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Snipers And Scopes


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I personally don't think it's any fun to use a sniper in this game, since you just zoom in with your normal crosshair.

I would love to see a real scope when zooming in. I know alot people would disagree, but with those I asked they agreed with me, but stilI don't think it should be removed, but there should maybe be an option where you can say you want to look in a real scope or something.

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There are already threads with this exact topic....but yes - snipers definitely need scopes. It's almost like our eyes simply zoom in - doesn't make any sense really.


And losing the corners of your view really means nothing - that's hardly any space.

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Nope. Using a real scope just means you lose the 4 corners from your FoV when sniping.


This is a good point but I think that the tradeoff for a little bit of extra realism would really be worth it.


Maybe they could make the scope sort of transparent? I think I've seen that done before.

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There are already threads with this exact topic....but yes - snipers definitely need scopes. It's almost like our eyes simply zoom in - doesn't make any sense really.


And losing the corners of your view really means nothing - that's hardly any space.

Well sorry I can't seem to find the other post about this. But happy you agree

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