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Yes, Another Vauban Build



Right, Ive been trying to perfect my vauban build for a long &#! time now And nothing works for me. I don't understand it. I've tried Max Duration, range, efficiency with hardly any power strength.

(Obviously I'm using Repelling Bastille)

ive also tried other mods too. This is the only build that comes to slightly close to what I'm after but a little advice on perfecting this would be amazing (Taking rage out isn't an option)


Current build

- Energy Siphon

- Repelling Bastille

- Power drift

- Primed Flow

- Primed Continuity

- Constitution

- Streamline

- Overextended

- Vitality


Help for the love of God, its driving me mental!!!

Edited by (PS4)DaftInLove
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1 hour ago, (PS4)DaftInLove said:

Right, Ive been trying to perfect my vauban build for a long &#! time now And nothing works for me. I don't understand it. I've tried Max Duration, range, efficiency with hardly any power strength.

(Obviously I'm using Repelling Bastille)

ive also tried other mods too. This is the only build that comes to slightly close to what I'm after but a little advice on perfecting this would be amazing (Taking rage out isn't an option)


Current build

- Energy Siphon

- Repelling Bastille

- Power drift

- Primed Flow

- Primed Continuity

- Constitution

- Streamline

- Overextended

- Vitality


Help for the love of God, its driving me mental!!!

In general, I think Vauban needs efficiency and not having maximum efficiency is why you are using rage. The only exception to this would be in raids or squads that have been purposefully set up with an EV trin and other CC. However, you get more duration per energy cast with bastille and vortex with maximum efficiency. Vauban is an area denial caster frame, you never want to run out of energy. I also think you should try Vauban without vitality in general play. He's squishy with low armour and shield, so I don't think it's really worth it. Instead use abilities for surivability. I use 3 builds: 1 dedicated for raids, 1 focussed on vortex and 1 focussed on bastille. For most missions, primed flow isn't required if you have good efficiency: in fact base power + maximum efficiency lets you cast the same number of bastilles (12) assuming full energy pool compared to primed flow with just streamline, but at 3 less mod drain. Primed flow is better with maximum efficiency imo because now you can cast 34 bastilles from a full energy pool.

Note, replace energy siphon with CP or enemy radar depending on mission and team requirements. The builds only require 1 forma, 1x dash.

1. Dedicated raid build: CP aura, vitality to help with health drain, primed flow (particularly for NM), primed continuity, stretch and cunning drift for large bastille without capacity loss that OE brings, intensify to increase capacity (better than BR imo because you don't get an efficiency loss), fleeting expertise for bastille spam and as a safeguard if your ev DCs or is bad, constitution for more duration.

2. Vortex focussed build: maximum range, then efficiency and duration and augment.

3. Repelling bastille focussed build: maximum range (area denial, stop things from getting into safe area when bastille is full), then efficiency and duration with some strength to buff up the capacity. 

Just my 2 cents.


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Ok so I've ive meddled around and here's what I've come up with.


Ive removed Vitality as you advise And it seems to be working rather well for me. Here is the current build (Some mods I need to acquire still)

- Cp (Aura)

- Power drift

- Fleeting expertise (Max)

- Consitution/Stretch (Depending on which Augment Mod im using, I have bastille and Vortex Aug mods now)

- Rage (Never run out of energy anymore)

- Perpetual Vortex/Repelling Bastille

- Overextended (Max)

- Primed Flow (Questionable still)

- Primed Continuity (R7)

- Narrow Minded (R7)

Power Duration is 180% if I swap out stretch for constitution or 152% if I leave stretch in

Power Efficieny is at 160% (I could add in streamline and take out Stretch/Continuiry altogether)


Power Range is 187% with Stretch, 142% without

Power Strength is at 55%


How close am I to perfecting this build?


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