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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Harahel waded through a seething mass of death and dying, a dark harbinger of doom. All around him the Corpus and Grineer battled, a huge host on either side. He was Cloaked by his Shade, seen by neither friend nor foe. He was technically supporting the Grineer - for no other reason than that he disliked the oily tone of Alad V's words - yet he fired not a shot for his supposed comrades. He was very interested to know how the Grineer would handle the now mass-produced Flux Rifles.


Just then, a laser quickly cut down a line of Shield Lancers he was standing behind. He looked around him, and saw that the Corpus were now at a numerical advantage. Apparently, not very well. With a sigh, he decided to uphold his contract. He raised his arms and let loose a wave of pure fear; a cold that chilled the very soul and brought a feeling of impending primal dread. Immediately, the enemy ran, not even considering their clear advantage. As they took the stairs, Harahel leaped down from his platform to cut off their escape. Now out of his Cloak, he raised his arms again, and suddenly, the nano-ghosts of the Corpus of another ship whispered into being; Techs, Elite Crewmen, and all types of the better MOAs. Harahel was selective in his killing.


The air was rent in an explosive crossfire between nano-reproductions of Corpus weaponry and Grineer explosives. There was so much going on that Harahel couldn't even see what was happening. He thought he could see black smoke at some point, but he wasn't sure. When at last the smoke and fire cleared, the Grineer stood victorious, yet somehow stunned; as if they couldn't quite believe how they had survived. As he cremated the corpses of those around him, he took note of a strange data-globe on the floor. Absorbing it, Harahel saw that it was schematics for an unknown object, Its name read: Despair. He then saw that he had four un-received transmissions. Shrugging, he went further into the ship.


Based on true story. No, seriously.

Edited by Tyranthius
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XD Yeah, I had stalker pop in once too. It was hilarious how he just got mowed down by all things at once.


Stalker: -pops in- Imma kill you!


Grineer&Corpus: We gonna F- you up!


Stalker: oh no...


Anyway, here's my story since I reached 100 missions for grineer (and one for corpus out of curiosity) in 2 days.




It had been only two solar cycles in earth time since the conflict had really begun, give or take half a cycle, and already many nodes had been taken by the Grineer on Mars. It had helped that many Tenno felt that saving their fellows was beyond any payment Alad V and his cult of despicably traitorous followers could think up. Even when the offered battle pay was much greater than what Sargus Ruk was offering more Tenno sided with the Grineer than against. Of course...some Tenno had simpler reasons for helping the cyclopian relic hunter.


"Hi mister pumpkin, I'm baaaaack!" Nova-Quinn exclaimed with a giddy laugh, cartwheeling up to Ruk without any regard for the many Grineer eyes trained upon her every move. "Can I go asplode them now, can I can I can I?" She asked excitedly, bouncing up and down. It wasn't even about a grudge against the Corpus, not that she remembered that, it was simply that she didn't want to fight alongside a 'Toilet-Seat Head'.


"Yes. You go kill well, Tenno. Lead Grineer to Victory!" Ruk shouted, raising a fist into the air rallying his troops for the push to take Alator. Ruk had become a little too familiar with the red and black bundle of energy lately so he played upon her desire to just go blow S#&$ up by simply letting her. It didn't even have to be her setting off the explosion, multiple times the Grineer relic hunter had witnessed her priming great swathes of enemies with anti-matter only for a heavy gunner to set them off in a fabulous display of bloody red...most often followed by an exclamation about cherries.


"Wooooo!" Throwing her arms in the air NQ grabbed her black Hek shotgun and sprinted ahead of the slower Grineer forces blasting away at Corpus foolish enough to get in her path. The Hek had seen a great deal of use, and as such had gotten 2 formas to it already, making it a far more destructive weapon than before. The Nova's cell was not going to waste too much forma on the Hek, however, as Crowley had need of a great deal of the precious stuff for his project. Regardless, when Nova-Quinn reached the half-way point she used wormhole to blip in front of the Corpus forces, making them recoil in surprise.


A sinister smile crept across NQ's face behind her helmet even as she glowed a red even deeper than her armor's color. "AHAHAHAHAHAAAH BURN SUCKERS! BURN THE FLAMES OF ANTIMATTER!" The maniacal battle-cry was so off-putting the Corpus began to run in fear just as they got tagged in burning red. Not a second later a Miter saw found its mark and a glorious chain-reaction was set off. The blossoms of crimson explosions filled the entry room of the Corpus ship, leaving much of it damaged beyond repair. It was a miracle the Grineer hadn't suffered casualties from such an event. After she calmed down Nova-Quinn went on her merry way, summoning a dozen bits of antimatter around her to go after foes she had missed as she passed.




Issachar was still green, but she was trusted to go out and pick a side on her own. Much to her fortune she found herself following in the wake of Nova-Quinn's destructive habits. The purple Saryn finally understood why her clan-mates tended to fear her so greatly when she was bored. The destructive power of a Nova Warframe was not to be taken lightly. Taking her time, Issa walked through the ships, using her kama to dispatch any stragglers or hiding Corpus proxies as well as gather materials along the way. She had been informed that her sensei Crowley was in need of a massive amount of materials and this conflict seemed to give a great deal of alloy plates, rubedo, and control modules. She was confident that in aiding the Grineer her scavenging would be made much easier, though mainly as a side-product of killing the scum who held her Tenno brethren hostage.




Khimera snarled as he unleashed a flurry of bullets into the head of a Corpus Tech, blowing a hole in the heavily-plated headgear. He had been swayed by Tyranthius' earlier speech and had since chosen to side with the Grineer. Originally it was because the Grineer offered better rewards, but he knew that was merely the pettiest of reasons why he was going with them. Fellow Tenno were more important than stopping the Grineer advance. Besides, this was Mars they were fighting over. Of all the places to fight over Mars wasn't that amazing so even if the Grineer took it, it was no great loss at the moment.


"Aaaahh!" The Volt gave a cry of pain as a Flux Rifle found its mark at his shoulder, Like many times before rage welled up in the wasp-colored Tenno, bringing him to outstretch his hand and send a bolt of lightning right into the perpetrating Corpus Crewman's chest. Breaking him from a rampage, Khimera found himself keyed into a transmission from Crowley.


"Return to the dojo...we have work to do. This conflict will not end away from our favor. We need your expertise so finish up and come back as quickly as you can."


"As quickly as I can?" Smirking, Khi poured energy into his limbs, sprinting through a crowd of Grineer into the center of enemy forces, kicking up a cloud of sparks as he screeched to a halt on the metal floor. "Buh-bye!" He laughed, sending out a massive pulse of electrical power, shorting the circuits of the facility while obliterating a majority of the Corpus forces in the room. "Hah! How's that for quick old friend?"

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That was how Kevin felt as he fired a three round burst of armor piercing bolts punched through a Corpus Crewman's helmet. His Boltor clacked empty. Kevin slung the weapon and switched to his Vasto revolver and continued firing, picking off a MOA walker that just walked into the line of fire. He was tired from the constant combat.


Ara was starting to gain a reputation of being the bloodiest battle he had ever been in. The Grineer would push forward only to be pushed back, the same thing would happen to the Corpus. In all honesty it was like a really stupid game where neither side was winning. He was tired of shooting block shaped Corpus heads, he was tired of screaming MOAs trying to drop kick him whenever Carl pulled off a Radial Disarm on them. He was tired of Alad V. And Sargas Ruk insulting each other and the Tenno over the COM links.


He was tired of Ara...And he wanted to be with Janice.

Edited by Divinity112
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That's me! :o


I took ~six hours to write that. Popped a few pain pills, took a bunch of breaks and thought out how to write it up. 


Hopefully it really is interesting and that wasn't sarcasm. :T

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Color, if it were any more interesting my brain would have jumped from my skull and...uhm...brain-planted upon my laptop screen. You REALLY thought it all out. And I can see how some people may have misconstrued some parts of it to be siding with the Corpus and trying to get others to do so, but it's really not anything like that. It is a thorough examination of the ethics involved (not to mention the lore involved) in this conflict.

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Color, if it were any more interesting my brain would have jumped from my skull and...uhm...brain-planted upon my laptop screen. You REALLY thought it all out. And I can see how some people may have misconstrued some parts of it to be siding with the Corpus and trying to get others to do so, but it's really not anything like that. It is a thorough examination of the ethics involved (not to mention the lore involved) in this conflict.


Some people say I look too deep into things. I just like to think I delve deep enough to fully grasp the meaning. Sadly, since not everyone does this, I feel like half the people don't even read the whole thread, they just see one thing they don't like and post.


Also, that's probably the best thing anyone has ever said about any of my reviews, ever. ._. 

Edited by Colorswirl
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Alexander squeezed a blast from his Strun Wraith into the chest of a Corpus Crewman, blowing it wide open from the buckshot as well as launching the corpse into a bulkhead. With a weak groan, the crewman slid to the ground, lifeless, a red trail following the body's path from the wall to the floor.


It has been days of nearly non-stop ship to ship combat. Corpus literally fell by the thousands with each passing day to his hand alone, not including the other members of his clan. Alexander has long since lost track of time, the past few days having become a long blur to him as he fought across many combat zones, yet to seemingly no avail as the battle lines barely budged in favour of the Grineer. The only things keeping him going were the constant stream of stimulants pumped into his body by his Rhino warframe, as well as his single-minded determination to his goal. He would not let a single Tenno fall victim to the Corpus machinations - to the horrors that Alad V had in store for his brethren in cryosleep.


A shiver ran down his spine, even through the combat high and the drugs, as he remembered coming across the grisly remains of Tenno "experimentation" after the Corpus unveiled their Fusion Moa.


The tickling sensation against his iron skin from a Crewman's Dera caught his attention as he turned to face the Corpus foolish enough to actually believe he could ambush him with that puny pea-shooter. Alex guffawed with manic laughter as he sprinted towards the Corpus, who continued to fire at him futilely as his feet shook the ground he stomped across.


"Piu piu piu!? I'm gonna make you go crunch crunch crunch, RHINO SMASH!" He bellowed as he activated his Charge, pinning the poor Crewman between him and the wall. "I'd tell you that this won't hurt a bit, but I'd be lying. This is going to hurt a LOT!" He cackled, pressing the entirety of his weight against the Crewman, causing him to hellishly shriek in agony as Alex felt a sickening crunch against his shoulder, transversely bisecting the Crewman at the waist. "On ancient Earth, they had a specific name for the crime I'm about to commit upon your souls. They called it assault with a bodily weapon!" He yelled as he picked up the still living upper torso of the Crewman, holding it over his head as he charged into another skirmish between his temporary Grineer allies and some more soon-to-be-dead Corpus. 


He hollered a battle cry as he jumped over a railing into the fight below, screaming torso in tow. The wailing of the half-Corpus was stopped with each impact of the body against other Corpus, as Alex swung the torso around like a hammer, flinging blood all over the room. "Hey Corpus, check this out! I guess your friend's half the man he used to be!" He cackled, sending each Corpus he hit with the body flying into objects, other Corpus, and even the Grineer, who were more than happy to viciously lay into their new friends, sinister chuckles accompanying each new toy they received.


A short time and many dead Corpus later, Alex asked his unwilling captive a question. "Hey buddy, you still with me? Wasn't that fun?" He inquired. "Hey, you still with me? Playtime's not over." Frowning at the torso's silence, he set it on the ground, ripping off the front of the boxy helmet, to reveal a long-dead pale face, eternally frozen in an silent scream of utter despair.


"Aw, finished already? I think I broke him," Alex uttered to nobody, as he raised his foot and crushed the head with a squish. He shook his head in disappointment and turned away, walking away from the horrific scene that was this last battle, as he left a room filled with blood and bodies behind.


On to the next battleground.


What felt like seconds later, Alex found himself neck-deep in a quagmire of another battle, with some fellow Tenno and Grineer on one side, and a Corpus force on the other. He took aim at a Moa and grunted with frustration as his Strun Wraith clicked empty. He ran a split-second inventory diagnostic and tossed it aside haphazardly as his HUD revealed that he was out of ammo. He reached into his thigh holster and grabbed his last two kunai, tossing them with deadly precision into the Moa's vital areas, quickly shutting down the machine.


He then spotted a trio of three Elite Crewmen and charged at them, screaming like an enraged berserker as he reached onto his back, grabbing his Dual Zorens. With a grunt, he heaved the two axes into the air, both axes meeting their intended targets as the two axes spun right into the heads of the two Crewmen, sending them to the next life promptly, as he rammed his shoulder into the last Crewman in lieu of activating his Charge. He wanted to keep enough energy in reserve to instantly reactivate Iron Skin in case his current coating was completely stripped from his Warframe. The two of them rolled across the floor of the installation together, eventually stopping with Alex on top in full mount, the helpless Crewman writhing underneath the weight of the Rhino. With a mighty roar, Alex ripped the boxy helmet of the Elite off, tossing it aside as he stared into the horrified face of the Elite, screaming and pleading for mercy as he shook his head vigorously in denial.


"Mercy...you want mercy? Think of the Tenno your masters have used as guinea pigs before you beg for clemency. Think of my brethren you have in cryosleep even now, totally unaware of what they're about to undergo, or what's being done to them as they slumber. THIS, is what I think of your whole organization!" He screamed in utter rage as his raised his fist and began to slam it into the bare face of the Crewman. 


Punch after punch, the smack of armour pounding into flesh reverberated across the battlefield as Alex lost track of the brutality he was unleashing. He didn't even realize that all that remained of the Crewman was a primordial mush of bone and blood until he heard a voice from far away call his name repeatedly, and a pair of hands pull him off the body.


"Alex, I've been looking for you for the past 12 hours! Why didn't you respond to my comms?" He turned to face the familiar helmet of Keiji, his clanmate utilizing an Excalibur warframe. Alex frowned and ran a quick scan of his Warframe's subsystems. "Honestly, K? They've been down for the longest time. I was starting to wonder why it was so quiet..." He trailed off. Keiji shook his head, "You've been in the field for the past 48 hours straight. I know you're no stranger to long assignments, but with how intense this war has been, it's honestly more than you should have on your plate. C'mon man, let's get you out of here, Hadrian's been going stark raving mad looking for you."


Alex remained silent and didn't complain as Keiji took his arm and slung it across the Excalibur's shoulders, supporting him as they made for the extraction shuttles, as four Tenno ran past them towards the battlefield to relieve their post.


After the shuttles docked with one of their clan's cruisers waiting for them behind an asteroid, Alex sat in a bare bones minimalist room, with a desk, bathroom, a bed, and nothing else as the cruiser began its trek back to their Dojo. 


He unsealed his helmet and took it off, setting it beside him as he ruminated on this war and what drove him, along with the rest of the clan, to align themselves with the Grineer. For Alex, it was purely personal reasons. 


For the past year after being awoken from cryosleep, he drove himself to the brink of death from exhaustion as he searched the entire Origin system for one cryopod. Alex had personally rescued many Tenno from a horrible fate, but had yet to find the one Tenno he was desperately trying to find before the Grineer, Corpus, or worse, the Infestation did. Every time he rescued a female Tenno and it wasn't her, he literally felt his heart drop through his stomach and a bit of hope die each time.


His memories drifted back to the last evening he spent with her before the start of the cataclysm that lead to the demise of Orokin Society and forced the entirety of the remaining Tenno into cryosleep. The two of them sat together atop a grassy knoll at night, staring up into the stars they would be voyaging into the very next morning, fingers interlocked as they gazed into the heavens. "Hey...whatever happens. Promise me you'll find me when this is all over," Alex heard her whisper, as she laid her head against his shoulder. "Eleanor," Alex whispered back, "I will search for a hundred lifetimes, and I won't stop until I've found you."


That night was the last time he ever saw her, and after many lifetimes spent in cryosleep, he has still yet to find her. The doubts and fears started to plague at his mind. What if he was too late? What if she was one of the Tenno the Corpus had recently "acquired?" What if the Grineer lost, thus sealing her fate? What if he was far too late and she was already a brutal victim of Corpus experimentation, long before he had awoken? What if her cryopod had failed over the ages? 


As these dark thoughts raged like a maelstrom through his soul, the combat high and his warframe's drugs started to wear off, and the memories of the last two days came to the forefront of his mind, especially how he had acted with the torso and right before Keiji had pried him off the corpse he beat into a literal pulp.


Alex instantly grabbed a trashcan and brought it up to his mouth as he retched into it, bile and little else being expelled from his mouth as his vomiting quickly became dry heaves. He wiped his mouth and set the trashcan back onto the floor, lamenting his current situation. His lamentations were interrupted by a beeping from the desk-mounted comm unit. With a resigned sigh, Alex reached over and hit the answer button. 


"Alex here," He droned. "Alex, is that you? It's been a crazy few days buddy, it's good to hear your voice," Came Hadrian's familiar tone, slightly crackling with static due to the distance between Mars and their Dojo.


"What's up, Hadrian? This can't be a social call," Alex queried. "It isn't, but I wasn't too worried. I could still monitor your vitals even though your comms were shot. Keiji told me what happened, and I know why you're taking this war harder than most. Even so, you've been in the field for 48 hours. Report back to the Dojo for 24 hours of rest." Alex opened his mouth to protest, but was quickly cut off. "Alex. We'll find her. You're no good to her dead. Get some rest, man. Guillermo's just gotten back as well and he's cooking up a warm meal for you." The Rhino smiled at the idea of the Frost's cooking. The man was a culinary genius. He was capable of making fabricated rations into gourmet exquisiteness.


"I hear you smiling from here, Lex. Let some of the others take over for now. I haven't forgotten what Eleanor means to you, man. We'll find her."


Alex nodded sedately, "Alex out," He trailed off, ending the call as he lay on the simple bed with his hands underneath his head, staring up at the blank ceiling.


"Ellie," He whispered, as he drifted into sleep. 


But it would not be a peaceful one, as those dark thoughts that plagued him earlier would take form in his dreams...

Edited by CommanderCorgi
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That's me! :o


I took ~six hours to write that. Popped a few pain pills, took a bunch of breaks and thought out how to write it up. 


Hopefully it really is interesting and that wasn't sarcasm. :T

DERP. Shoulda known, it was actually interesting and well-reasoned!

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I'm not sure if I'll be able to make a hundred. I'm currently using a borrowed laptop, and very, very far from home. I'm actually on a mandatory family vacation to the Philippines of all places - Boracay, to be exact - and I'll get home with one day to finish the event, with 49 missions to go.

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