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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Alrighty then.




When two minutes had passed, the Mag had crossed two-thirds of the canyon and more than two dozen infected were lying on the ground, arrow shafts sticking up from their bodies. 


"Tenno, there was a miscalculation this time. You will have to endure." The Lotus's voice said, moments before the evac ship blew up, the explosion engulfing almost half the cave, sending the Mag flying and leaving only scattered remains of infected, mechanical parts, and most of the cave.


The Mag did her best to control her flight, using her magnets to keep everything from hitting her. Unfortunately it wasn't enough, as a huge metal plate, most likely the part of an outer hull of the evac ship, crashed into the back of her head and knocked her out.




Vuryan, a simple crewman of ship 86952 of the Corpus clans, had watched as his superiors blow up the Tenno ship. This was it, he was part of actual anti-Tenno fighting. He had thought about this for months, that since he was now a full-fledged engineer, and a great medicinal distributor, that he would have to face them: The Tenno, the destroyers of the ancient planet Earth, the heirs to the Orokin and the greatest soldiers in the galaxy, or so the stories said. Now they had followed one of their ships and destroyed it, trapping the Tenno that had been going with it in their base.


Vuryan was among the first team, the ones who went in only moments after the ship's shields had been extended over the breach to seal the atmosphere there. He looked around, seeing nothing but burnt down corpses of infected.


"What were they researching here anyways?" He asked the crewman on his right, Daran.

"No clue, it must have been the infected again." Daran answered him, right before seeing movement. "WHAT'S THAT?!" he shouted, both of them raising their plasma shotguns at whatever it was, illuminating it with the flashlights on the barrels.


"A Tenno! A living Tenno! Can you believe it?" Daran exclaimed once they got closer, seeing that it was immobile.


"Let's get her on board. We'll probably get promoted, maybe either the council or Alad will pay all of us great amounts for her. Man, a living non-cryo Tenno captive. This is awesome." Vuryan said as they took her up on an unfolded stretcher, his heart racing as they made their way straight back to the ship and past the other groups going in there.


Although they didn't know it, they would be the lucky ones.

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@Ajkrumen: Just trying to inspire you a bit. Chill out man, it's just a test. Remember that popular saying:   


"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."


Now let's write something up =D

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Soo, i finally got some time to post a bit of writing ^^ This turn out to be a bit longer than I intended... 


 = Chapter 1 – Rude Awakening = 


--- Accessing Internal Log Database > IntPersonalLogFile#000001LOKI ---

--- Scanning Brain Pattern ---

--- Brain Pattern Recognized ---

--- Decrypting and streaming ---


[image and sounds cracks up and focus.]


I think it’s recording now…


[Clicking sound; Computer bleeps]


Uhum, ok…


It’s been a while now since I “woke” up, and I’m still trying to piece together everything that happened. Lotus says to try and record these… these thoughts, that this could help me remember.

Maybe she’s right… I mean, it does help, my head doesn’t hurt anymore. My body, well, it does. A LOT. But the body will heal, as always. [sighs] And I have no idea how I know this…


But I’m getting ahead of myself here, first…


[shuffles around the seat, gets up, walks side-to-side]


…where should I begin?




Most of my memory is either blank or a mess of sensations, feelings and information… Even recent memories – I think they’re recent – are fragmented. So I think I will begin there, the first thing that I remember: the alarm.


The constant, irritant, freighting alarm of the cryopod. It was trying to wake me up – for who knowns how long – from the cold sleep, as the pod have been damaged, and was leaking oxygen.

But it was the Lotus that awoke me. I don’t know how nor why. I heard her voice in the speakers inside the pod, then I came into myself. I could hardly breathe and the air was damp, humid and old. Really old. Just how long have I slept, anyways? Felt like centuries, more even…


The ‘frame begin booting. It was low on energy but all systems wore good. As the servos activated, I tried to move and my joints were badly cramped. That hurt a bit.


I noticed the pod was damaged – that’s why the alarm was ringing. The life support system was failing, and the outer shell, cracked. My frame pointed in the HUD at an “Emergency Manual Override”. I lifted my hand to open the hatch, grabbed it and pulled. It didn’t budge. Tried again, a bit harder. Still stuck. Then I noticed the air levels dropping fast, what gave me about a couple of minutes of breathable air…


I held my breath and shifted position in the not-so-much-spacious pod to better grab the hatch, and try again. I forced it over and over, to no avail.

As it began to get harder to breathe, I started panicking. Out of reflex I grabed my Lato, still firmly latched into the magnetic holster in my thigh, and that gave me an idea.


I thought about sealing my suit, and frame did it – the neural link was also active, good. I pressed the Lato against the hatch and cut loose. It took three or four shots before it gave away. Luckily no bullets rebounded inwards. I kicked open the hatch and jumped out, landing – if one can call it that – on all fours.


Almost suffocating, the frame sampled the atmosphere outside of the pod and opened the seal. I took a deep, cold breath, while staring the rocky ground. That almost felt good.


I picked myself up and looked around.


I was in some sort of cave, black as the night, only the flashlight of the helmet to help me see. The pod seems to have fallen through the ceiling, bringing it down with it. That’s what damaged it. I went back to investigate the pod further, and discovered that the rocks damaged the life support, but not the seal, thus the pod warning and the waking, as I would slowly suffocate if left to sleep.


I open another hatch marked “Omega’s Personal Belongings”. So that's was my name... or code-name... that will suffice for now.


I still don’t remember much about what I once had, but there I was barely thinking, so I grabbed everything. There was not much: A small, personal datamass, an extra Lato, a mate black Latron carabine with the word “ANNA” etched on one side, a pair of mate black-and-blue Fangs, and some extra ammo. I stashed everything where I could in the frame and abandoned the pod, as I felt dangerous to be there. At the time I didn’t knew why or how, I just felt it. Even now, I’m not sure how… Must have something to do with my training, that I can't recall too.


I started walking around the cave, trying to find a way out. It was difficult to see anything, but eventually I realized that that cave was not natural. It had power-tools markings on the walls, and every now and again I bumped into small, empty green containers, torn apart. The minutes passed and I couldn’t find an exit. My mind was a mess, aching terribly, and I began to doubt what I was going to get out at all.Somehow, the prospect of starving to death didn’t scared me. It still don’t.


Eventually I came across an air vent in a corner of the room, closed off with a small grill. I ripped the grills off, and looked inside. It gone a small way downwards and disappeared out of sight… Not very safe. As my situation in the cave didn’t looked any better, I slipped inside the vent, and made my way downwards.


Upon reaching the bottom, I was in a long horizontal vent, with a pale light at the distance, and I decided to try my luck there. As I moved, I began to hear some noises, voices in the distance, too faint to really pick anything up. I felt a chill running down my spine, and my muscles tensed up.


My enemy was close...


= \ / = 


So, what you guys think? 

(If you see any typo, plz let me known, english is not my main language)

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