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[VIDEO] UPDATED! - FULL Look at Frost, Zoren, Akbolto, Boltor, Ziplines and Wall Running!


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Hope you guys enjoy!

Forgive the shoddy sound. Recorded about an hour after release, and really excited to get into it and show everyone. Also, Pro Tip: Try to remember the names of your bloody weapons. Urgh.


So I did another full mission this time with the Frost, Boltor, Akbolto's and Dual Zoren. Also have some examples of the second Frost power and experiance the crazy f--king swarming of the new Infested chargers (DESteve! Hear my pleas!). Also, my sound is much better in this vid, so thanks to all who commented on the last video with your input!

And yes, I die in this mission. Once. SO WHAT?! I R L333T. (With the excpetion of failed wall runs for the longest time.)

In seriousness though, I hope you guys find it informative and give you a good preview of what to expect.


Edited by SilverBones
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Thannk, gotta view it now. Been waiting for something like this. Only wish there is some information on the "Boltor"

edit: I didn't actually see you use the Dual Zoren although you have it equipped. :/

Edited by Ronteque
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i can vouch for the crazy attack speed on them.. lol. they hack through things really quick at the appropriate level, though obviously they have much shorter range than most other melee weapons. i havent noticed any stun on them (mine is unmodded for now, only level 10 and dont have decent mods yet :/ ), but they make short work of unarmoured targets.

he's using the frost warframe. there is one more, the nyx. there are a couple new weapons (dual wield axes, dual wield boltos i think)

Edited by frozenballz
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I know. It was still level 1 so it was fairly useless. I can tell you this though... it attacks faster than anything else in game. CRAZY speed.

So the Dual Zoren is faster than the Heat Sword without any fire rate mods? What about the damage though?

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I will try and answer as many questions as I can with my limited knoledge, but my first impressions so far are... well, impressed.

The Frost looks awesome, feels awesome and the first power is very useful. I have yet to try the other powers, but I am sure they are just as fantastic.

The Dual Zoren are super quick, but their damage seems to be about on par with the dual Skana with a shorter range. More on that as I level them.

The Akbolto's are fabulous. High rate of fire, large clip and the projectiles seem much quicker. I haven't used the original Bolto for a while so I don't know if they patched it already to be faster.

The new maps are what blew me away the most however. The tubes and tunnels and doors... My goodness, it was a breath of fresh air. Everything seems new again!

I will do a better review later on when i have the stuff all unlocked and junk.

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Not sure if they are multiple target weapons, the zoren. They were still a bit too weak to really try out in big groups.

As for the boltor, it seems that with some moss and levels it could be much better than the bolto/akbolto. It was doing pretty well and the rate of fire was far superior

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The Boltor appears to be just a weaker version of the akboltos... Also, are the Zoren multiple target weapons?

You have to remember that the Boltor is a primary weapon so it has an additional mod slot and more nodes to increase stats on it. It also has a much larger magazine and maximum ammo.

Only problem is that there are many good primary weapons and not many good sidearms so you have a lot more choice using the AKBOLTO.

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Dual Zoren are crazy fast but VERY weak. Charge is 50 and normal is 15 damage. To build this, you'll need salvage, which you get after doing a decent amount of the game, and by then, you'll need a more powerful melee weapon, so if you get Dual Zoren, expect to have to spend a long time in Mercury, leveling it up.

Personally, I love the Dual Zoren because it FEELS good to me. I think the time spent leveling it up would be worth it.

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