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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Harahel could only shake his head. His gaze swept over the mortuary, and he saw several Tenno fallen in battle. All of them fighting for either the Grineer or the Corpus. All of them fighting for balance. There was much work to be done, and they were quite understaffed. The name of NEKROS carried an ominous air, or so he had heard, ever since the death of an Initiate named Sundrus. Harahel did not know all of it, however. He was also quite surprised that Crowley was absent, though he might have expected it. He says he has more important things to do. I suppose it is low duty for the Grand Master, but it would certainly boost morale.


There were several NEKROS in attendance, and though no formal rites were yet to occur, several other Tenno as well. As he was most experienced among them - though he lied about exactly how much more - the Initiates more or less looked to him for what might have been leadership. His nature balked at the idea, but he told himself that it was necessary.


"How many casualties?"


"Around thirty-seven from the clan alone", replied one of the NEKROS. "No word on the battle in general."


Harahel nodded grimly. Thirty-seven dead, fighting for the enemies - as if some ironic twist of fate. Most surely had friends, some might have even had families, and all of them were comrades. They would never return, but their memories would be honored, as was only right.


"Thirty-seven", said an Initiate to another. "And now the Grineer get stronger. Did we make the right choice, in the end?"


"There might not have been a right choice", Harahel replied in an attempt of consolation. "We saved our brethren, beat back the Corpus, bolstered the Grineer all in one stroke. But if the tides had turned, we would have lost our brethren, weakened the Grineer, and thereby strengthened the Corpus. Who can say which is better? Either way, the price of ridding evil from the world is always high."


The Initiates nodded somberly at this, but one of the other Tenno scoffed. Harahel fixed him with a stare through his Raknis, his venom-green energy turning the color of dried blood, and that was the end of that.


"...might have been Sundrus all over again..." he heard an Initiate whisper. There was that name again. He would have to hear the story soon. It seemed fairly well-known among these Initiates. Perhaps with some of that vodka he had heard an ASH was making somehow, but all he said was, "Come along now, we have much to do."

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"The Grineer are victorious." John said as he looked each Clan member in the eye for a moment before continuing. "And I realize that many of you expressed concerns that the Grineer have seen much of our fighting strength as a whole. I understand that." The Frost looked down before exhaling.

"I also understand that everyone is tired," he continued "Yes we have stopped the Corpus from gaining any more influence but now the Grineer grow stronger, with more territories under their belt many more innocents will be subjugated to their imperialist will." There was a cold fury in the room. Everyone stiffened, Kevin even more so. Ivan in particular was frightening, his helmet was off and his dark eyes burned with near apoplectic anger. "So... despite the grimness of this situation a victory is nonetheless a victory. We have managed to save more of our Tenno Brothers and sisters. We will rest for now, maintain your warframes, your weapons, because in three weeks time we will resume our operations into Grineer territory, especially those that were won in the Gradivus Dilemna."


"Attention!" Ivan barked.


Clan Bellum Forma's Tenno stood to attention.


"Dismissed." John spoke.

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''Energy under 0.01%. ejecting inhabitant.'' Vaughan fell to the ground with a loud THUD as his cryo-pod opened.


''Tenno, are you awake?'' An unfamiliar voice spoke to him. Still confused from his rude awakening, Vaughan paid no heed to the voice, blowing it off as an auditory hallucination. He looked around the room, trying to see if he could remember this place only to be distracted as his Skana fell from the cryo-pod and landing in the ground a few meters from him. He stood up and grabbed his Skana, having remembered very little of this place prior to going into the cryo-pod, And started walking through what looked like an old Orokin ship.


''Tenno! do you hear me?'' There was that voice again.


''Tenno, respond!''


''HOW?'' Vaughna shouted. ''HOW THE F*** DO I RESPOND TO YOU?''


''You could start by not shouting.'' The voice said. ''I am known as Lotus, and I am communicating to you through your suits comm unit. this is all I can explain at the moment but I promise you that all will be explained once you have made your way to the extraction point I uploaded to your in-suit map.''


''you promise to explain this once I have escaped?'' Vaughan asked, only to recieve static. He shrugged and started moving, holding his Skana in a single hand as he moved through the seemingly empty ship. He felt as he had walked for hours when he reached the second to last room, from wich he could hear footsteps. He opened the door slightly only to see something that confused him. Hundreds of Tenno, seemingly all in a trance of some sort, bowed in front of a large figure sitting on a throne made of something that Vaughan hadn't seen before. He made his way slowly into the room and tried to sneak past the figure, getting close to the throne only to discover that it was made out of dead Tenno. 


''You think I don't see you there, Sleeper?'' The figure stood up.


''I was hoping you were a little bit dumb, honestly.'' Vaughan said, hiding a small grin born from excitement of finally seeing combat.


''You think your insults make me angry? If so, you are horribly wrong.''


''Wow, color me impressed, I didn't know that a misshapen Rhino could act so civilized.'' Vaughan taunted.


''You are walking on a very thin ice.''


''Noooooo, really? did you figure that out all by yourself?''


''You will die for your insolence! Subjects attack!''


The moment those words fell, the Tenno who had seemingly been entranced attacked like beasts,wielding nothing but fists and legs.


''You think they will kill me? fat chance!'' Vaughan laughed as he carved through several Tenno dressed in the remains of their warframes, Each slash killing several and dismembering several others. Like a beast he fought, until the subjects refused to get near him, seeing the bodies laying on the ground besides the Excalibur they knew as the Sleeper.


''Enough!'' The  Rhino stood up from his throne. ''I'll kill you myself!'' He shouted as he revealed his own weapon, a very cracked and Rusted Scindo.


''Bring it!'' Vaughan shouted as the Rhino charged at him, swinging the Scindo wildly.


''I will drink from your skull, Sleeper!'' the rhino shouted as he brought the axe down, aiming to cleave the Excalibur in half only to be blocked relatively easy by the young Tenno. Taking the advantage of the Rhinos surprise, Vaughan easily swept the legs from under him and delivered the final blow to his neck with his leg. 


''What will we do now?'' A voice came from behind. A single Tenno was standing over the bodies of the fallen


''don't ask me, you guys tried to kill me, remember?''


''Only out of fear of the Tyrant.''


''The misshapen Rhino?'' Vaughan asked.


''Yes, and now you are leaving us here, with no leader.'' The Tenno almost shouted.


''Do you really want me for a leader? No, you don't!'' Vaughan said, quickly adding: ''You should really not depend on the strongest as leader, but the wisest. So wich one of you is wise enough to lead your people?


''I guess I am'' A Woman walked forth, revealing herself to still have a functional Trinity Warframe, healing those who Vaughan had injured.


''I am the only one here with still functioning Warframe, and I have been keeping the tribe safe from Tyrrus, whom you killed.''


''Then it's settled, you are the new Leader and I am out of here!'' Vaughan shouted as he ran to the extraction zone.


''Tenno! are you there? your signal was jammed and I was just getting it back now!''


''I'm all right, but there are more Tenno here, Lotus.''


''I will send in an extraction team immediatly, but first report to my agents at the Station. The co-ordinates are programmed into the fighter.''


''Will they finally explain what is going on?''




On that final note, Vaughan stepped into the snub-fighter, making his way to the Station to finally get some explanation.



Why was this the only thing that came to my mind? it took like 3 hours to write!

Edited by FatViking
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Here's the beginning of something, if it ends after tonight don't worry about it, it's something slightly longer-winded.




Khimera sat in front of a console that was beyond anything he'd ever seen or used before save for his forays into the Orokin Towers and the Derelicts. Still, it wasn't anything he couldn't handle with some working, and he'd had...oh...a full solar cycle to figure out how to decrypt and manipulate the ship's systems for what was happening now. The wasp-colored Tenno was in his element here, and far more relaxed than actually out fighting in the battlefield. Turning around to look at Crowley, Tyranthius, and Ajkrumen Khi folded his arms and crossed one leg over the other. "We're ready to go, remote direction of our 'armada' is commencing, all rudimentary systems are online, weapons on 2 ships are ready and our leading ship has a nice little function I just unlocked. Who wants to rally the troops?" He asked, grinning behind his Storm helmet. The ships would probably be useless and in shambles after this but he'd be damned if they didn't make a huge impact in the Grineer and Corpus forces tonight.


Crowley shifted his weight from one leg to the other, his Hate slung over his shoulder in a casual manner. A lot of work and last-minute planning had gone into this 'project' and the ice-blue Nekros had shirked a lot of duties to help get this all together just as Tyranthius and Ajkrumen had as heads of the project. Stepping forward he let his scythe drop down as his eyes narrowed. "I will...elaborate to Tyranthius and Aj what function you've found." He commanded, leaving the bridge and heading to a room that would transmit his image and voice to all the ships and to connected Tenno outposts. It was a chamber with a circular dais colored in Orokin white and gold lined with small blue lights that served to transmit the rallying cry.


Taking his time the keeper of the dead stepped up onto the dais, lines of glowing circuitry lightning up as he moved into positions, the lights seeming to scan over the Nekros' body. Waiting a moment to make sure he was transmitting, Crowley let the butt of his scythe slam down onto the dais with a resounding crack. "TENNO!" He shouted, his energy becoming a bloody red. "We have 'served' these petty warlords in their conflict and have gained and lost. We are keepers of the balance and yet what have we to show for our efforts? Pain! Sorrow! Rage! All because of some blitzkrieg conflict that could not be settled without our intervention! Yet neither side cares for our own suffering or the suffering they cause the rest of the system! We have lost loved ones, brothers, sisters, friends, fellow Tenno!" Crowley let this sink in for a moment as he turned about, looking around at the lights, his energy trailing in his movements. "Tonight...tonight is the night we have long since honored the dead and gone..." There was a soft yet audible sigh from the blue-clad Tenno as he gripped his scythe tightly. "TONIGHT WE SHALL HONOR THOSE WHO FELL FOR A WAR NOT OURS!" Raising his Hate, Crowley slammed it down onto the dais again. "HAIL THE GLORIOUS DEAD! HAIL THE VICTORIOUS FALLEN! HAIL TENNO!" With each exclamation was another resounding crack from the scythe, Crowley's fervor almost frightening. For him to lose composure and act in this manner could only mean he was more than serious about what they were about to do: cripple both sides before they could reach the Mars node known as War.


While Crowley made his speech, Khimera brought the Frost and Loki over to the console, waving his hand over to indicate a pair of circular openings near where one would sit. "Curious, no? These are conduits for the powers of our Warframes. Limited in use as they are...perhaps you'd like to knock out the enemy's weapon systems from here, Tyranthius?" He hinted with an obvious devious grin behind his helmet. "Or perhaps rupture the cryogenics systems and ruin their shields?" He nodded to Ajkrumen, though there was no doubt this was a one-off function. It was unlikely the ship was in any condition to make a repeat performance after use so they'd need to wield this power wisely and use it at the right time to get a greater edge.

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It was genius! I can't wait to continue the story with you and Ty. :3





Now I must sit and ruminate.  Ideas come to me at the most inconvenient times so I may have something to jot down either later tonight or early tomorrow morning. :P

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ok so i finished another event story, now to bed!!!



  The Grineer a warring race of  clones of the old human race. They were trying to suppress the Corpus, their motto was “Loyalty”.


   Walking in the back of a pack of Grineer, a Volt checked his weapons. The coming fight was going to be hard, one of the hardest battles he has even had. Making sure his weapons were ready he looked up to see his Grineer “allies” watching him. 


   “What?!?!” He snapped irritated. Laughing the Grineer turned away and continued their march. This was not the first time he had caught them looking at him or laughing. He knew what they were thinking though, he was “Loyal” to them and only them, he was just a dog, a toy, a pawn. Muttering angrily to himself he followed them again. They came upon a horrifying scene, masses of Grineer were slaughtered and torn limb from limb. The Grineer disturbed muttered in their broken english. 


   “It had to be another dog!” One Grineer yelled above the rest. A multitude of voices followed agreeing. The Volt laughed quietly at the confused Grineer then pushed through them to continue to battle. He was not excited nor did he anticipate the coming bloodshed, he just wanted it done with. 


   The battle was harsh, there was much death on each side. The Corpus lost this battle but the Grineer paid for it with the blood of many. The Volt had been the cornerstone to the Grineer victory, being able to amplify the electricity within/around the corpus into a deadly weapon. The charred and burnt corpses looked somewhat out of place in a fight between Grineer and Corpus, and the smell was horrific, but no one complained. Walking through the pile of smoking and charred corpses, a few which were on fire, the Volt watched the Grineer scavenge for things. Shaking his head he turn and headed for extraction. One of the Grineer which was sitting on a rock stood  up and grabbed the Volts shoulder roughly.


  The Volt’s eye’s narrowed underneath his helmet and the Grineer received a shock strong enough to make his arm go limp, along with most of his upper body. The other Grineer around them raised their weapons at the ready. The Volt slowly turn on his heels to face the clones. 


   “Do...not...touch….me...garbage.” He angrily. The Grineer laughed.


   “We can do what we want, DOG!” The one closest to him said proudly. A cruel smile appeared in the Volt’s helmet.


   “Really?” He asked innocently. Some of the Grineer looked nervously amongst themselves a few laughed but one, oh that one. The clone walked forward and shoved the Volt backwards, almost off his feet. Suddenly the lights went out, and all that was left was the glowing Volt. A few short seconds later, nothing was left but the Volt humming quietly to himself as he walked to extraction, leaving behind the corpses of the Grineer, many burnt others still lit with fire from the high voltage which had passed through them all.

Edited by QuinnsWing
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