowly unhooked the strun wraith from her back. She moved to the threshold of the room, and shot a single shell at the window. It shattered, and the blast door closed just as she saw the whole platoon pulled with the air into the harsh vacuum outside. Twenty seconds. The door opened, and her heart stopped. There, at the door, was a tech, trained squarely at her. Silence. Time seemed to slow to a snail’s pace, as the supra whirred to life, and plasma began to spray from the muzzle. The hall rang with the sound of gunfire, Saichra’s strun wraith tearing into the tech’s body, but to seemingly no avail. Then her gun clicked, and there was silence. Thump. A body hit the floor. Seemingly in a state of shock, the tech was lying on the floor, his helmet barely covering a now blood covered face. His eyes grew wide as Saichra took the heavy sword off of her back, and lifted it above her head. The last he saw was the bloodied Mag bring the sword down toward his neck. She hefted the cylinder, and continued to the reactor.

In another five minutes, she was off the ship and heading home.

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"Make a push!"


Kevin and Roy moved in unison keeping up a suppressive fire alongside several Grineer Lancers, quickly suppressing the troop of Corpus Crewmen with a barrage of high caliber rounds and bolts from Kevin's own Boltor. Clan Bellum Forma had finally showed its hand, John took one team with him and Ivan was in charge of the other. The Grineer, ever spiteful, looked down on their temporary allies. John gave all of the clan members standing orders that if the Grineer commanders tried anything lethal force was authorized.


Kevin ducked down to reload as Roy kept up the fire. He was worried about Janice, but in truth he really shouldn't be.




On the other side of the ship...


"BURN SUCKER BURN!!" Janice screamed depressing the trigger on one of the new Ignis flamethrowers she was given, toasting the unfortunate Corpus that had turned into the corridor her team was rushing through.




"Quit worrying about your girlfriend Kev." Roy said switching to his sidearm, the Lex punching a hole through a MOA's legs.


"I'm trying not to." Kevin answered firing three round bursts at a towering Corpus Tech. "I...I should not."

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As soon as she reached the recuperation area of the Dojo, Lucid collapsed. As she was carried by two other Tenno to an open bunk, she closed her eyes and tried to rest. She immediately saw a vision of never-ending box-heads. She decided to stay awake, for now. They soon injected several substances into her to hasten the return of her health, and therefore her return to the field. As soon as that was done, she asked a nearby orderly if her mentor had come back yet.


"That one? Not bloody likely."


They had been fighting constantly for what must have been days. As Tyranthius was adamant in his support for anyone who hated Alad V, she had sided with the Grineer. She had encountered, for the first time, the Flux Rifle in Corpus hands. She had, also for the first time, fallen in battle and was resuscitated by hand-dispensed nanocytes. She still found the experience troubling.


She gazed into the screen that provided real-time view of the Void's periphery, wondering, what Tyranthius was up to.  When she had asked why he was so adamant to attack the Corpus, he had said, "I will side with the Grineer ten times over, destroy a hundred Corpus ships, and kill a hundred thousand of those box-heads if it will save even a single Tenno." And that was the end of the discussion regarding his choice.


She wondered about his behavior. He had been that way ever since he had "gone drinking with Crowley". He still wouldn't talk about it, though Lucid noticed that he sometimes cringed when she looked at him directly with her gray eyes. As to his choice, well. Lucid knew it was not her place, but she wondered. Strengthening the Grineer too much might result in even more Tenno deaths. While she had recoiled with everyone else at the implications of Tyranthius' holo-projector, she couldn't help think that maybe, just maybe, they shouldn't be so quick to side with the Grineer.


As these thoughts and more floated through her mind, Lucid realized that she was so exhausted she found the very act of thinking tiring. She turned in her bed and drifted off to sleep, not seeing any Corpus.

Edited by Tyranthius
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Awesome work from the most recent stories.


On the note of the current event: Aside from the people wanting the rewards, there's also ethics involved here. (For a game to involve ethics is rather strange but this is a nice twist to things) Personally I would rather save our fellows than allow the Corpus an edge. To be fair, we DID explode a fleet of Fomorians for the Corpus the last time an event happened on this scale. In a way those fighting for the Grineer are balancing things. Yes, the Grineer are expanding but it's into friggin Mars which could end up forcing Nef Anyo to be changed into a new, shinier boss. (Let's face it, Nef needs help whenever he can get it.) There's also speculation that the Corpus will be invading Sedna later in the event.


Sorry, went off on a tangent. The Ethics involved in this is whether or not we allow one side to grow in power, basically. We can leave our fellows, possibly the new warframe even, to the Corpus OR we can save them. In general practice the Corpus are cunning, ignoble bastards who have no sense of honor or respect, something that the Tenno hold in high regard. The Grineer, on the other hand, are well-versed in honorable combat so far as I have seen. Not one Grineer boss has EVER put themselves away from a fight like the Corpus do with their Proxies. They welcome the challenge to their power, rather than fear it.


Also the Corpus are being so cheap there's no reason we should help them unless they offer us our fellows as compensation.

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Yea see that is where it starts, the rewards, that is where everyone became split, and like you said Khi this event pulled in ethics for once, but i still think that is was somewhat "rigged" in the begging with the rewards pulling most supporters from one side to the other.

Edited by QuinnsWing
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To be fair, the Corpus are very greedy...they don't LIKE giving away anything of value. Hell, they gave us the mutation mods only because they don't see them as being of any great value at all. (In their message about it in the Lore they quoted it as dangling some mod technology in our faces. Leads me to believe it's something they've had forever and just don't find very valuable anymore)

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Yea from a lore standpoint i can see the corpus being one of the major threats, the grineer following close behind, but from my point of view, i dont want those grineer to get stronger than they all ready are. I would rather support corpus and then let my hatred for them grow while i help them so i can murder them later.

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In the heat of battle, a thought struck Ajkrumen.


What am I doing? I can't let our brothers die...


Taking cover, Ajkrumen activated his Comm-Link. "Heus, we can't let this happen. I'm siding with those damnable Grineer, if not to save our Tenno."


"Roger that. On your cue"


Ajkrumen whipped around and sent a wave of spikes into the Corpus. Heus began to spray down their enemies with his Braton Prime. As they advanced further into the Corpus ship, they got a transmission from Alad V.


"What are you doing?! I hope you know that you are sacrificing your precious blueprints..."


"Better that than my brothers!"


Heus unsheathed his Gram and began to slice away at the Corpus, each swing ringing death. Ajkrumen de-activated the cloaking device around Glacies and began to channel energy to it. The Elite Crewmen that were taking cover went rigid as spikes of ice protruded from their bodies. Heus looked at his master, astonished. Advancing at a walking pace, Ajkrumen kept on channeling energy into the ancient Artifact, until all of the Corpus were dead. As always, it took a major toll to dissipate the energy. The Frost Prime collapsed on the floor. Running to his master, Heus lifted up the exhausted frame and limped towards the extraction, already injured from a Flux Rifle.


"All Corpus are dead. Get out of there."







Just a little mini-story. More will come soon. :D

Edited by Ajkrumen
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